We have seen the future, and it sucks.

There is no ‘Climate Emergency’

27th June 2024

Read it.

For decades, the dominant narrative has been that carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from human activities are driving catastrophic climate change. This view, heavily promoted by the United Nations (UN), reached a fever pitch in 2018 when the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) declared that humanity had only twelve years to avert a climate disaster. However, this alarmist perspective is increasingly challenged by a significant number of scientists and professionals who argue that there is no climate emergency; and that climate change is not caused by CO2 emissions, nor by emissions from livestock, such as cows.

One of the most notable refutations comes from the Climate Intelligence Foundation (CLINTEL). Established in 2019 by Dutch geophysics professor Guus Berkhout, CLINTEL has amassed over 1,850 signatories, including Nobel laureates and leading climate experts, who have signed the World Climate Declaration.

One of the liabilities of modern communications is that it makes it far too easy for kooks to connect with each other and assemble to do kooky things. Recent activities by ‘climate protesters’ (not to be confused, apparently, with ‘gravity protesters’) illustrate this defect quite appropriately.

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