We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The Fall of Tina Tchen

27th August 2021

Steve Sailer.

Back in 2019, Michelle Obama’s old chief of staff Tina Tchen was a regular iSteve newsmaker for being involved in various sordid Democrat inside baseball goings-on. For example, when legendary SPLC co-founder Morris Dees got fired, presumably for being an elderly horndog, the SPLC board promised that the saintly Ms. Tchen would do a thorough investigation and then publish a full investigation. It’s been two and a half years but still no report.

And then Tchen helped get Jussie Smollett of with a slap on the wrist.

But now she’s in bad odor with the media for trying to help out Andrew Cuomo when ex. Gov. Moe Syzslak got Me-Tooed for what seemed to be at a quick scan to be mostly Al Franken-level offenses.

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