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United Nations Agency Declares War on ‘Gendered Language’

10th September 2024

Read it.

The World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO)–global guardian of trademarks and patents–is cracking down on the use of so-called masculine terminology in its communications and documentation.

Out go such words as ‘forefathers,’ ‘lumberjack,’ and ‘cavemen,’ and the phrase ‘brother­hood of man.’ In comes a series of stretched neologisms, with all the charm of something thrown together by committee—if not by a veterinarian trying to reassemble animals amid a butcher’s shop window display.

Despite widespread mockery, the process of eliminating ‘problematic’ words also has a sinister side. The Geneva-based organisation’s new Guidelines on inclusive language document claims that using “masculine-specific” terms risks giving the impression that “women are not represented in certain groups or do not possess certain skills.”

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