We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Archive for December, 2019

Blacks for Buttigieg Event Disrupted by White “Black Lives Matter” Protester

6th December 2019

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You can’t tell the victims without a scorecard….

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“Where Does the Asian Obsession with White Skin Come from?”

5th December 2019

Steve Sailer.

An article in The Diplomat that is relatively informative by the standards of the genre, argues that the rise of pale-skinned Koreans has made Southeast Asian women even more obsessive about whitening their skins….

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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

5th December 2019

Afternoon Mirror: Pamela Karlan Offers Half-Assed Apology For Barron Trump Joke

Grotesque! PBS Reporter Defends Karlan’s Attack on Barron Trump; GOP Is ‘Seizing on’ It  Not ‘pouncing’?

Impeachment hearings live updates: Nadler says scholars’ testimony is ‘clear and compelling evidence’ that Trump abused his power  Really?

CBS Hides Dem Witness Lashing Out at Barron Trump, ABC Calls It Witty

Jerry Nadler Appears To Doze Off During Impeachment Hearing Can’t hardly blame him.

Nets Glorify Pro-Impeachment Witnesses, Cover Over Their Dem Donations

Todd Complains Democrats Don’t Focus Enough on Impeachment

Pelosi Says House Will Draft Articles Of Impeachment Against “King” Trump


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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

5th December 2019

CNN Hypes Going to ‘War’ Against Climate Change

Birds are shrinking due to climate change, scientists claim

UN’s Agenda 2030 Translator: How To Read The UN’s New Sustainable Development Goals

The Anti-Greta

Majority of climate simulation models have accurately predicted global heating since 1970s, study finds 

Another year, another carbon emissions record

Hot PBS Take on Fox: ‘Helping to Destroy the Planet’

Climate change could boost British crops, pioneering field trial shows 

Mason scientist develops game to arm users against climate change ‘fake news’

Some Facts About Energy


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Breast Cancer Linked to Permanent Hair Dye and Chemical Hair Straighteners

5th December 2019

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It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature.

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Tesla Owners Wait in Half-Mile-Long Line to Charge Their Cars on Black Friday

5th December 2019

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And Justin Hammer Elon Musk laughs all the way to the bank….

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Darwin Awards

5th December 2019

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A cumulative list. Apparently the gene pool cleans itself out quite effectively.

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Elizabeth Warren Unveils Plan to End Climate Change by Performing Authentic Rain Dance

5th December 2019

Babylon Bee.

Why not? They’ve tried everything else.

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Mobile Phones Causing Cuts, Bruising, Organ Damage and Concussion, First Major Study Shows

5th December 2019

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Only among the foolish. Think of it as evolution in action.

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France Paralyzed by Largest General Strike in Decades

5th December 2019

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In what appears to be the biggest disruption to French society since the gilets jaunes demonstrators nearly torched Paris last year, public workers across the country stayed home on Thursday, immobilizing public transit across the country as the first general strike in more than 20 years began.

The walkout was called by unions angry at President Emmanuel Macron’s pension reforms (not unlike how a planned – then scrapped – gas tax hike sparked the giles jaunes).

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When 98.9 Percent of Nutrition Scientist Got it Wrong

5th December 2019

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This is why a lot of us don’t feel like panicking over ‘climate change’.

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The Supreme Hive Mind

5th December 2019

ZMan serves up a reminder.

Whenever the Left is running a caper or pulling shenanigans, there is a tendency to examine the event in isolation. Pundits and analysts will look for why the Left is doing the narrow thing they are doing, usually searching for the sort of causes that would motivate normal people. Money and power are the two most popular explanations from the conventional Right, as those are the things that matter to them. This sort of analysis misses the mark, because it obscures the commonalities.

The notion of our ruling class as some sort of Hive Mind who act in concert, not because of some coordinating entity but because they all think alike and so react to situations in the same way is not a new one, although one that hasn’t received a lot of emphasis lately. A herd doesn’t have to engage in some kind of conspiracy, merely all act the same way in the same circumstances.

It is this hive minded view of politics that is behind the fanatical purging of heretics and blasphemers from social media. The people behind it have conflated these platforms with their own sense of themselves. Just as Trump penetrating Washington is seen as the most egregious personal violation, bad thinkers on YouTube are imagined to be spiritual rapists, victimizing the community with their bad ideas. Purging these monsters from the community is now a sacred duty.

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Thought for the Day

5th December 2019

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Five Ways to Eat Acorns for Survival

5th December 2019

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If, of course, that’s what you want to do.

Personally, I prefer my acorns processed through a pig first.

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Cory’s Complaint

5th December 2019

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Cory Booker moans that the Democrats are “spiraling towards a debate stage that could have six people with no diversity whatsoever.” This statement is flatly false. The six Dems who have locked up places on the debate stage are Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, Pete Buttigieg, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, and Tom Steyer.

Well, let’s look at the numbers.

Looks like blacks and Latinx want the Old White People. Whose fault is that?

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Barack and Michelle Obama Are Busting Out the Champagne on a Mega-Estate on Martha’s Vineyard

5th December 2019

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Isn’t it appalling the racism that black people have to undergo in modern Amerika?

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George Zimmerman Sues Family of Trayvon Martin, and Police, for $100 Million

4th December 2019

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Took him long enough.

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Get Woke! Rapinoe Now Telling Men’s Soccer Stars to Focus on Social Justice

4th December 2019

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Never take advice from somebody with purple hair. Just sayin’.

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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

4th December 2019

3 Big Trump-Nadler Scuffles Before the Real Estate Mogul Became President  For Nadler, it’s personal.

Chicken Littles: CNN Uses Founders to Calling for Trump’s Removal…or America Will Die!

A grave charge and a momentous turn in the Trump impeachment inquiry  CNN.

Democrats obtained phone records showing how Trump allies coordinated ‘false narratives’ CNN.

It’s possible that Trump doesn’t actually know what climate change is  WaPo.

1 sentence that perfectly explains Donald Trump’s ostrich-like approach to the presidency  CNN.

President Trump’s Biggest Failures Have Been His Staffing Mistakes

Justin Trudeau Caught On Camera Bashing Trump To Other World Leaders Not really news but a useful reminder.

IRONY ALERT! Ben Rhodes Decries Trump’s ‘Corrupt’ Foreign Policy to Chris Matthews

Trudeau, Macron And BoJo Caught On Hot Mic Laughing At Trump  I suspect that they will come to regret it.

Democrats Stack Judiciary Impeachment Hearing With Anti-Trump Lawyers  I’m sure they would call Larry Tribe if he weren’t senile.

Mental Health Professionals Urge House Committee To Consider Trump’s ‘Dangerous’ Mental State

Jerry Nadler Claims The Facts On Trump Impeachment Are ‘Undisputed’  Guess he doesn’t get out much.

ABC: Watch Out for Republican ‘Theatrics’ This Impeachment Inquiry Hearing!

Nets Excited by Dems’ ‘Damning’ Report, ‘One Step Closer to Impeaching President Trump’

GOP’s Impeachment Witness Attacks ‘Bribery’ And ‘Obstruction’ Narratives, Accuses Democrats Of Abusing Power

Turley Says George Washington’s ‘Powdered Hair’ Would Be On Fire Over Trump Impeachment

Dem witness: If you don’t impeach Trump, democracy is dead, or something

Hollywood Loves Gossip Girl Justin Trudeau, Says Trump’s the ‘Embarrassment’

Huh? Melber Claims: ‘You Don’t Need an Underlying Crime to Remove a President’


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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

4th December 2019

Claim: Delaying Climate Action Could Threaten Democracy

Democrats fly to Madrid to conceal Paris Agreement’s colossal failure from Americans

“How dare you!” Will Happer “calls methane ‘irrelevant’ to climate”.

Disaster prevention is better than cure, says UN emergency chief   

Europe facing extreme heat every two years as watchdog warns EU will miss 2030 targets

Big Tech CEOs Support Paris Climate Agreement, Opposing US Gov’t

Are Stagnant Academic Standards Related to Fear of Climate Change?

Climate Change Hits Property Prices  Does it?

Don’t blame all ‘weird’ weather on climate change

Climate Crisis: “We have got to reduce the manufacture and use of Milk Formula”  And the crises just keep on comin’.

Please Send Cash: UN Demands $29 Billion for 2020 “Extreme Weather” Humanitarian Aid Programmes


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ICE Spokesman Says Criminal Illegal Aliens Are Attracted to Sanctuary Cities

4th December 2019

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Well, duh.

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Liberal Journalist: Please Stop Laughing About the Collapse of Kamala Harris’ Campaign and Give Your Thoughts and Prayers to Her Skill-Free Idiot 24-Year-Old Campaign Workers Who Must Now Learn to Code

4th December 2019

Ace of Spades gives no quarter.

A bad time for the Trump administration to be tightening welfare requirements.

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Blue State Blues: 90,000 Packages Disappear Daily in N.Y.C.

4th December 2019

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Online deliveries to an apartment building in northern Manhattan are left with a retired woman in 2H who watches over her neighbors’ packages to make sure nothing gets stolen.

Corporate mailrooms in New York and other cities are overwhelmed by employees shipping personal packages to work for safekeeping, leading companies to ban packages and issue warnings that boxes will be intercepted and returned to the senders.

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‘It Just Isn’t Working’: PISA Test Scores Cast Doubt on U.S. Education Efforts

4th December 2019

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An international exam shows that American 15-year-olds are stagnant in reading and math even though the country has spent billions to close gaps with the rest of the world.

Guys, it’s not the money you spend, but the methods you use, that are failing.

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Thought for the Day

4th December 2019

They do indeed.

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Polar Bear Seen With Graffiti on Its Side Sparks Outrage in Russia

4th December 2019

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I expected to see the Nike ‘swoosh’. But I suspect that it’s coming.

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Muhammad Makes List of Top 10 Baby Names in the U.S. for First Time

4th December 2019

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I wonder why Protestants don’t name their kids ‘Jesus’.

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On Point: Trump’s Canny Diplomatic and Psychological Feints on the International Stage

4th December 2019

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Earlier this year, President Trump began grousing about endless wars and publicly mulled removing U.S. military forces from Syria. Then, in mid-October, he abruptly ordered military advisers to leave northern Syria, a predicate to a complete U.S. skedaddle. Trump’s critics cratered. Syria’s civil war is a dirty, fractious bloodbath where regional and global powers collide amid homicidal tribes. With the U.S. gone, Turkish forces would slaughter Kurds.

Ah, but in late October, American commandos killed the truly evil Islamic State group leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who was hiding in a Syrian village not far from the Turkish border. The Pentagon had spent months planning the raid. Alas, The New York Times reported Trump’s withdrawal decision “disrupted the meticulous planning and forced Pentagon officials to press ahead with a risky, night raid …”

Funny how we don’t hear about any genocidal massacres of Kurds over there. Maybe CNN just forgot to report that, busy as they were with impeachment and all.

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Fraud in Higher Education

4th December 2019

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According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2016, only 37% of white high school graduates tested as college-ready, but colleges admitted 70% of them. Roughly 17% of black high school graduates tested as college-ready, but colleges admitted 58% of them.

Sure, we’ll let you in — but we’ll flunk you out after you’ve loaded up on debt to pay our outrageous tuition bills.

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Turkey Declares Ownership on Half of Eastern Mediterranean Waters

4th December 2019

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Leave California, Keep Paying California Taxes…Really

4th December 2019

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New York is even worse.

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UC Employee Accused of Nazism, Forced to Apologize for “Unfortunate” Numbers Combo

3rd December 2019

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If you hear the dog whistle, then you’re the dog.

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Trump Administration to Close Food Stamp Eligibility Loopholes for Able-Bodied Adults

3rd December 2019

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Cue outrage from the Usual Suspects.

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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

3rd December 2019

Little Brian Stelter: Trump Is Using Mind Control Powers to Ensorcle His “Cult”

NBC Spikes, ABC/CBS Downplay Ukraine Pres Saying No Quid Pro Quo

No Quid Pro Quo: Acosta Dismisses Zelensky Popping Dem Narrative

Live by the Lie, Die by the Lie

Trump Derangement Syndrome Breeds Professional Malpractice

MSNBC: Republicans Have ‘Reversed’ Direction From Anti-Slavery Origins

Are Thought Crimes Impeachable?  Victor Davis Hanson

Bitter Morning Joe Demands Dems Expand Impeachment, Expose Trump’s ‘Lawlessness’

House Democrats Mull Pivot Back To Russiagate To Pad Weak Case For Impeachment

MEOW! Jealous, Trump-Hating WashPost Critic Slams Melania’s Attire  Democrats never really got over High School.

Adam Schiff Still Won’t Say If He ‘Supports Impeaching’ Trump And The ‘Senate Removing Him From Office’

Evidence against Donald Trump is ‘overwhelming’, final House impeachment report finds

MSNBC’s Ruhle Excited ‘Astute’ ‘Powerful’ Harris Now Free to ‘Prosecute’ Trump Really? Where?

Swalwell Changes Tune On Impeachment


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Non-White Democratic Primary Voters Aren’t Interested in the Non-White Candidates

3rd December 2019

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Nate Silver observes that the six candidates who have qualified for the December Democratic primary debate are all white.

Funny how that works.

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Anti-ICE Protesters Vandalize Company Property, Lock Themselves Next to Doors In Immigration Demonstration

3rd December 2019

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Perhaps we could send them to Honduras. One-way.

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Linda Sarsour Thinks You Can’t Hear or Read

3rd December 2019

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The first thing Linda Sarsour likes to say in her speeches is that she is unapologetic. Unapologetically Palestinian. Unapologetically in favor of a boycott against the world’s lone Jewish state. Unapologetically for a “one state solution” to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and that one state isn’t Israel.

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‘Miracle Baby’: College Football Star Was Almost Aborted

3rd December 2019

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Somebody call Margaret Sanger and get her thoughts.

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UK: Cornwall’s Second Home Owners Are Killing the Area’s Distinctive Regional Accent, Linguistics Professor Says

3rd December 2019

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Apparently that’s a Bad Thing.

Yet another instance of a know-it-all with ‘credentials’ trash-talks people who live their lives the way they want to live rather than the way the ‘expert’ wants them to live. Such people are the backbone of totalitarianism.

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The Cost of Living in the Bay Area

3rd December 2019

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After living on the East Coast for eight years, I’d recently left New York City to take a job at an investigative reporting magazine in San Francisco. If it seems odd that I was a fully employed editor who lived in a thirty-two-square-foot shack, that’s precisely the point: my situation was evidence of how distorted the Bay Area housing market had become, the brutality inflicted upon the poor now trickling up to everyone but the super-rich. The problem was nationwide, although, as Californians tend to do, they’d taken this trend to an extreme. Across the state, a quarter of all apartment dwellers spent half of their incomes on rent. Nearly half of the country’s unsheltered homeless population lived in California, even while the state had the highest concentration of billionaires in the nation. In the Bay Area, including West Oakland, where my shack was located, the crisis was most acute. Tent cities had sprung up along the sidewalks, swarming with capitalism’s refugees. Telegraph, Mission, Market, Grant: every bridge and overpass had become someone’s roof.

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Thought for the Day

3rd December 2019

Mindless Tasks - Dilbert by Scott Adams

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Car Burglaries in Some California Cities Are at Crisis Levels. Prosecutors Say Their Hands Are Tied.

3rd December 2019

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So come to Texas.

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The Prisoner of Intersectionality

3rd December 2019

Joel Kotkin follows the news.

When she first announced her run for the White House, Elizabeth Warren seemed a breath of fresh air — a brainy and relentless campaigner for the middle class, willing to take on tech and other oligarchs. As an old colleague who met with her told me, she seemed very much “an old-fashioned New Deal Democrat” focused primarily on addressing the massive inequalities that hurt our society and families.

But rather than focus on basic issues that appeal to a wide number of Americans, Warren’s campaign has morphed into something of an intersectional nightmare. The notion of intersectionality holds that progressives must embrace the demands of any of the various strains within the progressive Democratic Party. You cannot just be an economic progressive but must also endorse every demand of militant greens, the Bernie Bro socialists, the professional race hustlers or the extreme feminists.

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A Public School That Is 47% White Is Denounced as “Segregated”

3rd December 2019

Steve Sailer.

Sounds as if they have an oversupply of Woke Activists.

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Disproved Discoveries That Won Nobel Prizes

2nd December 2019

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Over a million papers are published in scientific journals each year, and as Stanford University professor John Ioannidis wrote in a now legendary paper published to PLoS Medicine in 2005, most of their findings are false. Whether due to researcher error, insufficient data, poor methods, or the numerous biases present in people and pervasive in the ways research is conducted, a lot of scientific claims end up being incorrect.

Think about that next time you hear some climate-change Chicken Little go on about how The Science Is Settled.

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Tesla Cybertruck May Be Unsafe for Other Road Users: Australian Safety Chief

2nd December 2019

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Hammer tech.

Dang-Blasted: Marvel Movie Villains

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Ketogenic Diet Helps Tame Flu Virus in Mice

2nd December 2019

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Well. There it is.

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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

2nd December 2019

Lisa Page breaks silence, saying Trump’s ‘fake orgasm’ forced her to speak out

Fake news about a fake orgasm

Juan Williams: Trump’s Afghanistan Trip A ‘Photo-Op’

Republicans Pounce!

Nunes: “Phase Two” Of The Impeachment Circus Begins This Week

Lisa Page Grieved By Trump’s Tweets, Never Talks About Her Anti-Trump Texts

How CNN Is This? Scaramucci Says GOP Are Like Vichy Nazi Collaborators

‘No Quid Pro Quo’ Says Ukraine’s Zelensky In New Interview

BARR: House Democrat Impeachment Rules Are Made For A Lynch Mob, Not A Legitimate Proceeding

CBS News Report Suggests YouTube Indiscriminately Nixed Hundreds Of Trump Ads

Meghan McCain Asks If Trump Committed A Crime, Gets The Runaround From Amy Klobuchar

Daily Beast Mourns Trump ‘Victim’ Lisa Page Put Through ‘MAGA Meat Grinder’

Get a Grip: Salon’s Marcotte and The Trump Who Stole Christmas


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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

2nd December 2019

Delingpole: Greta the Teenage Climate Puppet Goes Full Marxist

What if there is no Climate Emergency ?

Yacht skipper wiped out carbon emissions saved by Greta Thunberg’s sail across the Atlantic The problem with Virtue Signaling is that you can’t stop the signal, Mal.

Reusable plastic shopping bags are making the problem worse

COP25 – Madrid. Global Carbon Tax Law Has Serious Consequences for Canada and Democracy

CNN Gives UN Guest a Forum As They All Push Global Warming Alarmism

Swedish Schoolkids Taught To Defend Greta As Eco-Activist Becomes Part Of “Religious” Curriculum

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #388

China Is Still Building an Insane Number of New Coal Plants  The swine.

With ‘thank you’ emails polite Britons burn thousands of tonnes of carbon a year

Apocalyptic Claims About Climate Change Are Wrong

Madrid Opens With “Point Of No Return” Climate Scaremongering… But Where’s Greta?

TV News Drama on Global Warming: ‘Human Race Going to Burst Into Flames in 20 Years’

Six die in severe floods in southern France as prime minister blames climate change

Our Planet May Be Barreling Toward a Tipping Point  Wired “Science”

Yes, eating meat affects the environment, but cows are not killing the climate

We can still slash emissions and survive climate change, but we’re running out of time Popular “Science”.

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The Public School District Cycle of Life

2nd December 2019

Steve Sailer.

Having followed school test score statistics since 1972 and noticed that almost nothing ever changes other than that Asians are now pulling away from the field and American Indians have suddenly collapsed, I’m alway struck by the flat learning curve of public school policymakers. They constantly go through a cycle of

A. Raising academic standards, only to discover, to their shock, that blacks and Hispanics are hit hardest,

B. After which they lower standards to increase Diversity-Inclusion-Equity (DIE), only to discover to their shock that Asians and whites won’t go to the dumbed down schools.

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