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LA Studying Removing Police From Traffic Enforcement

18th June 2024

Read it.

In another step toward complete and total lawlessness on the West Coast, Los Angeles is reportedly studying the idea of removing police from traffic enforcement altogether as a way to reform policing.

A new report from the LA Times says that this week, the City Council approved a study aimed at determining how to implement additional speed bumps, roundabouts, and other modifications to streets to curb speeding and improve driving safety.

This would come in the place of traffic enforcement by officers after reform advocates argued for “the city to limit how often police pull people over for low-level offenses and to start imagining a future in which unarmed city workers would take over most traffic duties”.

Councilmember Marqueece Harris-Dawson commented: “I think the city of Los Angeles can lead the nation.”

In what, is the real question.

One Response to “LA Studying Removing Police From Traffic Enforcement”

  1. Cathy Sims Says:

    LA can indeed lead the nation … in deaths of said unarmed city workers when they attempt to stop preferred victim classes from violating any rules they choose to ignore.