We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The Supreme Hive Mind

5th December 2019

ZMan serves up a reminder.

Whenever the Left is running a caper or pulling shenanigans, there is a tendency to examine the event in isolation. Pundits and analysts will look for why the Left is doing the narrow thing they are doing, usually searching for the sort of causes that would motivate normal people. Money and power are the two most popular explanations from the conventional Right, as those are the things that matter to them. This sort of analysis misses the mark, because it obscures the commonalities.

The notion of our ruling class as some sort of Hive Mind who act in concert, not because of some coordinating entity but because they all think alike and so react to situations in the same way is not a new one, although one that hasn’t received a lot of emphasis lately. A herd doesn’t have to engage in some kind of conspiracy, merely all act the same way in the same circumstances.

It is this hive minded view of politics that is behind the fanatical purging of heretics and blasphemers from social media. The people behind it have conflated these platforms with their own sense of themselves. Just as Trump penetrating Washington is seen as the most egregious personal violation, bad thinkers on YouTube are imagined to be spiritual rapists, victimizing the community with their bad ideas. Purging these monsters from the community is now a sacred duty.

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