We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

4th December 2019

3 Big Trump-Nadler Scuffles Before the Real Estate Mogul Became President  For Nadler, it’s personal.

Chicken Littles: CNN Uses Founders to Calling for Trump’s Removal…or America Will Die!

A grave charge and a momentous turn in the Trump impeachment inquiry  CNN.

Democrats obtained phone records showing how Trump allies coordinated ‘false narratives’ CNN.

It’s possible that Trump doesn’t actually know what climate change is  WaPo.

1 sentence that perfectly explains Donald Trump’s ostrich-like approach to the presidency  CNN.

President Trump’s Biggest Failures Have Been His Staffing Mistakes

Justin Trudeau Caught On Camera Bashing Trump To Other World Leaders Not really news but a useful reminder.

IRONY ALERT! Ben Rhodes Decries Trump’s ‘Corrupt’ Foreign Policy to Chris Matthews

Trudeau, Macron And BoJo Caught On Hot Mic Laughing At Trump  I suspect that they will come to regret it.

Democrats Stack Judiciary Impeachment Hearing With Anti-Trump Lawyers  I’m sure they would call Larry Tribe if he weren’t senile.

Mental Health Professionals Urge House Committee To Consider Trump’s ‘Dangerous’ Mental State

Jerry Nadler Claims The Facts On Trump Impeachment Are ‘Undisputed’  Guess he doesn’t get out much.

ABC: Watch Out for Republican ‘Theatrics’ This Impeachment Inquiry Hearing!

Nets Excited by Dems’ ‘Damning’ Report, ‘One Step Closer to Impeaching President Trump’

GOP’s Impeachment Witness Attacks ‘Bribery’ And ‘Obstruction’ Narratives, Accuses Democrats Of Abusing Power

Turley Says George Washington’s ‘Powdered Hair’ Would Be On Fire Over Trump Impeachment

Dem witness: If you don’t impeach Trump, democracy is dead, or something

Hollywood Loves Gossip Girl Justin Trudeau, Says Trump’s the ‘Embarrassment’

Huh? Melber Claims: ‘You Don’t Need an Underlying Crime to Remove a President’


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