We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Corruption Conundrum

27th August 2021

Read it.

I frequently listen to Scott Adams’s daily blog — Coffee with Scott Adams. He presents an interesting take on the news of the day and analyzes how persuasive (or not) are certain techniques employed in news outlet propaganda. His audience skews conservative but Adams (provocatively) claims to “be left of Bernie”. In reality, all Adams is doing is promoting critical thinking whether you agree with his particular take on current events. Mrs Rodin, when she listens with me, treats Adam’s coffee klatch as a melodrama. Adams is capable of (frequently) sharing viewpoints with which Mrs Rodin (and others in his audience) do not agree and to which she voices her displeasure.

All this is by way of introduction: Adams’ view on “the Big Lie” (reformulated by Adams a la Trump as “that Biden won”) is that election fraud was not only probable but inevitable. Quoting Adams from memory, “Any system designed to be un-auditable will be used to cheat.” Or words to that effect. Adams does not direct this charge solely to the 2020 general election — it is a general observation true of everything.

I watch Coffee With Scott Adams every day. $7 a month to Locals will allow you to access the recorded videocasts asynchronously. Highly recommended.

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