Today in Global Warming Hysteria
28th June 2023
Texas’s nighttime temperatures are a symptom of a new, more dangerous kind of heat wave (CNN) No, they’re the same temperatures we get every year.
Deforestation jumped 10% last year despite global pledges (Axios)
Climate change: Deforestation surges despite pledges (BBC)
World forests continue to shrink despite COP26 pledge, report says (Euronews)
The alarming decline of Earth’s forests, in 4 charts (Vox)
Coal prices plummet as green energy surges in China (Innovation Origins)
Sea levels: the worst-case scenario is already here! Taylor isn’t doing A SINGLE show at the Antarctica Walrusdome (The Guardian)
NOAA’s Dubious Associations: Unmasking the Disinformation Tactics in Climate Change Debate