We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Global Warming Hysteria

2nd December 2019

Delingpole: Greta the Teenage Climate Puppet Goes Full Marxist

What if there is no Climate Emergency ?

Yacht skipper wiped out carbon emissions saved by Greta Thunberg’s sail across the Atlantic The problem with Virtue Signaling is that you can’t stop the signal, Mal.

Reusable plastic shopping bags are making the problem worse

COP25 – Madrid. Global Carbon Tax Law Has Serious Consequences for Canada and Democracy

CNN Gives UN Guest a Forum As They All Push Global Warming Alarmism

Swedish Schoolkids Taught To Defend Greta As Eco-Activist Becomes Part Of “Religious” Curriculum

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #388

China Is Still Building an Insane Number of New Coal Plants  The swine.

With ‘thank you’ emails polite Britons burn thousands of tonnes of carbon a year

Apocalyptic Claims About Climate Change Are Wrong

Madrid Opens With “Point Of No Return” Climate Scaremongering… But Where’s Greta?

TV News Drama on Global Warming: ‘Human Race Going to Burst Into Flames in 20 Years’

Six die in severe floods in southern France as prime minister blames climate change

Our Planet May Be Barreling Toward a Tipping Point  Wired “Science”

Yes, eating meat affects the environment, but cows are not killing the climate

We can still slash emissions and survive climate change, but we’re running out of time Popular “Science”.

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