We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Archive for June, 2024

There is no ‘Climate Emergency’

27th June 2024

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For decades, the dominant narrative has been that carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from human activities are driving catastrophic climate change. This view, heavily promoted by the United Nations (UN), reached a fever pitch in 2018 when the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) declared that humanity had only twelve years to avert a climate disaster. However, this alarmist perspective is increasingly challenged by a significant number of scientists and professionals who argue that there is no climate emergency; and that climate change is not caused by CO2 emissions, nor by emissions from livestock, such as cows.

One of the most notable refutations comes from the Climate Intelligence Foundation (CLINTEL). Established in 2019 by Dutch geophysics professor Guus Berkhout, CLINTEL has amassed over 1,850 signatories, including Nobel laureates and leading climate experts, who have signed the World Climate Declaration.

One of the liabilities of modern communications is that it makes it far too easy for kooks to connect with each other and assemble to do kooky things. Recent activities by ‘climate protesters’ (not to be confused, apparently, with ‘gravity protesters’) illustrate this defect quite appropriately.

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Better News From the Courts

27th June 2024

Power Line.

Today the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals decided Cajune v. Independent School District 194. That school district is immediately adjacent to the one where my kids went to school, and plaintiffs were represented by the Upper Midwest Law Center, on whose board I serve and which has often (albeit wrongly) been described as an “arm” of the policy organization that I run. Briefly, plaintiffs claimed that the school district engaged in viewpoint discrimination in violation of the First Amendment when it posted “Black Lives Matter” posters in classrooms, but refused a request to also post “All Lives Matter” and “Blue Lives Matter” posters.

The 8th Circuit reversed the trial court’s Rule 12 dismissal of plaintiffs’ case, and remanded the case for further proceedings. So plaintiffs haven’t won yet. The school district’s principal defense is the “government speech doctrine,” which seems to post-date my law school training. The government speech doctrine holds that a governmental unit can engage in endless propaganda, as long as it is speaking on its own behalf. The remedy is at the ballot box.

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The Testimony of the Phones

27th June 2024

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The propensity of culture-enrichers to take videos of their gang rapes and other crimes and distribute them on social media has helped generate a raft of evidence against a gang of underage perpetrators in Vienna.

Such people tend to be LAME (Look At Me Everybody). Think of it as evolution in action.

Now if we can only get pusillanimous public authorities actually to take action….

UPDATE: Culture-Enriching Rapist in Issy-les-Moulineaux

UPDATE: Enricher vs. Enricher in Solingen


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Watch: Leftist Georgia Judge Arrested And Dismissed From Bench After Assaulting Police

27th June 2024

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Maybe it’s time for America to reconsider the ugly trend of bringing the ghetto into politics and the courtroom? The list of leftist politicians and judges in trouble for corruption and belligerent low-class behavior is growing long. It’s painful for many Americans to think about how this reflects on the country overall. If anyone was unsure about our status as an idiocracy, we certainly look like one now.

Case in point, one of Georgia’s highest paid (and most infamous) Democrat judges, Christina Peterson, has recently been arrested for assault on a police officer outside a nightclub in Atlanta. Peterson has subsequently been dismissed from the bench, but not just for allegedly striking an officer during the arrest of another woman. She was also investigated and disciplined for dozens of professional violations. Seeing her personal conduct when interacting with police, one wonders how it was possible for such a woman to be in the position to become a judge.

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James Clapper, Mr. October Surprise: How Obama’s Intel Czar Rigged 2016 And 2020 Debates Against Trump

27th June 2024

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Just before Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton faced off in their second presidential debate, then-National Intelligence Director James Clapper met in the White House with a small group of advisers to President Obama to hatch a plan to put out a first-of-its-kind intelligence report warning the voting public that “the Russian government” was interfering in the election by allegedly breaching the Clinton campaign’s email system.

On Oct. 7, 2016 – just two days before the presidential debate between Trump and Clinton – Clapper issued the unprecedented intelligence advisory with Obama’s personal blessing. It seemed to lend credence to what the Clinton camp was telling the media — that Trump was working with Russian President Vladimir Putin through a secret back channel to steal the election. Sure enough, the Democratic nominee pounced on it to smear Trump at the debate.

And that wouldn’t be the only historically consequential maneuver for Clapper, whose role in skewing presidential campaigns might deserve a special place in the annals of nefarious election meddling – by, in this case, a domestic, not foreign, intelligence service.

Clapper and Brennan ought to be in jail.

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Wrecking the American Dream: The Problem With Today’s Economy

27th June 2024

The Foundry.

Our economic leadership often is discussed by way of dollars, but it’s about much more than that. It’s about the well-being of the American people.

The economy has one purpose—to organize our labors to produce the goods and services that households need and desire. After all, the root word of economics refers to the household, which is the foundation of society.


THE ECONOMY HAS NO PURPOSE. ‘Purpose’ is a notion that applies ONLY to a designed thing, a constructed thing, a thing artificially created by an intelligent agent with a planned end in mind; that planned end is its purpose. One of the most accurate things one can say about a purpose is that it sometimes succeeds but often doesn’t.

The Economy is a self-organizing system that occurs as the result of individual phenomena that may themselves have purpose but the combination of which does not have a purpose. What such systems have are functions, which is ‘what they do’ as opposed to purpose, which is ‘what they are supposed to do’. Hayek and Mises spent their lives writing about this sort of thing, and I encourage you to read what they had to say.

The distinguishing characteristic of self-organizing systems (like The Economy) is that they ‘work’ whether you want them to or not. Thus any politically-motivated interference in such a system (which interference appears to be the theme song of modern politics) always and everywhere has unintended consequences that the interferers (if that isn’t a word, it ought to be) seldom anticipate and are always so surprised to encounter.

So anyone who starts by discussing ‘the purpose of the economy’ is intellectually defective in the same way that people who think that their politically-motivated interference in the economy will do what they want and nothing else are intellectually defective.

Feel free to read the article and agree or disagree with it as the spirit moves you, but bear this essential distinction in mind and take what the author says with a shaker of salt.

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The View Questions Tim Scott Appearing on Fox With ‘a Woman’ Fiancé

27th June 2024

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Wednesday morning’s episode of ABC’s The View began like any other, with discussions covering the dramas of the political world and making ridiculous constitutional claims. Though easily forgotten, The View exists under the ABC’s News umbrella, though its decorum and general output does not match this description. It is no surprise when co-host Sunny Hostin reported more like a gossip columnist on passive aggressive and baseless insinuations regarding a politician’s love life, as well as ignorant claims of the constitution from moderator Whoopi Goldberg. Republican Senator of South Carolina, Tim Scott’s relationship status has been one of Hostin’s favorite talking point in past segments. Progressive news stations have had a quite strange fascination with the relationship status of Scott in the past months, with conspiracies of alternative sexual orientation being an underlying discussion. Hostin is not absent in these beliefs, making her words regarding Tim Scott’s fiancé even more passive aggressive.

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The ‘Spies Who Lie’ Are Still Lying

27th June 2024

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Even though four years have passed, new information continues to leak out about the 51 supposed intelligence officials who signed a statement in 2020 declaring that the story about Hunter Biden’s laptop had “all the hallmarks” of a Russian disinformation campaign. Joe Biden would go on to cite those officials during a debate with Donald Trump. Of course, the laptop was real and they all knew it the entire time, leading some outlets like the New York Post to dub them, “the spies who lie.” The lies have apparently not ended yet, however. Newly revealed documents show that at least two of the officials were employed as CIA contractors at the time that the letter was created. Former CIA acting director Michael Morell and ex-CIA Inspector General David Buckley were under contract to the agency. Yet when they were contacted to ask about that relationship, they both either denied it or refused to comment. (NY Post)

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US Army Revises Standards on Prohibited Extremist Activity

27th June 2024

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Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth signed off on a pair of memos, published on June 26, that refine how the service will handle protests and extremist or gang activity within the ranks, and report suspected prohibited behavior. One memo a directive for “Handling Protest, Extremist, and Criminal Gang Activities“ and the other is a directive for ”Reporting Prohibited Activities.”

I have serious misgivings about the making of a woman who is not only not a veteran but who has never held a real job (other than collecting a government paycheck) the person in charge of one of the armed services. Such a person is necessarily steeped in politics and will inevitably views military service as Just Another Government Job the primary purpose of which is to promote a partisan political agenda rather than the nominal purpose for which it exists.

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Top DHS Official Refuses to Answer Whether Biden’s Border Policies Invite Terrorists

27th June 2024

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And you’re paying money for this.

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House Votes to Defund Mayorkas’s Salary

27th June 2024

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House Republicans approved a measure on Wednesday to prohibit money that would fund the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) from going to the salary of Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

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79 University of Texas Pro-Palestinian Protest Arrests Dropped

26th June 2024

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Nearly 80 criminal trespass arrests stemming from a pro-Palestinian protest at the University of Texas have been dismissed, a prosecutor said Wednesday, the latest dropped charges against demonstrators arrested on college campuses across the U.S. this spring.

Like most major urban areas, Austin (and it’s surrounding Travis County) is as blue as a bruise.

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Seattle Mandates $4.99 Fee on Uber Eats ‘To Help Drivers’, Deliveries Crash 45%

26th June 2024

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I today’s lesson, progressives learn that their magic wand doesn’t work on reality.

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Ilhan Omar Failed To Report Assets Stemming From Husband’s Shady Wine and Weed Ventures, Ethics Complaint Charges

26th June 2024

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I’m shocked, shocked I tell you….

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China Wants the Goose That Lays the Golden Eggs.

26th June 2024

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China stands accused of wholesale theft of intellectual property, cited in Senate, House, and Administration reports, at a cost estimated by the FBI at $225 to $600 billion a year. Nonetheless, American corporations with the most to lose from IP theft are eager to augment their research presence in China. Take for example Intel Corp’s new chip innovation center here in Shenzhen, or Big Pharma, which lives and dies on patent protection. Nokia, one of the two main Western competitors to China’s telecom giant Huawei, conducts most of its R&D in Shanghai Bell Labs, one of the 10 largest corporate research centers in the country. The Chinese government counts 531 foreign-funded R&D centers in Shanghai alone. US companies spent $8.2 billion on R&D in China in 2019.

A visit to Huawei’s 2,000-acre campus in Shenzhen helps make sense of this cognitive dissonance, in which corporate America makes enormous bets on IP in a country that the FBI claims is stealing IP from them. The simple answer is that Chinese R&D is very good and getting better fast. More critically, Chinese IP theft isn’t simply a matter of this or that technological advancement. It’s much deeper and broader than that: it’s about claiming and replicating the source of innovation. China is engaged in what might be termed the boldest act of IP theft in world history, or to borrow a Woke expression, the most egregious act of cultural appropriation ever. It is “stealing” Western high culture.

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Thought for the Day

26th June 2024

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What I Saw at a Terrorist Rally Outside a Synagogue

26th June 2024

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Thirty minutes after Hamas supporters first set up their operation outside a Los Angeles synagogue, they maced their first Jew. And the Los Angeles police did nothing.

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Argumentum Ad Mortem

26th June 2024

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Cultural enrichment descends on the parks and squares of German cities. Knives, axes, machetes, and broken bottles appear and become active. Arguments break out. Then, somehow, bloody corpses appear on the cobbles under the streetlights.

Those are some mean “arguments”!

These things just happen. There’s nothing the good burghers of the city can do about it except huddle behind barred doors with the shades drawn, hoping that the cultural enrichment spares their homes.

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Multicultural Gang Violence in Udine

26th June 2024

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The knives have been running wild for a while, and now the broken bottles are getting in on the culture-enriching action. Thanks to cultural enrichment, public spaces in the northern Italian city of Udine have become dangerous places.

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Paramount Erases Archives of MTV Website, Wipes Music, Culture History After 30 Plus Years

26th June 2024

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Down the Memory Hole!

I remember having the hots for Martha Quinn back in the day. Good times.

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Oakland Mayor Raided by FBI Claims She Is Being Targeted by ‘Radical Right Wing Forces’

26th June 2024

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Oakland, California Mayor Sheng Thao is well known for her woke activist policies; policies that have led to a severe spike in property crime (17%) and violent crime (21%) within the first year of her administration. The problem has become so overwhelming that Thao and Alameda District Attorney Pamela Price are both facing potential recall. One has to wonder if leftist politicians are so lax on criminal prosecution because they are engaging in the same kind of activities?

An FBI raid on Sheng Thao’s residence last week may help to answer this question. Though she has not yet been arrested or charged, accusations indicate a corrupt web of illegal campaign finance and “pay to play” favors for special donors. The investigation is allegedly focused on Thao’s boyfriend, Andre Jones, as well as specific donors.

Let’s have some names of these ‘radical right wing forces’. Merrick Garland, perhaps? Or Robert Wray?

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George Latimer, a Pro-Israel Centrist, Defeats Rep. Jamaal Bowman in New York Democratic Primary

26th June 2024

Associated Press.

You may remember Jamaal Bowman as the racist asshole who pulled a fire alarm at the Capitol to interfere with a vote in the House of Representatives and, because he was a black Democrat, received absolutely no punishment for what is supposedly a felony.

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New Research Finds Huge Differences Between Male and Female Brains

25th June 2024

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This is news?

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DHS Searches for 50 Illegal Migrants in US Linked to ISIS

25th June 2024

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The Department of Homeland Security does not know the whereabouts of roughly 50 illegal immigrants who are “subjects of concern” and were part of more than 400 brought into the United States by an ISIS-affiliated smuggling network.

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‘Al Jazeera on the Potomac’: WaPo Reporter Taylor Lorenz Boosts Defenses of Los Angeles Synagogue Protest

25th June 2024

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Washington Post reporter Taylor Lorenz on Monday pushed a false claim that a Los Angeles synagogue was auctioning off Palestinian land this week—a conspiracy theory that led to violent, anti-Semitic protests outside the Jewish house of worship on Sunday.

Lorenz—who covers social media for the Post and often complains about being targeted by online harassment—reposted multiple comments on X, formerly Twitter, defending the synagogue protesters, promoting the false allegations, and slamming the media, including her former employer, the New York Times, for failing to give the allegations oxygen. The synagogue was in fact hosting an industry expo on real estate investing in Israel, and the false claims that Adas Torah was selling Palestinian land appear to have originated from radical anti-Israel groups, including Code Pink and the Palestinian Youth Movement, according to social media posts.

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NEA Criticizes Moms for Liberty’s Finances While Raking in Millions From Left-Wing Groups

25th June 2024

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The National Education Association has accused Moms for Liberty of being a pawn of “wealthy conservative donors,” even though the teachers union’s revenue is 185 times as great as that of the parental rights group.

The nation’s largest teachers union—which charges its members dues, often totaling $1,000 a year—called Moms for Liberty, which offers free memberships to 130,000, a tool of “ultrawealthy privateers who seek to abolish America’s public school system” in a Friday article.

Moms for Liberty reported $2.1 million in total revenue in 2022. The NEA, on the other hand, reported revenues of about $371 million for the 2021-2022 fiscal year.

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Gavin Newsom is moving his children back to Marin County schools

25th June 2024


Gov. Gavin Newsom and his wife are moving their family back to Marin County, an exclusive pocket of Northern California with rolling hills and redwood groves that’s across the bay from San Francisco, POLITICO has learned.

The Newsoms will hold onto their six-bedroom property in the eastern Sacramento suburb of Fair Oaks, and the governor and first partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom will spend some nights there. But they are relocating their four children back to Marin County, where they will stay with extended family and enroll in school for the fall semester, according to two people familiar with their plans, who were granted anonymity to convey private conversations.

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Gavin Newsom Touts His Efforts To Tackle Homelessness, But It Has Skyrocketed on His Watch

25th June 2024

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California governor Gavin Newsom, in a pre-recorded state of the state address on Tuesday, touted himself as the first Golden State leader to write a homelessness plan. California’s homeless population has grown 17 percent since Newsom took office and the state has the largest homeless population in the country.

“Let me remind you that when I became governor in 2019, there was no state homeless strategy, no state plan,” Newsom said. “There was no significant investment. … There was no accountability expected or anything demanded in return, no requirement for demonstrable results.”

His boast comes just a few months after a state auditor found that California officials failed to track $24 billion in homelessness spending and have no way to determine which of their many costly programs are working. Since Newsom assumed office in 2019, California’s homeless population has grown from 151,278 people, according to federal figures, to 181,399 at the last count.

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525,000 Illegal Migrants Crossed Southern Border in Just 4 Months

25th June 2024

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Hundreds of thousands of foreign nationals descended on the U.S.-Mexico border between the time President Joe Biden declared there was nothing more he could do to stop illegal immigration and when he issued an executive order.

Border Patrol agents made nearly 525,000 illegal immigrant encounters across the southern border in February, March, April and May, according to the latest data by Customs and Border Protection. Those were the four months between Biden claiming to the media on Jan. 30 that he had done “all I can do” unilaterally to stop the immigration crisis and the executive order he issued on June 4 that seeks to cap southern border crossings.

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FBI Wants 20 Years To Produce Records On Its Involvement W/ OKC Bombing

25th June 2024

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It’s been about nine years since Utah attorney Jesse Trentadue filed a Freedom of Information Act request for records about a CIA asset and FBI informant who helped fund the Oklahoma City bombing, as well as for records about a neo-Nazi bank-robbery gang also involved in the attack.

Tired of waiting, Trentaudue sued the FBI over the matter in February, demanding the bureau to produce the 69,375 pages of documents that it’s holding. But now, the FBI wants to take another nearly 12 years to fork over those documents to him, which means that it would take at least 20 years for the bureau to comply with his initial FOIA request.

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MRC Free Speech America Exposes TWO MORE Federal Entities Working to Censor Americans

25th June 2024

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MRC Free Speech America recently detailed the seven censors of Biden’s federal government. Sitting atop that censorship regime, however, is the Biden White House, which attempted to push nearly every major Big Tech company to censor Americans in the name of “safety” in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Biden, his Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Census Bureau worked alongside Meta and Google, and in the case of the White House, Twitter and Amazon as well, to push their desired narrative about the COVID-19 vaccines.

In its recent report, MRC outlined seven federal entities that have worked to censor American citizens’ free speech. These include: the Department of Homeland Security, Department of State, Department of Justice, Department of Defense, Department of Health and Human Services, The National Science Foundation and Department of the Treasury. But there are two others that bear mentioning: The White House itself and the Department of Commerce.

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Biden’s Plan to Subsidize Illegal Immigrants’ Health Care Will Add Billions to the Deficit, CBO Finds

25th June 2024

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A billion here and a billion there and pretty soon you’re talking about real money….

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Biden’s Escalating Border Crisis

25th June 2024

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U.S. authorities have virtually sealed any illuminating information about the recent FBI counterterrorism arrest of eight ISIS-tied Tajikistani nationals who crossed the southwest border a year ago. They were quickly freed amid the ongoing mass migration flood and claimed asylum. Federal law enforcement acted after a wiretap investigation intercepted communications that detected links to the Tajik-led ISIS-K terrorist group in Afghanistan and chatter about bombs and violent religious ideology. Though we are short of further details about the ISIS links and jihad talk, the initial arrests on immigration charges of border-crossing Tajik immigrants who were quickly freed at the border and got rolled up in a major counterterrorism dragnet constitute a momentous wake-up call that portends public policy consequences.

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Huge Percentage of EV Owners Want to Go Back to Normal Cars, Study Finds

25th June 2024

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Gee, I wonder why?

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Massachusetts to Warn Border Authorities Migrant Shelters Are Full

25th June 2024

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Massachusetts has dispatched a team of officials to the southern border in Texas to dissuade migrants in federal custody from traveling to the state, according to a new report.

Staff from Gov. Maura Healey’s (D-MA) administration are heading to four Texas cities, Brownsville, Hidalgo, McAllen, and San Antonio, to meet with migrants, federal law enforcement, and nonprofit groups to express concerns that shelters up north are at capacity and cannot accommodate more migrants, according to a statement shared with CBS News Tuesday.

“This trip is an important opportunity to meet with families arriving in the U.S. and the organizations that work with them at the border to make sure they have accurate information about the lack of shelter space in Massachusetts,” Gen. Scott Rice, the state’s shelter crisis director, said in a statement.

Now that Governor Greg Abbott has gone all DEI on the border problem, previously sanctimonious blue states are realizing that their butts are in the wringer as well, and it appears to be concentrating their minds wonderfully.

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‘Despicable’: Google Ads Censors UK Party Before Election

25th June 2024

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Only weeks before a major UK election, Google Ads reportedly censored an anti-globalist political party.

The Reform UK Party found itself suddenly targeted without explanation by Google Ads some two weeks before the July 4 election. While Google did apparently make tacit acknowledgment of a mistake, quickly reversing the censorship, it provides another sobering illustration of Google’s constant election meddling and interference not just in England, but around the world.


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Obama-Appointed Judges Temporarily Block Parts of Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness

25th June 2024

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Obama-appointed federal judges blocked parts of the Biden administration’s Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) Plan on Monday in response to Republican states’ lawsuits.

Judge John A. Ross of Missouri and Judge Daniel Crabtree of Kansas blocked parts of the administration’s SAVE Plan, which was an income-driven repayment program intended to lower monthly costs for borrowers. The court rulings prohibit the Department of Education from further lowering payments or eliminating more debt through the program, Politico reported.

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Intermittent Fasting: What It Does and Doesn’t Do, According to Science

25th June 2024

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Intermittent fasting (IF) is currently one of the most popular health and fitness trends. But, as with anything popular, it has its nay-sayers. So, we looked at the science that backs up what these kinds of diets can do and busted some myths in the process.

Orthodox Christians fast every Wednesday and Friday–no meat or animal products (i.e. strict vegan)–and have been doing so for over a thousand years.

Sometimes the old ways are best….

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The Evidence That Convicts the CIA of the JFK Assassination

25th June 2024

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Longtime readers of my work on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy know that I point to the evidence establishing the fraudulent autopsy that was conducted on JFK’s body to convict the U.S. military establishment of criminal complicity in the assassination itself. That’s because there is no innocent explanation for a fraudulent autopsy. Once one concludes that the autopsy that the military conducted on JFK’s body was fraudulent, one has automatically concluded that the military establishment was criminally complicit in the assassination itself. There is no way around that.

I love the smell of conspiracy in the morning.

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Kenya Protesters Storm Parliament, Police Fire Live Rounds, After Lawmakers Unleash Eco-Austerity

25th June 2024

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The Kenyan capital of Nairobi has descended into violence and mayhem as large street protests by Kenyans outraged at new tax policies and a harsh ‘Eco-Austerity’ program imposed by the government have resulted in the parliament building being set on fire.

Legislators are evacuating after the anti-tax protesters initially breached parliament. They quickly overwhelmed police soon after the lawmakers voted to pass a bill which introduces new nationwide taxes, including an eco-levy which raises the price of basic goods such as diapers, as part of efforts to curb waste management and be more environmentally friendly.

The problem with African WaBenzi is that they pay too much attention to their fellow transnational globalists and too little attention to their own people.

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This Language Has Almost No Words

25th June 2024

Read it. And watch the video.

I think languages are really interesting but I’m also really bad at them. I cannot hack the memorization. I’ve mostly avoided conlangs (that’s Constructed Languages, like Esperanto or Klingon) because like, oh no, now there’s even more languages for me to fail at memorizing. So like, a language so minimal you can almost learn it by accident, suddenly my ears perk up.

Toki pona is really interesting, on a lot of different axes. It’s a thought experiment in Taoist philosophy that turns out to be actually, practically useful. It’s Esperanto But It Might Actually Work This Time¹. It has NLP implications— it’s a human language which feels natural to speak yet has such a deeply logical structure it seems nearly custom-designed for simple computer programs to read and write it². Beyond all this it’s simply beautiful as an intellectual object— nearly every decision it makes feels deeply right. It solves a seemingly insoluble problem³ and does it with a sense of effortlessness and an implied “LOL” at every step.

So what toki pona is. Toki pona is a language designed around the idea of being as simple as it is possible for a language to be. It has 120 words in its original form (now, at the twenty year mark, up to 123), but you can form a lot of interesting sentences with only around twenty or thirty (I know this because this is roughly the size of my current tok vocabulary).

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The Quest for Pelts

25th June 2024

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In the ninth instalment of an ongoing Quillette series on the history of Canada, Greg Koabel describes how the late 16th-century fur trade developed amid a disrupted Indigenous geopolitical landscape.

Fascinating stuff. Lots of good maps.

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You Have Been Expelled From Politics

25th June 2024


In a short story published in 1955, Isaac Asimov imagined America’s Presidential election day in 2008. Amid intense excitement, the entire world watches on as an ordinary citizen is led forward to cast his vote — the only vote needed in the entire country, since he had been chosen by a supercomputer to be the completely representative citizen that year.

Asimov was inspired by CBS News’s Remington Rand UNIVAC I computer, which correctly predicted a landslide for Eisenhower on election night 1952 after only 3 million votes had been counted and Adlai Stevenson was ahead. It was the first instance of what has become a familiar feature of US elections, to the degree that most people treat the “calling” of the result early in the evening by the networks as the actual outcome of the election.

Asimov’s fantasy was a prophetic reductio ad absurdum of something which has played a steadily increasing role in modern politics: the idea that citizens can be represented by a carefully designed system in which they play no active role. The vogue for citizen juries is an illustration of this, while a number of theorists have gone even further and proposed that actual legislative assemblies should be chosen through some kind of lottery — what is technically termed “sortition”. The processes of voting and elections, on this account, are messy and corruptible: far better to have a system which is genuinely representative of public opinion. And a citizen jury will represent the population better than a committee of elected legislators scrutinising the same material.

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The Dangerous Game

25th June 2024

ZMan does a deep dive.

The main reason the Cold War did not end in nuclear annihilation is that the two great managerial systems institutionalized communications in such a way that it became a specialty with career opportunities. In Russia, being an expert in some aspect of America meant a good life as a member of the new class. In America, having some expertise on Russia meant a comfortable life in the clouds. The Cold War standoff became a jobs program for both sides.

The selection pressure on both sides was for second and third order thinking, as both sides had an investment in the status quo. Foreign policy advisors in America thought about the downstream consequences of their recommendations because it could have a direct impact on their employment prospects. Similarly, on the Russian side, the pressure was always there to think about how the Americans would react as getting that wrong could mean being posted to the Urals.

This is what makes the present so dangerous. Washington’s proxy war with Russia lacks both the incentives to prevent escalation and the sorts of people who see it as their purpose to prevent escalation. Washington has cut off communications with Moscow and works to prevent others from developing their own channels. Europe has little contact now with Russia. The primary goal of Washington is to isolate Moscow, which means isolating the West from the world.

Democrats always subordinate foreign policy to their domestic agenda of getting more votes and winning more elections and staying in power and keeping those government paychecks rolling in. If it means increasing the dangers of war, so what?

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Blue State Blues: New York’s Energy Transition Guru Responds to Basic Questions

25th June 2024

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The people pushing the “energy transition” in New York and elsewhere claim a foundation in science, but proceed with religious fervor. A key element of the playbook is never to engage with people asking legitimate questions, who are generally dismissed out of hand as “deniers.” But every so often one of the team will break the code of silence, thus giving us some insight into the thought process behind the campaign to transform our energy supply.

In New York, the most important academic guru behind the Climate Act and energy transition is a Cornell professor named Robert Howarth. Howarth is a professor of Ecology and Environmental Biology. Based on that background, he would seem to have nothing to offer on the subject of the engineering of an electrical grid. But Howarth has a burning desire to save the planet, and he has read some work by trendy Stanford professor Mark Jacobson, and has become convinced that putting together a zero-carbon electricity grid is no problem. Despite his total lack of relevant expertise in grid engineering, he has somehow gotten the ear of the New York State legislature and bureaucracies on that subject.

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People Surprised and Worried by UK Army Ad Showing Exclusively White People

25th June 2024

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People have expressed ominous surprise that the British military is once again targeting white men in recruitment ads, with some seeing it as a sign that war is coming.

“After being totally dismissed from adverts for years now, the lesser spotted white male is now seemingly making quite the comeback for UK Military Ads,” commented an X user.

The UK Army clip in question appears to feature exclusively white people and features no diversity whatsoever, despite previous military ads and TV commercials in general being full of it.

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Thought for the Day

25th June 2024

Speed Bump Comic Strip for June 20, 2024
The first political consultant.

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No English Culture for England

25th June 2024

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Over the weekend, The Daily Telegraph published an article which revealed that almost “£1.5 million in taxpayer funding has been awarded to a research project that aims to ‘decolonise’ folk singing.” Such research is surprisingly typical within universities at least in one respect, namely that the funding is awarded on the grounds that the conclusion of the research is determined long before any research begins. Hence, in no way can this be understood as scholarship, but rather it possesses both the form and the content of propaganda, and for a particular kind of regime.

I guess Hearts of Oak and The Roast Beef of Old England are not long for this world.

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A Despatch From the TERF Wars: An Interview With Dora Moutot

25th June 2024

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The transgender movement’s cultural Blitzkrieg swept the elite institutions of the West in less than a decade, but their hold on the public imagination has always been far more tenuous. It is one thing to get academics and activists to believe that the phrase “her penis” makes perfect sense; it is quite another to condition ordinary people into believing that. Consequently, the transgender movement has attempted to enforce their agenda by government totalitarianism on one side, and street-level violence on the other.

This is not hyperbole. Vassilis Tsiartas, widely considered to be one of the greatest Greek soccer stars of all time, was convicted in 2022 of “transphobic” social media posts and given a 10-month suspended prison sentence and 5,000 euro fine for “violence or hatred for reasons of gender identity.” Norwegian filmmaker and actress Tonje Gjevjon was criminally investigated for stating that men cannot be lesbians; her compatriot, the feminist Christina Ellingsen, was investigated for saying that men cannot become women.

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Blue State Blues: Man Sought for Attempting to Sexually Assault Woman in Central Park, NYPD Says

25th June 2024

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Police say a man tried to sexually assault a woman in Central Park on Monday.

In broad daylight.

Time to leave.

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