We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Archive for June, 2024

LA Studying Removing Police From Traffic Enforcement

18th June 2024

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In another step toward complete and total lawlessness on the West Coast, Los Angeles is reportedly studying the idea of removing police from traffic enforcement altogether as a way to reform policing.

A new report from the LA Times says that this week, the City Council approved a study aimed at determining how to implement additional speed bumps, roundabouts, and other modifications to streets to curb speeding and improve driving safety.

This would come in the place of traffic enforcement by officers after reform advocates argued for “the city to limit how often police pull people over for low-level offenses and to start imagining a future in which unarmed city workers would take over most traffic duties”.

Councilmember Marqueece Harris-Dawson commented: “I think the city of Los Angeles can lead the nation.”

In what, is the real question.

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Shipping Container Launcher Packing 126 Kamikaze Drones Hits the Market

18th June 2024

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When you absolutely, positively must have it destroyed overnight.

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My Excellent Conversation With David Bentley Hart

18th June 2024

Tyler Cowen.

In this conversation, Tyler and David discuss ways in which Orthodox Christianity is not so millenarian, how theological patience shapes the polities of Orthodox Christian nations, how Heidegger deepened his understanding of Christian Orthodoxy, who played left field for the Baltimore Orioles in 1970, the simplest way to explain how Orthodoxy diverges from Catholicism, the future of the American Orthodox Church, what he thinks of the Book of Mormon, whether theological arguments are ultimately based on reason or faith, what he makes of reincarnation and near-death experiences, gnosticism in movies and TV, why he dislikes Sarah Ruden’s translation of the New Testament, the most difficult word to translate, a tally of the 15+ languages he knows, what he’ll work on next, and more.

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The Mathematically Correct Way to Tie Your Shoes

18th June 2024

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If your shoes, when tied, have the “bow” of your shoelaces tilt to one side and refuse to stay horizontally across your shoes, there’s an extremely good chance that you’ve been tying your shoes all wrong your entire life. There’s a mathematical reason for it, and a straightforward way to fix it.

Or you can avoid the whole problem by not buying shoes that need laces. I haven’t worn shoes with laces in thirty years, and never missed them.

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A New Experiment Casts Doubt on the Leading Theory of the Nucleus

18th June 2024

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A new measurement of the strong nuclear force, which binds protons and neutrons together, confirms previous hints of an uncomfortable truth: We still don’t have a solid theoretical grasp of even the simplest nuclear systems.

To test the strong nuclear force, physicists turned to the helium-4 nucleus, which has two protons and two neutrons. When helium nuclei are excited, they grow like an inflating balloon until one of the protons pops off. Surprisingly, in a recent experiment, helium nuclei didn’t swell according to plan: They ballooned more than expected before they burst. A measurement describing that expansion, called the form factor, is twice as large as theoretical predictions.

“The theory should work,” said Sonia Bacca, a theoretical physicist at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz and an author of the paper describing the discrepancy, which was published in Physical Review Letters. “We’re puzzled.”

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A Root Cause of Mental Illness

18th June 2024

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Mental illness has been an enigma and point of confusion for many researchers and scientists. Despite medical advances, the root cause of mental illness has remained unknown.

However, a recent breakthrough in psychiatry may be the missing piece to this mysterious puzzle.

Dr. Christopher Palmer, a Harvard professor of psychiatry, has been connecting the dots of thousands of research articles regarding the relationship between mental illness and mitochondrial dysfunction.

According to Palmer, this collective research raises concerns about the current treatments used for mental disorders.

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Why Is Desalination So Difficult?

18th June 2024

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Desalination, or the removal of salt from seawater, is one of those technologies that has always seemed right on the horizon. It might surprise you to learn that there are more than 18,000 desalination plants operating across the globe. But, those plants provide less than a percent of global water needs even though they consume a quarter of all the energy used by the water industry.

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Engineers at UMass Amherst Harvest Abundant Clean Energy From Thin Air, 24/7

18th June 2024

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“The air contains an enormous amount of electricity,” says Jun Yao, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering in the College of Engineering at UMass Amherst, and the paper’s senior author. “Think of a cloud, which is nothing more than a mass of water droplets. Each of those droplets contains a charge, and when conditions are right, the cloud can produce a lightning bolt—but we don’t know how to reliably capture electricity from lightning. What we’ve done is to create a human-built, small-scale cloud that produces electricity for us predictably and continuously so that we can harvest it.”

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“Greedflation” Is a Nonsense Idea

17th June 2024

The Economist.

Inflation is the result of economic policy mistakes and war, not corporate avarice

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A Devout Muslim is an Extremist

17th June 2024

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An imam in Bologna doesn’t mince words: in Islam, “extremism means following the fundamentals”. Extremism means slitting infidel throats, raping infidel women, and bombing infidel places of worship. And that’s just basic Islam, following the example of the prophet as recorded in the Koran, the Hadith, and the Sunna.

It’s all there in black and white.

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Your Navigation App Is Making Traffic Unmanageable

17th June 2024

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“He who increaseth knowledge increaseth misery.”

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We Need a Constitution That Means What It Says

17th June 2024

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Some U.S. senators have famously kept a pocket Constitution handy to use as a prop at political rallies; a few may have even read it. But at this point in American history it no longer matters whether they, or anyone else, can read the words of the Constitution because the words no longer mean what they say.

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Iron Fuel Shows Its Mettle

17th June 2024

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Iron is one of the most abundant metals on Earth, and the most produced. It has an energy density of about 11.3 kilowatt-hours per liter—better than gasoline. Burning iron powder produces heat that can be used directly or converted into electricity by a steam turbine, leaving behind iron oxide, or rust. This can later be reduced—that is, the oxygen can be stripped away—back into iron powder. “You can think of iron fuel as a clean, recyclable coal,” says Bergthorson.

Iron oxide can also be reduced to iron using hydrogen. Hydrogen is already a carbon-free green fuel if produced by splitting water using renewable electricity. But it is also an ultralight, voluminous gas, so it must be converted using high pressures and extreme cold into liquid, which then has to be stored and transported in special containers. Iron, by contrast, is already moved in dry containers for a lower cost.


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“Spooky” Quantum Biology Might Cause Your DNA to Mutate

17th June 2024

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And it will serve you right.

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Texas Doctor Faces Prison for Whistleblowing on Secret Child Gender Procedures

17th June 2024

The Foundry.

The Department of Justice is targeting a Texas whistleblower who exposed Texas Children’s Hospital secretly performing attempted gender transition procedures on children.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Texas announced Monday that it had indicted 34-year-old Eithan Haim for “obtaining protected individual health information for patients that were not under his care and without authorization.”

If convicted, he faces up to 10 years in prison and a $250,000 maximum possible fine.

Texas Children’s had publicly said in March 2022 that it would no longer perform attempted gender transition procedures on kids. In May 2023, Haim provided journalist Christopher Rufo with documents showing that Texas Children’s was “lying to the public about the existence of its transgender-medicine program,” as Haim later revealed in an explosive January 2024 piece.

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A Record Number of NATO Allies Are Hitting Their Defense Spending Target During war in Ukraine

17th June 2024

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Nothing encourages you to spend more on guns than thugs killing and raping your next-door neighbor. Concentrates the mind.

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The IRS Wants to End Another Major Tax Loophole for the Wealthy and Raise $50 Billion In The Process

17th June 2024

Associated Press.

Translation: “The IRS is going to try to re-write the tax code so that they can steal more of people’s money; since it’s just “rich people”, stealing from them is okay.’

Just as ‘price gouging’ is charging more than the speaker thinks is proper, ‘loophole’ is using the existing tax code to avoid paying the amount of tax that the speaker thinks is your ‘fair share’.

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How scientists are hacking the genetic code to give proteins new powers

17th June 2024


For most of the history of life on Earth, genetic information has been carried in a code that specifies just 20 amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, which do most of the heavy lifting in the cell; their side-chains govern protein folding, interactions and chemical activities. By limiting the available side chains, nature effectively restricts the kinds of reaction that proteins can perform.

As a doctoral student in the 1980s, Peter Schultz found himself wondering why nature had restricted itself in this way — and set about trying to circumvent this limitation. Several years later, as a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, Schultz and his team managed to do so by tinkering with the machinery of protein synthesis. Although confined to a test tube, the work marked a key early success in efforts to hack the genetic code.

Since then, many researchers have followed in Schultz’s footsteps, tweaking the cellular apparatus for building proteins both to alter existing macromolecules and to create polymers from entirely new building blocks. The resulting molecules can be used in research and for the development of therapeutics and materials. But it’s been a hard slog, because protein synthesis is a crucial cellular function that cannot easily be changed.

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Three Bank Services You Can Get From Your Post Office

17th June 2024

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If you’re unbanked and the fees and onerous terms of check cashing and other non-bank services are killing you, you might be able to get some relief from a surprising place: Your local post office. The Postal Service actually offers some limited banking services, and there are a lot of folks who are pushing to expand those services dramatically.


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New Navigation System Works Even When GPS Fails

17th June 2024

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A new navigation system that tracks subatomic particles constantly bombarding Earth could help us get around indoors, underground, and underwater — all the places GPS fails.


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20 Most Liberal States in the US

17th June 2024

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Know your enemy.

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Study Reveals the Effects of Protein-Rich Diets on the Gut Microbiome and Overall Health

17th June 2024

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New research has shed light on the effects of protein-rich diets on the gut microbiome and overall health. Despite the increasing protein intake in Western diets, especially among athletes and individuals with obesity, the fate of undigested protein and its impact on human health remains largely unknown. A new study, presented at ASM Microbe, explores how excess undigested protein in the colon can be fermented to produce beneficial metabolites, such as short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), or lead to the production of harmful metabolites like ammonia and sulfides, which are linked to gastrointestinal disorders and other health issues.

The research team conducted a series of experiments on mice, discovering that a switch to a protein-rich diet resulted in significant weight loss, reduced body fat and induced immediate changes to the gut microbiome. The study also compared different protein diets to examine the effects of individual amino acids on the gut microbiome’s composition and activity. Notably, the mice consuming aromatic amino-acid-rich proteins experienced the greatest weight and fat mass loss compared to those on standard protein and branched-chain amino-acid-rich protein diets.

UPDATE: 5 Best High-Protein Foods for Gut Health, According to Dietitians


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You Can ‘Wellington’ Way More Than Beef

17th June 2024

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If, of course, that’s what you want to do.

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Free Money Advocates: Undoing Medical Debt From Credit Reports Isn’t Enough

17th June 2024

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The Biden Administration’s Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) just issued a proposal to ban medical debt from factoring into your credit score. But for free-money socialists and their Keynesian bedfellows, this doesn’t go nearly far enough: short of canceling medical debt entirely, nothing else is acceptable.

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After College

17th June 2024


We are witnessing the transition from “college is for everybody” to “college is unnecessary and often useless.” Going to college “to be able to get a better job” is likely to fade away as the primary reason students attend. And the institutions themselves—universities and colleges of various types—will have to accept a much less prominent role in our social and economic systems. They are in danger of becoming cultural relics.

To be sure, a large majority of American parents still believe that their children must attain a college degree for their welfare and happiness. Almost always, those parents are applying both their understanding of how the world works and their recollection of their own time in college. College as they knew it was the on-ramp to prosperous adulthood. But that outcome is steadily becoming less likely.

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Biden’s Title IX Rule Blocked in 6 Additional States

17th June 2024

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A federal judge on Monday temporarily blocked the Biden administration’s new Title IX rule expanding protections for LGBTQ+ students in six additional states, dealing another setback for a policy that has been under legal attack by Republican attorneys general.

This is the rule that includes ‘gender identity’ as a protected class, which is of course not in the statute.

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Arizona: America’s Frontline Against Illegal Fentanyl

17th June 2024

The American Mind.

No one stops you when driving across the border from Nogales, Arizona, into Nogales, Mexico; crossing the other way is a different story. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers often interrogate drivers and search vehicles inside and out, using drug-sniffing dogs, x-ray scanners, handheld chemical analyzers, and trained detectives. One reason is that Nogales, Mexico, is now the world’s epicenter of illegal fentanyl trafficking, and Arizona’s southern border is the primary point of entry for illegal fentanyl entering the U.S.

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America, Then and Now

17th June 2024

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Brendan Carr, Republican member of the FCC, has been criticizing Joe Biden, alleging that since the passage of the Infrastructure and Jobs Act of 2021, wherein $42 billion was appropriated to connect rural America with high-speed fiber optic cable internet, not a single internet connection has been achieved. A truly stunning record. Three years, no connections.

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NBC Blames SCOTUS Bump Stock Ruling for Weekend Shootings, No Evidence

17th June 2024


Over the weekend, three communities across the United States were victims of gun violence as parties and gatherings came to sudden ends when scumbags decided to kill people. NBC’s Today looked to exploit the tragedies on Monday by having correspondent Erin McLaughlin blame the murders on the U.S. Supreme Court, citing their decision to strike down the Trump-era bump stock ban. But none of the shootings involved bump stocks.

“A mass shooting at a splash pad in Michigan, another at a Juneteenth celebration in Texas, and yet another at a gathering in Massachusetts, all just days after Friday’s Supreme Court ruling that rejects a ban on bump stocks,” she announced at the top of the segment.

McLaughlin delivered very glancing explanations of what allegedly happened at each of the shootings but never disclosed what kind of firearms were used.

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Politico/Ipsos Poll: Republicans Losing Faith in Justice System

17th June 2024

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Gee, I wonder why?

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Joe Biden Ready to Reopen US Oil Stockpile If Petrol Prices Surge Again

17th June 2024

Financial Times.

Buy those votes! Buy those votes!

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The G7

17th June 2024


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Corporate Tax Rate Spurs Political Fight With More Than $1 Trillion at Stake

17th June 2024

Wall Street Journal.

To repeat what everybody ought to know already: CORPORATIONS DO NOT PAY TAXES. CORPORATIONS MERELY COLLECT TAXES. Any tax that they ‘pay’ is, from an accounting standpoint, a business expense and is folded into the price that they charge their customers. IT IS THE CUSTOMERS OF CORPORATIONS WHO PAY THE TAX.

In any population, half of that population are below average in intelligence (by definition), as this persistent fable of ‘taxing corporations’ makes clear.

I would be in favor of making an IQ test mandatory in order to be able to vote.

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Ex-Biden Appointee Arrested, Charged With Felony Over Alleged Hate Crime Hoax

17th June 2024

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Another day, another Democrat hate crime hoax – this time allegedly by a former Biden White House appointee and current candidate for a county commissioner seat in Texas.

Taral Patel, 30, was arrested for online impersonation last week following an investigation initiated by his opponent, incumbent Andy Meyers, the NY Post reports.

The investigation was launched in October, after a September post Patel made on Facebook in which he suggested that he and his family had been victims of race-based verbal attacks perpetrated by Meyers supporters.

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Ford Foundation Sends Millions to Organizations That Have Celebrated Oct. 7 Terrorist Attacks

17th June 2024

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As they do.

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Biden Appears to Freeze Up, Has To Be Led Off Stage by Obama at Mega-Bucks LA Fundraiser

17th June 2024

New York Post.

And yet there are people who will vote for this vegetable. Unbelievable.

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Do you still count on your fingers?

17th June 2024

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A math geek reviews a math geek book. Both are worth reading.

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The Big Idea: Can You Inherit Memories From Your Ancestors?

17th June 2024

The Guardian.

ince the sequencing of the human genome in 2003, genetics has become one of the key frameworks for how we all think about ourselves. From fretting about our health to debating how schools can accommodate non-neurotypical pupils, we reach for the idea that genes deliver answers to intimate questions about people’s outcomes and identities.

Recent research backs this up, showing that complex traits such as temperament, longevity, resilience to mental ill-health and even ideological leanings are all, to some extent, “hardwired”. Environment matters too for these qualities, of course. Our education and life experiences interact with genetic factors to create a fantastically complex matrix of influence.

But what if the question of genetic inheritance were even more nuanced? What if the old polarised debate about the competing influences of nature and nurture was due a 21st-century upgrade?


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EU Ready To Punish France in Case of Le Pen Victory

17th June 2024

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The European Union is ready to punish France if Marine Le Pen’s nationalist-sovereigntist National Rally (Rassemblement National) wins the upcoming French parliamentary elections, writes establishment media outlet Politico. According to the article, the European Commission may not let a right-wing government “off the hook” with regards to France’s overspending, unlike their leniency with the current and previous cabinets. This is clearly a sign that the EU institutions use their ‘power of the purse’ to penalise only those member states they politically disagree with.

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Thought for the Day

17th June 2024

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The Pentagon’s Anti-Vax Campaign

17th June 2024

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During the pandemic it was common for many Americans to discount or even disparage the Chinese vaccines. In fact, the Chinese vaccines such as Coronavac/Sinovac were made quickly and in large quantities and they were effective. The Chinese vaccines saved millions of lives. The vaccine portfolio model that the AHT team produced, as well as common sense, suggested the value of having a diversified portfolio. That’s why we recommended and I advocated for including a deactivated vaccine in the Operation Warp Speed mix or barring that for making an advance deal on vaccine capacity with China. At the time, I assumed that the disparaging of Chinese vaccines was simply an issue of national pride or bravado during a time of fear. But it turns out that in other countries, the Pentagon ran a disinformation campaign against the Chinese vaccines.

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Gaza Pier

17th June 2024

Navy Matters.

Here’s a time line of the pier:

  • Mar 7 – Biden announces Gaza pier plan
  • Mar 9 – U.S. Army support ship General Frank S. Besson leaves to begin construction
  • May 17 –  pier opens
  • May 28 – pier ops suspended after piece breaks off
  • Jun 8 – operations resume after repairs
  • Jun 15 – Pentagon announces pier will be torn down

So, what can we learn from the Gaza pier effort?

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Blood on Biden’s Hands

17th June 2024

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How many Americans have been assaulted, raped, maimed or murdered by illegals who have streamed into our country at the invitation of Joe Biden’s open border policies? No one knows, but it is safe to say that Rachel Morin is one among many.

Morin, a 37 year old mother of five, went for a run in Harford County, Maryland. She was waylaid by Victor Martinez Hernandez, who raped, viciously beat, and murdered her. Hernandez is an illegal alien. He reportedly is associated with the MS-13 gang and was wanted for murder in El Salvador, so he fled to the U.S.

A sane country would take every reasonable measure to prevent escaping murderers and gang members from crossing its borders, but we are not a sane country. We elected Joe Biden president. It has been reported that Hernandez entered the country in February 2023, but I am not sure how we know that. Did he use Joe Biden’s app to facilitate his illegal entry? Was he given a free cell phone? I don’t know.

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Gays for Killing Gays

17th June 2024

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Nearly eight years after a Muslim terrorist committed the largest massacre of gay people in American history, LGBTQ Islamic terror supporters blocked the Philadelphia gay pride parade.

“Long live the Intifada,” members of Queers4Palestine chanted, referring to the Islamic terrorist campaign against the Jewish State, chanting that the gay pride parade was just like the KKK and the Israeli army. “From the sea to the river, Palestine will live forever!”

Protesting a gay pride parade in support of Hamas was a fitting prelude to the anniversary of the Islamic massacre at a gay nightclub which had its own Hamas connection.

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Iran Starts Key Nuclear Centrifuges, Rebukes G7 Statement on Its Escalation

17th June 2024

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Iran called upon the Group of Seven on Sunday to distance itself from “destructive policies of the past,” the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani said, referring to a G7 statement condemning Iran’s recent nuclear program escalation.

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“It’s Just Not Right”: Major Venues Now Punishing People for Using Cash vs. Plastic

17th June 2024

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Fans heading to Yankee Stadium hoping to pay in cash at the iconic ballpark for their favorite concessions have been thrown a curveball: go cashless or pay extra.

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LA City Council Removes ‘Homophobic’ No U-Turn Signs

17th June 2024

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Los Angeles City Council has removed No U-turn signs from Silver Lake, claiming that they are homophobic.

How exactly is a road sign homophobic? Well, a long time ago there were some signs alongside the No U-turn ones that said ‘No cruising’.

They were considered to be directed at the gay community, and they were removed more than 20 years ago.

But that’s not enough, because the other road signs remind these people of the ‘No cruising’ ones… or something.

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The Changing Nature of Nuclear Deterrence

17th June 2024

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When I was around eight years old, my baby-sitter let me watch a documentary on nuclear war. Unsurprisingly, it shook me to the core. It’s kind of hard to know what went on in her head, but those images of nuclear detonations never left my head. Looking back at it now, this ‘incident’ starts to make sense, kind of. This is because over the decades I’ve read a lot on nuclear deterrence and on nuclear war simulations. I have had this graving to understand nuclear warfare and deterrence basically throughout my adult-life.

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An Army Special Forces Veteran Creates American Flags That Don’t Burn

16th June 2024

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In many ways, Kyle Daniels is your typical Midwestern American. He grew up in a patriotic household, many of his family members joined the military, and his father was very meticulous about flag etiquette — probably more so than your average American.

“Every morning we put it out at sunrise, we’d go out every night after work, bring it in and fold it the right way. It was very ceremonious,” Daniels recently told Military.com. “It was instilled in me very early that this flag represents the freedoms we enjoy today. It’s not just about the Fourth of July, it’s not just about the special days; it’s about every day. And that was something that I held near and dear to my heart.”

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From Fire Hazards to Family Trees: The Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps

16th June 2024

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Created for US insurance firms during a period of devastating fires across the 19th and 20th centuries, the Sanborn maps blaze with detail — shops, homes, churches, brothels, and opium dens were equally noted by the company’s cartographers. Tobiah Black explores the history and afterlife of these maps, which have been reclaimed by historians and genealogists seeking proof of the vanished past.

I love maps. Always have.

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