We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Archive for August, 2021

Thought for the Day

29th August 2021

Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis on Thu, 26 Aug 2021

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Creating an Elite

29th August 2021

Severian is delightfully dyspeptic today.

Everyone has always hated the “fetch quests,” but everyone does them, because that’s how you level up. Leveling up becomes the point of the game, not winning the game. Extend the concept a bit further, and you’ve got social media, where people utterly abase themselves for nothing more than “likes” and “upvotes” and “retweets.” Yeah, what this mainly tells us is that people are idiots, but it also reveals something important about elite formation: So long as you get a critical mass of people doing it (for social proof purposes), you could get people engaging in cutthroat, take-no-prisoners competition over jellybean collections.

Give people a way to identify themselves as “elite,” in other words, and they’ll kill themselves and others to do it, no matter how silly the activity.

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Cancer Treatment Breakthrough: Scientists Discover Disease’s ‘Achilles’ Heel’

29th August 2021

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The protein fuels tumours when oxygen levels are low, say scientists.

It enables them to adapt and survive – and become more aggressive.

The enzyme called CAIX (Carbonic Anhydrase IX) helps diseased cells spread to other organs.

UPDATE: New study examines ‘Achilles heel’ of cancer tumours


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Meme of the Day

28th August 2021

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Just a reminder: all talk of any insurrection, any danger to the Republic, any danger to life and limb during the mostly peaceful protest on January 6th is a hoax, brought to you by the same folks who brought you the 2020 Election Hoax, Russian Collusion Hoax, the First Impeachment Hoax, the Second Impeachment Hoax, the “Fine People” Hoax, the “No Wu Han Lab” Hoax, the Lafayette Park Gas Hoax, the George Floyd Hoax, the Jussie Smollett Hoax, the Covington Catholic Kids Hoax, the Trayvon Martin Hoax, countless variations on the Systemic Racism Hoax, not to mention the Global Warming Hoax, the Silent Spring Hoax, the Kinsey Report Hoax. It is an unbroken pattern going all the way back to Walter Winchell reporting that there is no famine in Ukraine.

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Why You Suddenly Need To Delete Google Chrome

28th August 2021

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A shocking new tracking admission from Google, one that hasn’t yet made headlines, should be a serious warning to Chrome’s 2.6 billion users. If you’re one of them, this nasty new surprise should be a genuine reason to quit.

Behind the slick marketing and feature updates, the reality is that Chrome is in a mess when it comes to privacy and security. It has fallen behind rivals in protecting users from tracking and data harvesting, its plan to ditch nasty third-party cookies has been awkwardly postponed, and the replacement technology it said would prevent users being profiled and tracked turns out to have just made everything worse.

“Ubiquitous surveillance… harms individuals and society,” Firefox developer Mozilla warns, and “Chrome is the only major browser that does not offer meaningful protection against cross-site tracking… and will continue to leave users unprotected.”


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Houston Veteran Dies Awaiting ICU Bed for Treatable Illness

28th August 2021

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If you ever want ot know how it would be if we had a government-provided health care system (like the NHS in Britain), just read up on how the VA hospital system works. You’ll have nightmares.

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Pandemic Panic – It’s Titanic

28th August 2021

Unvaccinated, unmasked teacher infected more than half of students in class with Covid-19, CDC reports (CNN) And, as we all know, both the CDC and CNN are always right.

What’s the risk of indoor dining if you’re fully vaccinated? Here’s what one expert says (CNN)

COVID-19 Boosters, Flu Season, and the Future of the Pandemic

Telemundo, Univision Target Kids’ Fears In Push for Mask Mandates

The Mask Mandate Farce

Viral dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 variants in vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals

Judge Suspends Health Passports for Yvelines

2 Dead In Japan After Receiving Moderna Jabs From Contaminated Batches

New Zealand police break up one-person anti-lockdown protest in Auckland

Chicago Judge Strips Mother Of Parental Rights For Being Unvaccinated

Israeli Study: Natural Immunity Is 13x Stronger Than Pfizer Covid Shots  Covid vaccines = really lame.

NFL Continues To Make Life Difficult For Those Who Do Not Get The Vaccine


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Today in Progressive Totalitarianism

28th August 2021

New York magazine’s shocking revelation: The liberal media are biased! (New York Post)

Nirvana baby Spencer Elden is poster child for our victim culture

Don’t Be Fooled: H.R. 4 Is Just Another Power Grab

Recalling the Last Recall and the Lib Media’s Last Minute Dirty Tricks

FB messenger silently censoring links, claims they were sent


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Today in Black Privilege

28th August 2021

Police Arrest The Son Of Little Elm’s Mayor In The Colony Restaurant Stabbing

DNA Tests May Increase Census Count Of Multiracial Population

Thousands March in Washington, US Cities for Voting Rights

Los Angeles Times Targets Larry Elder, Whips Race Card at His Head

Sunday NYT Mag Cover Deflects Black-on-Asian Assaults, Finds ‘Root Causes,’ Victim Blaming


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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

28th August 2021

This is what New York City will look like after climate change (Salon) Still waiting for it.

Yes, We Can Grow 1 Trillion Trees to Help Fight Climate Change (TIME)

What will our eco-friendly homes of the future look like? (The Guardian)

CLINTEL goes to court

Every euro invested in nuclear power makes the climate crisis worse

Possible climate futures–from the optimistic to the strange (National Geographic)

Extreme Temperatures In England

Volcanoes were a ‘safety valve’ for Earth’s climate, research suggests

Good news: The most popular material on Earth is great for storing CO2


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Today in Witch-Hunt Culture

28th August 2021

Trump Flips Out at House Committee After It Requests Secret Capitol Riot Documents (Daily Beast) Flips out!

Trump has good reason to be triggered by Jan. 6 commission: Records request suggests a real probe (Salon) Real probe!

New York Times Still Claiming Tea Party Built on Fear of a Black President  A well-founded fear, judging by the results.

Online Trolls Actually Just Assholes All the Time, Study Finds (Gizmodo)

Politico Instantly Predicts ‘GOP Faces Hurdles’ in Midterms in Wake of Kabul Bombings

Atrocity Narrative in Action, or Why Is @BenMakuch Obsessed With Neo-Nazis?


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Today in the Biden-Harris Slow-Motion Train Wreck

28th August 2021

These are the US service members killed in the Kabul airport attack

White House to media: We want our props on Afghanistan

Staggering Costs – U.S. Military Equipment Left Behind In Afghanistan

Marine commander relieved of duties for saying senior leaders need to admit ‘we messed this up’

‘No one has money.’ Under Taliban rule, Afghanistan’s banking system is imploding

Biden’s dog, Major, bit Secret Service members for 8 days in a row, email says So he’s a Democrat. That’s not news.

Biden’s Bagram Bungle

Report: Taliban Using US Biometric Equipment to Hunt Targets

Pentagon Claims Only One Explosion Occurred During Kabul Airport Attack As Death Toll Hits 170

Granholm Chartered Military Jet to Ukraine as US Struggled To Evacuate Americans From Afghanistan

US Says It Killed “Planner” Behind Kabul Airport Attack In Targeted Drone Strike

White House Sends Beto To Help Taliban Confiscate Afghans’ Weapons  Babylon Bee.


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Glenn Greenwald Speaks Truth to Reply Guys

28th August 2021

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This is from New York Magazine, pillar of the Narrative Media, so bear that in mind. But even a blind pig finds an acorn now and then, and this appears to be one of those.

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Electric Vehicle Fire Catastrophe: It Is Not a Matter of If, but When

28th August 2021

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Why Governments Fail

28th August 2021

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The pandemic was supposed to prove the value of public health institutions like the CDC; instead, it exposed their inability to deal with a serious pandemic without serious errors. Tyler Cowen, a professor of economics at George Mason University, worries that these failures have a deeper cause: as the citizens of countries like the United States come to trust each other less and less, they are increasingly incapable of meeting the big challenges that await them.

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The Quest for a Floating Utopia

28th August 2021

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Elwartowski is dressed, per his trademark style, in a Hawaiian shirt, a look that seems to convert his every setting into cheerful paradise. Affable, clean-shaven, and still boyish at 47, he is one of the most devoted members of a strange global tribe: seasteaders, as they call themselves, believe the answer to some of life’s most pressing problems is to build new cities on the ocean. Global poverty, health crises, environmental challenges: these issues might all be fixed out there, along Earth’s last (mostly) unclaimed frontier. According to seasteading logic, the current crop of land-based governments is not serving the world—and by breaking away and starting afresh, we might build a better society.

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Lawyer: FBI’s Seth Rich Docs Show Robbery Narrative ‘Failing Apart’

28th August 2021

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The FBI released documents sought related to the death of former Democrat National Committee voter expansion data director Seth Rich, and a lawyer says it shows no signs of what has been considered a robbery murder.

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Liberalism’s Graveyard

28th August 2021

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Gerard Araud, the outspoken former French ambassador recently tweeted that “Afghanistan will go back to its geopolitical destiny, being a buffer state and a marginal backwater. Any country which forgets it is doomed to fail.” That is almost certainly true; in foreign policy and military grand-strategy, geography is often destiny.

But this most recent Afghanistan war may also go down in history as one of the consequential ones. Quite possibly one of the most paradigm-shifting events this century. Because Afghanistan throws open many more questions about contemporary social science than it provides answers for. It is the graveyard not just of empires – a rhetorical cliché even a neoconservative should grasp – but rather the place and the idea of the place is the graveyard of ideologies.

Afghanistan stands as a living refutation of the Progressive dogma that people are infinitely malleable and can be lathed into whatever sort of Model Citizen one wants merely by applying money and propaganda.

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Scanning QR Codes in Restaurants: Why a Meal May Cost You Your Privacy

28th August 2021

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Convenience sometimes comes with risks that are not always apparent.

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Real American Heroes

28th August 2021

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Kudos to ABC News for reporting true news that hurts their party. A group of volunteers, retired and active duty special operators and intelligence field officers, has apparently launched a successful covert mission that rescued 500 Afghans who had helped the American special operations community over the past 20 years. Men and their wives and children were quietly moved through the streets and then entered the Kabul airport perimeter through sewer culverts. These American heroes were not in uniform and apparently were not carrying weapons as they bluffed their way past Taliban checkpoints with their protectees. The mission name: “Pineapple Express.”

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It’s Not Just the Taliban: We in the West Are Embracing Medievalism, Too

28th August 2021

Joel Kotkin.

For years progressives, neo-conservatives, libertarians and business “visionaries” embraced the notion of inexorable progress leading humanity to more enlightened times. Optimistic notions about an “arc of history” bending toward greater prosperity and social justice were embraced by both President George W. Bush and President Barack Obama. But these days, the arc of progress seems to have done an about face and become something of a circle, bending all the way back to autocracy and intolerance, while the optimism of the Bush or Obama years appears more naïve in retrospect with every passing day.

Indeed, “the notion of inexorable progress leading humanity to more enlightened times” is the very foundation of the progressive ideology; to the extent that ‘neo-conservatives’, ‘libertarians’, or ‘business visionaries’ embrace it, they signal that they are neither conservative, libertarian, nor visionary. The progessive icon of ‘the Right Side of History’ has become the new Golden Calf toward which all are expected to bow, and in whose honor all are expected to dance.

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How Others See Us

28th August 2021

John Hinderaker at Power Line.

As the Afghanistan debacle has unfolded, I have been following the coverage in various foreign newspapers. The coverage I have seen has been harshly critical of the Biden administration, to a degree that more or less equals what we see in the conservative press here in the U.S.

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Parole Board Votes to Spring Sirhan Sirhan

28th August 2021

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The NYT is much less enthusiastic about RFK assassination conspiracy theorizing than the Washington Post.

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Report: Wisconsin Lost Track of 82,000 Ballots in State Biden Won by 20,000

28th August 2021

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Nothing to see here! Move along, move along….

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Afghanistan Drone Strike Targeted Islamic State ‘Planner’ in Car, US Says

28th August 2021

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The US drone strike in Afghanistan targeted a mid-level “planner” from the Islamic State’s local affiliate who was travelling in a car with one other person near the eastern city of Jalalabad, US official sources said on Saturday.

The strike came two days after Islamic State in Khorasan Province (ISKP) claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing outside Kabul airport, as western forces running the airlift braced for more attacks.

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Thought for the Day

28th August 2021

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Today in Black Privilege

27th August 2021

The Supreme Court has sided with the police at the expense of Black Americans (CNN)

Capitol Police officer who killed Ashli Babbitt on January 6 speaks publicly for first time: ‘I know that day I saved countless lives’  (CNN) Shooting an unarmed woman saved … how many lives?

Forensic Anthropology: Forensic Anthropologists Might Not be True Believers in Race Does Not Exist!

When You Can’t Mention Affirmative Action vs. When You Can

Spike Lee and HBO Push Kooky Conspiracy Theories

Capitol Police Officer Who Killed Ashli Babbitt Reveals Identity In TV Interview  If the races were reversed … this guy would be on Death Row even as we speak. You know it’s true.


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Today in the Biden-Harris Slow-Motion Train Wreck

27th August 2021

At least 60 dead in bomb carnage at Kabul Airport – BBC News

Photo of Biden from Afghanistan news conference goes viral: ‘A defining image’

President Biden says he was ‘instructed’ to call on reporters from list at presser following Kabul attack

Kamala Harris has ‘unprecedented’ negative rating I’m surprised it’s that high.

Flight Carrying US Lawmakers Denied Permission to Land in Kabul, Says Repor


Weekend at Biden’s: CBS Tries to Prop Up Pres as Tough on Terrorists

‘Kill List’: Nets Spike Biden Admin Giving Taliban Names of Americans, Allies

Taliban Says 28 Of Its Members Killed In Blasts, Blames US For “Chaotic Evacuation”

Taliban Buys Hunter Biden Painting For Presidential Palace  Babylon Bee.

Joe ‘Diplomacy Is Back’ Biden Takes Wrecking Ball to US-UK ‘Special Relationship’

Taliban Fighters Reportedly Seize Military Side Of Kabul Airport Using American Weapons

Marine Battalion Commander Fired After Blasting ‘Inept’ Military Leadership Over Afghanistan Withdrawal

WOW: NYT’s Shear Tears Apart Psaki’s Phony Options on Afghanistan

Pediatricians Sue Biden Administration for Requiring Doctors to Perform Trans Surgeries Against Beliefs


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Today in Progressive Totalitarianism

27th August 2021

Cori Bush Says ‘Abolish Billionaires’ Whose Wealth Increased $1.8T During Pandemic

New Harvard chief chaplain is an atheist and ordained ‘humanist rabbi’

Company Headquarters Leaving California in Unprecedented Numbers

Facebook To Form Election Commission: Report  Can’t have the wrong people winning.

The Weaponization Of Medicine

Disgusting: After 13 U.S. Troops Dead, Reid and Guests ‘Proud’ of Biden’s ‘Courage’

Online disinformation is an industry that needs regulation, says boffin

Forensic Anthropology: Forensic Anthropologists Might Not be Accurately Determining the Pronouns of Skeletons Found in Shallow Grave

Virginia School Board Strikes $1.3M Bathroom Policy Settlement With Transgender Man

DC Officials Brace for 9/11 Anniversary, Event Supporting Jan. 6 Protesters

Party of the KKK Rigging Election Against Black Republican

Mom Sues TSA Over Request to Strip Search Her Transgender Teen

NBA To ‘Educate’ Incoming Rookies On How To Promote Woke Social Justice Causes

CDC To Restart Gun Violence Research

On Eve of Terror Attack, MSNBC Urged More Positive Press for Biden

CENSORED: YouTube Smothers Video Critical of CA Governor Gavin Newsom

Why San Francisco’s city government is so dysfunctional


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Today in Witch-Hunt Culture

27th August 2021

The Afghanistan airport explosion happened under Biden but traces back to Trump (NBC News)

Trump’s rally script fell apart (CNN)

The dark future of far-right Trumpist politics is coming into view (Washington Post)

Kayleigh McEnany is gaslighting America (CNN)

Tucker Carlson’s Ugly Feud With Eric Swalwell Has Sucked in Family (Daily Beast)

Celebrate Jeff Bezos’ big day out to space with a $69 miniature dick rocket  The Verge is supposedly a tech news site but I guess they can’t resist going Woke.

oy Reid: DeSantis Smeared As ‘Dr. Death…Rolling Out Red Carpet’ for COVID  She ought to change her name to “Hate Reid”.

In Response To Afghanistan Disaster, Pelosi Begins Impeachment Proceedings Against President Trump  Babylon Bee.

Gene Weingarten should not have apologized

Petty LA Times Columnist Insists Hate Mail ‘Proves’ Elder Is ‘Black Face of White Supremacy’


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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

27th August 2021

Peak Coal?

Great Barrier Reef Sea Surface Temperature: No Change In 150 Years

Climate Change Report Isn’t a Blank Check for Green Policies


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Pandemic Panic – It’s Titnaic

27th August 2021

“Inescapable” COVID-19 Antibody Discovery – Neutralizes All Known SARS-CoV-2 Strains

Woman is CARRIED out of Texas school board meeting for refusing to wear mask

Brother and sister banned from high school for not wearing masks

Make the unvaccinated pay out for their deadly decisions (CNN)

Ivermectin demand drives some to pro-Trump telemedicine website [sic] (NBC News)

How ‘America’s Frontline Doctors’ Sold Access to Bogus COVID-19 Treatments—and Left Patients in the Lurch (TIME) And they probably support Trump, too.

Sturgis Rally Is What a Vaccine-Era Coronavirus Superspreader Event Looks Like (Daily Beast) So where did they spread it to?

Covid trackers for student-athletes shelved at Washington state high school

Ruling Class Increasingly Calls Upon The Private Sector To Make Lives Of The “Unvaccinated” Difficult

Reporter Urges Aussies To Get Vaccinated Despite Suffering Rare Heart Inflammation Caused By Pfizer Jab

Supreme Court Lifts Biden’s Covid-19 Moratorium on Evictions

What Can We Learn About COVID Tyranny From Australia And Afghanistan?

French Supermarket Customers Protest Health Passpor

Don’t be surprised by the inconclusive ‘intelligence’ report into COVID’s origins  Most commonly used phrase by a government employee: “We can’t tell people that!”

‘This Ends The Debate’ – Israeli Study Shows Natural Immunity 13x More Effective Than Vaccines At Stopping Delta  The’ vaccines’ strike me as being pretty lame.

Reddit Rejects Calls To Censor COVID “Misinformation”

Japan Suspects Contaminant In Moderna Vaccines Is Metallic, ‘Reacts To Magnets’  Yeah, gonna run right out and get that vaccine.

Denmark To Scrap All Covid-19 Restrictions

US Intel Agency Has “Moderate” Confidence Covid Escaped From Wuhan Lab: Origins Report


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For First Time, Half of Americans Favor Defending Taiwan If China Invades

27th August 2021

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2021 Chicago Council Survey data show a majority of Americans support a range of US policies towards Taiwan: recognition as an independent country, inclusion in international organizations, and a US-Taiwan free trade agreement.

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Corruption Conundrum

27th August 2021

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I frequently listen to Scott Adams’s daily blog — Coffee with Scott Adams. He presents an interesting take on the news of the day and analyzes how persuasive (or not) are certain techniques employed in news outlet propaganda. His audience skews conservative but Adams (provocatively) claims to “be left of Bernie”. In reality, all Adams is doing is promoting critical thinking whether you agree with his particular take on current events. Mrs Rodin, when she listens with me, treats Adam’s coffee klatch as a melodrama. Adams is capable of (frequently) sharing viewpoints with which Mrs Rodin (and others in his audience) do not agree and to which she voices her displeasure.

All this is by way of introduction: Adams’ view on “the Big Lie” (reformulated by Adams a la Trump as “that Biden won”) is that election fraud was not only probable but inevitable. Quoting Adams from memory, “Any system designed to be un-auditable will be used to cheat.” Or words to that effect. Adams does not direct this charge solely to the 2020 general election — it is a general observation true of everything.

I watch Coffee With Scott Adams every day. $7 a month to Locals will allow you to access the recorded videocasts asynchronously. Highly recommended.

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We’re told to ‘follow the science’ — yet some of it is just plain wrong

27th August 2021

“Instapundit” Glenn Harlan Reynolds.

In recent years, there have been a lot of catchphrases around science: “Follow the science!” “We believe in science!” Even “The science is settled!”

Well, sometimes it’s not settled. Sometimes it’s not even really science. But lots of people believe in it or follow it anyway. It’s a global problem.

Most recently, we learned that a widely noticed 2012 study co-authored by Dan Ariely — whom the journal Science refers to as a “superstar honesty researcher” — was based on fake data.

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A Struggle to Prevent Suicides at Soaring NYC Sculpture

27th August 2021

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When it opened 2 1/2 years ago near the Hudson River, the 150-foot-tall (46-meter-tall) piece of public art known as the Vessel looked like another surefire Manhattan tourist draw. It’s a strange honeycomb of platforms and staircases, partially ringed by skyscrapers, offered striking views of the waterfront and quickly became an Instagram favorite.

But these days it stands closed and empty, its entrances blocked off with chains or metal barricades, after a 14-year-old boy last month became the fourth person to fatally leap from the sculpture.

The death on July 29, a mere two months after the sculpture had reopened following previous suicides, has reinvigorated a call for real estate developer Related Companies to raise the height of the waist-high railings on the sides of the stairs and platforms.

Think of it as evolution in action.

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Thought for the Day

27th August 2021

Calvin and Hobbes Comic Strip for August 24, 2021

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Will Europe Survive Another Migrant Crisis?

27th August 2021

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The long-term consequences of the collapse of Afghanistan will naturally take time to come into focus. But it seems unlikely that they will be associated with “success”. Already it seems inevitable that America’s enemies — in particular China — will have noted how easy it is to push around the world’s superpower. Meanwhile, America’s allies now face challenges of their own; the EU and UK now surely know that they need to be more operationally adept, capable of doing basic things like holding an airport without requiring the support of the US.

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27th August 2021

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WaterPod is a sustainable floating pod that turns seawater into drinking water through a natural desalination process.

I’m curious as to what exactly ‘sustainable’ means in this context. Won’t ever sink? Will hold you up if you’re drowning? Provides emergency cash when you need it?

UPDATE: Can Desalination Save Us from Water Scarcity?

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The Fall of Tina Tchen

27th August 2021

Steve Sailer.

Back in 2019, Michelle Obama’s old chief of staff Tina Tchen was a regular iSteve newsmaker for being involved in various sordid Democrat inside baseball goings-on. For example, when legendary SPLC co-founder Morris Dees got fired, presumably for being an elderly horndog, the SPLC board promised that the saintly Ms. Tchen would do a thorough investigation and then publish a full investigation. It’s been two and a half years but still no report.

And then Tchen helped get Jussie Smollett of with a slap on the wrist.

But now she’s in bad odor with the media for trying to help out Andrew Cuomo when ex. Gov. Moe Syzslak got Me-Tooed for what seemed to be at a quick scan to be mostly Al Franken-level offenses.

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India-Pakistan: Desperate for a Victory

27th August 2021

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Pakistan publicized the recent delivery of a list of Pakistan Taliban leaders to the Afghan Taliban leaders and requested that the Afghan Taliban “persuade” those Pakistan Taliban leaders to surrender. Demanding that the Afghan Taliban attack the Pakistan Taliban is a more difficult ask. The Pakistan Taliban, locally known as TTP (Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan) are about a third the size of the Afghan Taliban and are opposed to the drug cartels that finance the Afghan Taliban. TTP also contains a lot of al Qaeda groups that joined because that appears to be the best way to overthrow the Pakistan government.

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Auto Focus

27th August 2021

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If I were a Marxist, I might be tempted to say that the obligatory switch to electric cars is a conspiracy of the rich against the poor to enslave them yet further. (By the poor, I mean of course the relatively poor, not the absolutely destitute.)

Many of the relatively poor have old, cheap, and no doubt polluting vehicles. Many of these poor need such vehicles to go wherever they need to go. Tradesmen and craftsmen in a small way of business often have old diesel vans that will soon be prohibited; they will have to replace them with far more expensive electric types. This will have the great advantage of forcing them either to indebt themselves in order to buy them, or to go out of business altogether, thus leaving the field to larger businesses. This would be but a small step in the march to monopoly that the Marxists predict.

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The Geek in Pictures: COVID-Stan Edition

27th August 2021

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I’m working on a theory of the case that somehow the COVID fiasco and the Afghanistan fiasco are clearly linked at some metaphysical level. And why didn’t we just have the wit to threaten the Taliban with unleashing COVID on them if they didn’t cooperate? Funny how we don’t hear anything about the COVID risks of the evacuation. Are people being tested at the airport?

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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

26th August 2021

Claim: Climate Attribution Shows Weather is 1.2x – 9x More Severe Because of CO2

Federal Judge Pulls Permits For ConocoPhillips Oil Project Due To Impact On “Climate Change And Polar Bears”

Why is life on Earth still taking second place to fossil fuel companies? (The Guardian) Fossily fuel companies, of course, do not qualify as ‘life on earth’.

Uranium: Powering The Cleanest Source Of Energy

Concrete: The most destructive material on Earth (The Guardian)

A Solution in Search of a Problem

Goodbye climate deniers, hello climate bullshitters (The Guardian)

Big oil coined ‘carbon footprints’ to blame us for their greed  (The Guardian)

Orange County Register Greenland Ice Melting Article Highly Misleading

What if it’s too late to save our planet without geoengineering? (The Guardian) What if geoengineering screws things up even more?


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Today in Progressive Totalitarianism

26th August 2021

“Get The F*ck Out!”: Antifa Attacks Female Reporter In Portland

House vote on $3.5 trillion budget raises prospect of higher taxes on the rich (CNBC) Try ‘higher taxes on EVERYBODY’.

To save California, sacrifice single-family zoning  (L.A. Times)

Where Are America’s ‘Feminists’ Fighting for Afghan Women?

Soros’s D.A. in L.A. Won’t Oppose Release of Sirhan Sirhan

Rent control isn’t working in Sweden

Morning Joe: Afghanistan Headlines Will ‘Fade,’ Voters Will ‘Credit’ Biden

CNN Shocked to Discover Democrat Voters ‘Frustrated,’ Want to Recall Newsom Too

Bloomberg Bizweek: Looted Target Got What It Deserved

Misinfo, Astro-Turfing, & Media Bias Abound Early In Canada’s Election Cycle

Book For ‘3-6’ Year Olds Teaches Being Transgender Is Normal, Common

Watchdog Groups Voice Concern Over “Flaw” On Ballot Envelopes For Newsom Recall Election

‘#DealWithIt’; MSNBC’s Malcolm Nance Brushes Off Deadly Bombings at Afghan Airport  Proglodyte asshole.


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Today in Witch-Hunt Culture

26th August 2021

Judge Sanctions Trump Allies And Orders Legal Education For Failed Election Lawsuit

Matt Gaetz Failed to Properly Disclose His Abysmal Book Sales (Daily Beast) The swine!

NY Times: ‘Far-Right’ Larry Elder ‘All That Is Wrong With the Recall Process’ in California  I’m waiting for them to describe Lindsey Graham as ‘far-right’.

NPR Unloads: ‘Very Controversial’ Larry Elder Waved a Gun at a Woman?  How does that differ from half of the black men in Los Angeles?

Parler CEO Blasts Social Media for Allowing Taliban, Khamenei, CCP — Banning Trump

Capitol Police Officers Sue Trump For Allegedly ‘Masterminding’ Jan. 6 “Attack”  Guess they didn’t read the FBI report that said there was no masterminding.

Survey: Notre Dame’s Leprechaun Mascot Is Offensive  As a person of Irish descent, I certainly find it offensive.

Liberal Media Say Joe Rogan Has Lost Influence, Celebrate Alleged Decline of His Podcast


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Today in Black Privilege

26th August 2021

Biden laughed at as he awkwardly kneels alone during photo op as Black Voters Matter leader says gesture isn’t enough

FBI “Doubles Down” With More Agents As Louisville’s Violent Crime Spirals Out Of Control


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Pandemic Panic – It’s Titanic

26th August 2021

Nitric Oxide Nasal Spray Reduces Covid-19 Viral Load By 95% Within 24 Hours: Study

Texas governor bans COVID-19 vaccine mandates regardless of approval status (The Hill)

Associated Press ripped after Fauci touts monoclonal antibodies: ‘Isn’t this the thing Ron DeSantis promoted?’ Because if De Santis promoted it, it’s ipso facto bogus.

South Dakota Covid cases quintuple after Sturgis motorcycle rally Less than 4,000 cases in two weeks – they probably had more motorcycle accidents.

‘I think we already broke:’ Mississippi’s nurses are resigning to protect themselves from Covid-19 burnout (CNN)

Vaccine Mandates & The “Great Reset”

Prison island: Australia’s COVID fortress has become a jail

Japan Suspends 1.6M Doses of Moderna Shot Over Contamination Fears

Iowa Gov. Facing Mask Mandate Lawsuits

The plight of the stranded Australians

Welcome to the Forever Pandemic

Texas Supreme Court Sides With Abbott, Blocks San Antonio School Mask Mandate


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Today in the Biden-Harris Slow-Motion Train Wreck

26th August 2021

Kamala Harris has ‘unprecedented’ negative rating

Psaki caught flat-footed by question about California students stranded in Afghanistan

Hunter Biden Art Dealer Served Jail Time and Allegedly Defrauded Investor  No wonder they’re comfortable together.

Taliban Secures World’s Largest Lithium Deposits After US Withdrawal From Afghanistan  And China is right there waiting….

US Allies Halt Evacuations From Kabul Airport Over Another “Imminent” ISIS Threat

U.S. Troops Wounded in Suicide Bombing at Kabul Airport

Biden Loyalists in the Media Embarrass Themselves as Afghanistan Crumbles

White House Begins Pinning Talking Points On Biden’s Back For Maximum Visibility  Babylon Bee.

U.S. Officials Believe ISIS-Khorasan Behind Kabul Terror Attack

Deadliest Day for Troops in Afghanistan Since 2011

Obama Tried to Warn Us: ‘Don’t Underestimate Joe’s Ability to F— Things Up’


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Does America Still Work?

26th August 2021

Victor Davis Hanson.

For nearly two years, Americans have engaged in a great woke experiment of cannibalizing themselves. American civilization has invested massive labor, capital, and time in an effort to constantly flagellate itself for not being perfect.

Yet America’s resilience and its resources are not infinite. We are now beginning to see the consequences of what happens when premodern tribalism absorbs Americans.

There are repercussions when ideology governs policy or when we take for granted the basics of life to pursue its trappings.

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