We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Archive for December, 2019

1619 & All That: On The New York Times’s Recent Disinformation Campaign.

23rd December 2019

Roger Kimball is not impressed.

We are a bit late in getting to that dog’s breakfast called “The 1619 Project,” The New York Times’s effort to “reframe”—read, “wildly distort”—the history and governing impetus of the American Founding. Readers of the satirical classic 1066 and All That know what fun can be had if you go about your job as a storyteller serving up “all the History you can remember” and pretending that it is the truth. “Histories,” we read in 1066 and All That, “have previously been written with the object of exalting their authors. The object of this History is to console the reader.”

It was to console its core readership that The New York Times undertook The 1619 Project in a special flood-the-zone issue of its Sunday magazine in August and then in a snazzy, graphics-heavy series of features on its website. For two years, the Times had invested heavily in the vaudeville entertainment called “Trump–Russia.” The spectacular failure of its leading man, Special Counsel Robert Mueller, to deliver a happy ending to that fiasco underscored the essential futility of the entire enterprise.

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Rand Paul’s Annual Airing of Festivus Grievances

23rd December 2019

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I have a little list….

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Shell Shocked

23rd December 2019

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High-powered shootouts are not unusual in Brazil. Despite tighter gun regulations than the U.S., in the poorer neighborhoods of many Brazilian cities, armed gangs and police trade fire with high-caliber assault rifles, machine guns, pistols, and sometimes even grenades and rocket launchers. Rio averages 24 shootouts per day. Large hours-long gun battles often don’t even make the headlines. Yet the shootouts leave a mark: piles of dead bodies.

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As Year Ends, MSNBC Panics Over Surge in Conservative Judges

23rd December 2019

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Heh. This has been perhaps Trump’s greatest accomplishment.

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Virginia Governor Northam Threatens Police Punishment and National Guard Enforcement for Failing To Register Guns

23rd December 2019

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Sounds like time for a little grass-roots rebellion.

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The Value Of Dumb Ideas

23rd December 2019


Dumb ideas are a feature of democracy. The main reason for this is the majority of people trusted with a vote are average or below average. Democracy works on the assumption that people work in series. Connect enough of them, no matter their intellectual capacity, and you get enough brain power. In reality, people work in parallel, so the more you connect, the faster dumb ideas flow through society. Democracy is the form of government with the lowest resistance to dumb ideas.

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Population Growth In California Slows To 1900 Levels With Exodus Of Residents

23rd December 2019

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California was once depicted as an American promised land where people could escape to. Now an increasing number of residents are escaping from it. Now, according to the Times, fewer children are being born, more of the older population are dying, immigration levels are decreasing and an alarming number of people are opting to leave the state due to skyrocketing taxes and increasing social chaos in urban areas due to rampant homelessness.

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Thought for the Day

23rd December 2019

Speed Bump Comic Strip for December 21, 2019

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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

22nd December 2019

Here’s Some Good News on Climate Change: Worst-Case Scenario Looks Unrealistic

Our World is a Work in Progress

Australia’s PM Scott Morrison plays down climate link to bushfire crisis as he visits firefighters

Polar bear cubs play on the thin ice that supposedly threatens them with extinction


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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

22nd December 2019

The Atlantic mocks Paul Krugman as suffering from ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’

ABC Panel Frets Pelosi’s Impeach Delay, Lack of Public Interest

Christianity Today Editor Says His Call For Impeachment Was ‘Hyperbole’  And if you believe that one, he’ll tell you another one.

Joy Reid Show Kvetches: Media See Impeachment Through Republican Eyes!  Purely delusional.

New Republic Writer Hilariously Triggered by Melania Trump’s Christmas Decorations Video

New Yorker Editor: ‘Future of the Earth’ Hangs on Trump’s Impeachment

‘Isn’t This Almost The Definition Of An Empty Threat?’ — Chris Wallace Presses Debbie Dingell On Sending Impeachment To The Senate

The Fake Impeachment: Pelosi’s Botched Ploy Helps Trump Towards Victory


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For the NY Times’ Nicholas Kristof, ‘Tis the Season for Redefining Christianity

22nd December 2019

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New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof continued his peculiar tradition of devoting columns approaching religious holidays to asking various religious figures if one really had to believe in the Virgin Birth or the Resurrection to be considered a Christian.

Uh, yeah.

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Hong Kong Riot Cops Clash With Protesters Following Rally For China’s Oppressed Muslims

22nd December 2019

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I see another Tianeman Square in our future.

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ArnoldC: A Programming Language Based on the One-Liners of Arnold Schwarzeneggar

22nd December 2019

Check it out.

TALK TO THE HAND "hello world"
java -jar ArnoldC.jar hello.arnoldc
java hello

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Four Critically Injured in Shooting at Chicago Memorial Party

22nd December 2019

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That’s what happens when Democrats run your city.

Boy, those strict gun control laws in Chicago really work, don’t they?

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Thought for the Day

22nd December 2019


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West African Countries to Rename CFA Franc to Cut Some Ties With ‘Colonial Relic’

22nd December 2019

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West Africa’s monetary union has agreed with France to rename its CFA franc the Eco and cut some of the financial links with Paris that have underpinned the region’s common currency since its creation after the Second World War.

Loserthink – Word-thinking.

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Let’s Talk about Ghastly Dishwashers

21st December 2019

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“Why is Trump talking about dishwashers?” asks Slate. “It’s part of Trump’s core campaign message: nostalgia for a fictitious era in American history where everything was better, simpler.”

Maybe. But there’s also this reality: he is 100% correct about this whole topic. It’s a big and important one too.

American dishwashers used to work. They were wonderful labor-saving devices. They kept our kitchens cleaner. They sanitized the dishes, helping to stop cross-contamination and generally improving health over the iffy process of handwashing. Also, as with all household appliances, they made life better, reducing one more chore that was widely seen as women’s work.

Then one day they just stopped doing the work.

What happened?

Hint: Government.

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Annals of Government Medicine

21st December 2019

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Under socialized medicine, costs can’t be controlled through competition, so they are controlled by simply denying people care. This is why in the U.K., people will tell you the National Health Service is relatively inexpensive, but no one will tell you it is good.

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Elizabeth Warren’s Campaign Says Asian, Indian and Middle-Eastern Billionaires Are ‘White’

21st December 2019

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This will come as a great surprise to a lot of people.

I can see a great market for new greeting cards: “Congratulations on being recognized as white!”

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$3 Billion, 300-Acre MegaCity Envisioned For California’s Record Homeless… But There’s A Twist

21st December 2019

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$3 Billion, 300-Acre MegaCity Envisioned For California’s Record Homeless… But There’s A Twist
Ask any San Franciscan what the state of California has an excess of and the most likely answer will be homeless people (and their excrement, especially with the liberal mecca recording as many as 16,000 “feces complaints” in one week ). Actually, ask just about anyone and the answer will be the same: after all with 130,000 homeless, California is now home to more than a quarter of the nation’s homeless population.

That all may soon change, however, if a new crowdfunding effort succeeds in its effort to solve the US homeless crisis by building a 300-acre city open exclusively for those without a home. Daune Nason, founder of the Folsom-based Citizens Again, released details Thursday of his plans for an estimated $3 billion private city equipped with amenities and services for a 150,000 “high-needs” population, CBS LA reports.

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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

21st December 2019

Trump’s rage at Christianity Today gives away his scam  Washington Post

Kunstler: Pelosi Has Engineered A Hanging-Chad Impeachment

Former AG Mike Mukasey: Adam Schiff Broke the Law in Subpeonaeing Phone Records from Verizon and AT&T

Eyeroll: ABC Touts Christian Magazine Notorious for Opposing Trump

Christianity Today Editor on NPR: Trump’s Like a Physically Abusive Spouse

Samantha Bee Horrified That Hong Kong Protesters Like Trump, Republicans

MSNBC’s Jansing: Unlike Senate GOP, Kamala Harris Knows What a Fair Trial Is

Dignified DeNiro? I’d Like to See President Trump Hit With ‘a Bag of S–t, Right In His Face’

Maxine Waters Says Trump Is ‘Putin’s Puppet’ Despite Previously Admitting She Can’t Prove Russia Collusion Hoax  ‘Orange Man Bad’ covers all sins.

The Ruling Class Media and the Battle for 2020

De Niro Fantasizes About Forcing Trump To Huff ‘Bag Of Sh*t’


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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

21st December 2019

Friday Funny – sea level rise is “set to flood UN headquarters as soon as 2100” – another self-immolation by Zoë Schlanger  That’ll leave quite a ring along the Atlantic coast….

Russia’s First Floating Nuclear Power Plant Turns On, Set To Replace Coal’

How Artists And Scientists Are Tackling Miami’s Rising Sea Levels

STUDY: Villagers Built A Monster Wall 7,000 Years Ago To Beat Back Rising Sea Levels — It Didn’t Work  Well, then, I guess that settles it.

CNN’s Kasich Veers Left on Global Warming, Gun Control

Who Is Winning The Climate Wars? (2)

When will the Arctic see its first ice free summer?

German Green Party Urges Allowing 140 Million “Climate Refugees” To Migrate To West

FLASHBACK: Al Roker Decried ‘Sin’ of Not Fighting Climate Change

Sweden’s reindeer herders forced to adapt to climate change


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Blood and Soil in Narendra Modi’s India

21st December 2019

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Voice of the Crust The New Yorker has, of course, nothing good to say about nationalism.

The Prime Minister’s Hindu-nationalist government has cast two hundred million Muslims as internal enemies.

Which, indeed, they are, as anybody who has been paying attention for the last fifty years knows, whether they will admit it or not. The problem is that one never knows from one minute to the next when some random Muslim will freak out and start killing people, and that makes all Muslims suspect, like it or not. Indians have been coping with random Muslim violence since 1947, and it comes as no surprise that they are getting tired of it, and are starting to take steps for their security disapproved of by the Great and the Good.

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A Longing for the Lost Landline

21st December 2019

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This is a lament for the landline, a rhapsody for its dial tone, a hymn to the way it connected people. It’s the little things we miss. The landline was a focal point of the home, an antidote to atomization and loneliness, those scourges of our age.

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The State of the First Amendment

21st December 2019

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I live in California.

I do not dare wear a political T-shirt. I don’t own a red Trump hat. No one I know, even the most rabid conservatives, would dare go out in public in a pro-Trump outfit.

It occurs to me that this is a sorry state of affairs. I live in a state where it isn’t just frowned upon if you share an unpleasant opinion, but that people are actively concerned about violence, losing their jobs, or being doxxed for clothing.

What a state.

That’s what life is like in the turd world.

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The 2019 Hater’s Guide to the Williams-Sonoma Catalog

21st December 2019

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I got that microplane from the Williams-Sonoma catalog, by the way. True, I COULD have bought a microplane at your local Pathmark. They have a rack of them hanging above the Pop-Tart shelf for some reason. But why buy one there when I can support my local (international) mom-and-pop (publicly traded) store (merchandising oligarchy) instead? I’m no fool. I know what’s best for America, and what’s best for America is ignoring every horrible thing going on and, instead, assigning two entire months on the calendar to spoiling myself, cutting down precious wildlife, and indulging in retail spending practices so irresponsible that every accountant on the planet cries their eyes out at night just thinking about it all.

Apparently this is an annual tradition.

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The Many Faces of Scientific Fraud

21st December 2019

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Is every scientific article a fraud? This question may seem puzzling to those outside the scientific community. After all, anyone who took a philosophy course in college is likely to think of laboratory work as eminently rational. The assumption is that a researcher faced with an enigma posed by nature formulates a hypothesis, then conceives an experiment to test its validity. The archetypal presentation of articles in the life sciences follows this fine intellectual form: After explaining why a particular question could be asked (introduction) and describing how he or she intends to proceed to answer it (materials and methods), the researcher describes the content of the experiments (results), then interprets them (discussion).

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Protest Pandemonium: A Look at the Most Ridiculous Campus Demonstrations of 2019

21st December 2019

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A little entertainment for your Saturday.

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Is College ‘Worth It’? One Study Says Maybe Not

21st December 2019

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As more people are forced to go into deep levels of debt to afford an education, more would-be students are being forced to take a hard look and reevaluate the ROI on a college degree.

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Thought for the Day

21st December 2019

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Thought for the Day: ‘Tis the Season

21st December 2019

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Biological Male Files Lawsuit Demanding Entry Into Female Beauty Pageant

21st December 2019

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Lawyers for Anita Green filed suit Tuesday against United States of America Pageants in the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon, alleging the organization unlawfully discriminated against Green by limiting the competition to “natural born females,” according to court documents reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

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The Death of Virtue and the Rise of Expertise

21st December 2019

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In “Losing the Class,” Ian Marcus Corbin makes a vital point studiously and willfully ignored by those in charge of American society: an enormous generational gap is growing between the ideology of the ruling class and the inner thoughts of the younger generation. In his words, “our students are playing the game like good little Party members, but they don’t believe the doctrine.”

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JK Rowling ‘Cancelled’ by Woke Outrage-Mob for Saying Biological Sex Is Real

21st December 2019

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Nobody is safe from the proglodyte mob these days.

UPDATE: NY Times Piles on J.K. Rowling for Tweet Noting Basic Biology vs Transgender Lobby

UPDATE: The Junior Anti-Sex League vs. J.K. Rowling, by Steve Sailer


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After Mosque Shootings, New Zealand’s Weapons Buyback Runs Into an Obstacle: Gun Owners

21st December 2019

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Funny thing about that — not everbody seems to be down with the gun-grabber agenda.

UPDATE: New Zealand Gun Buyback Was An ‘Unmitigated Failure’


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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

20th December 2019

Matt Taibbi: Five Questions That Must Still Be Answered In the Russia Hoax/Coup

House-Senate Impeachment Impasse Would Mean Trump Wasn’t Impeached At All: Harvard Law Prof

Is Trump the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Journalists?, by Steve Sailer

Andrew Yang Blasts Media for Smearing Trump Voters as Racist

Tom Steyer Says President Trump Only Opposes Immigration By ‘Non-White People’  Loserthink: Mind-reading.

Post-Impeachment, CNN Admits US Economy Received Best Ranking in Nearly 20 Years

Democrat’s Impeachment Lawyer Says Trump Is Not Impeached If Pelosi Sits On Articles Of Impeachment

CNN BAFFLED! Network Grasping for Explanations As to Why Its New Poll Shows “Massive Movement” in Favor of Trump


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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

20th December 2019

Politicized veganism

“The UN’s ‘Woke’ Climate Change Propaganda Is An Insult To Science”

Debate Moderator Pushes Relocating Whole Cities from Climate Change

Aussie Government ABC Urges Workers to Join Student Climate Strikes

Depression and suicide linked to air pollution in new global study

Wait, Plastic Can Be Good for the Environment?

Acidifying Oceans Could Eat Away at Sharks’ Skin and Teeth  ‘Could’

Liz Warren Nets Big Endorsement From Key Architect Behind Green New Deal

Climate change could cut fruit production by almost a third, study warns  ‘Could’

Dutch court orders government to increase climate change efforts to protect citizens

The Year Humanity Declared War on Microplastics  Wired ‘Science’.


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Beto O’Rourke Returns to Politics, Forms New Organization

20th December 2019

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Nothing empowers like a trust fund.

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NTSB: Tesla In Fatal Accident Was Traveling 100 MPH Around A Curve In A 30 MPH Zone

20th December 2019

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Hammer tech.

Avengers Marvel Tony Stark Steve Rogers Bruce Banner Thor ...

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Thought for the Day

20th December 2019

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Revealed Preferences: The 30-Minute Commute

20th December 2019

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The principal reason that large cities have developed is that they provide large labor (and housing) markets. A labor market is also a housing market, since virtually all who work in the metropolitan area also live there. The metropolitan area is the one location where there is one-to-one balance between jobs and resident workers (see: Alain Bertaud, Order Without Design: How Markets Shape Cities). Labor markets are independent of jurisdictional boundaries (municipality, county, or state), except where international boundaries restrict freedom of labor movement.

Obviously, large labor markets require transportation that permits residents to reach the maximum of jobs in a reasonable period of time (such as 30 minutes, which has historical significance, indicated below). Researchers such as Remy Prud’homme, Chang-Won Lee, David Hartgen, Gregory Fields and Steve Polzin have shown that a metropolitan area is likely to have better economic performance and job creation if a larger number of jobs can be reached by the average worker in a specified period. With the relatively recent development of transportation access measures, the 30-minute one – way work trip (commute) has emerged as an important planning standard (referred to herein as “30-minute commutes”).

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Stupid Old Men

20th December 2019

Audacious Epigone runs the numbers.

White men–Jews included–take note. The Democrat party of the future has no place for you and your kind. Get out of the way before the monster you created eats you….

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ISLAMOCOPIA FRIDAY: What’s New in the Religion of Peace

20th December 2019

Libya’s Muslim Brotherhood Government Requests Turkish Intervention

Turkey To Establish Military Base In Libya As Egypt Threatens Its Own Intervention

Jihadi referrals to Prevent fall despite police admitting Islamist extremism is still main security threat facing UK

Islam’s reformation: an Arab-Israeli alliance is taking shape in the Middle East

Israeli MP targeted by Hamas’ Istanbul cell calls for sanctions on Turkey

Polio vaccination campaign halted again in Pakistan as gunmen kill two

Pakistan police hunting Imran Khan’s nephew allegedly at lawyers’ rampage in hospital

DOJ Refuses To Release Records On Imran Awan, Citing ‘Technical Difficulties’ And A Secret Case, Court Docs Show

Muslimas on Patrol in Sweden

Turkish navy orders Israeli ship out of Cyprus’s waters

The Christmas-Haters of Ditib

Turkish Military Gets Drones WIth Machine Guns

Newsweek Parrots the Mullahs’ Line

The Great ‘Replacement’ In Belgium

Iran Alleges “Terror” Plot As Drug-Laced Cake Scare Impacts Food Industry

Sydney brothers jailed over plot to blow up Etihad flight with meat grinder bomb

Exclusive: Hamas plots attacks on Israel from Turkey as Erdogan turns blind eye

Rendezvous in Dubai

Turkey Allows Hamas To Plot Attacks From Istanbul: Telegraph

Dozens of former French soldiers joined jihadist groups in Middle East, new report reveals

Bulgaria Prepares for the Holidays

Memories of Islam


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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

19th December 2019

2020 set to be latest in series of Earth’s warmest years  Looking forward to it.

It’s time to trash recycling

Transportation Climate Initiative Update

“It Only Produces Clean Energy”—The Unseriousness of Climate Activism

More Evidence That We Shouldn’t Take Advice From Climate Activists

Why Modern Famine Predictions Failed !


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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

19th December 2019

Democrats Talk About How Sad They Are To Impeach President Trump And if you believe that one, they’ll tell you another one.

Jerry Nadler: This Isn’t a Coup Because Mike Pence Would be President if Trump Were Removed Adam Schiff: Oh Yeah, We’re Going to Impeach Pence Too

Sports Blogger Blames Trump for ‘Hatred, Racism’ at Saturday’s Army-Navy Football Game

Tulsi Gabbard Votes ‘Present’ At Impeachment Vote Against Trump

Here Are The Three Democrats That Voted Against Impeachment

OBSESSED: CBS Spent Entire Evening News Program Pushing Impeachment

Top Democrat Says His Party ‘Did Not Wish’ To Impeach Trump — Republicans Laugh At Him  And rightly so.

CNNers Celebrate Impeachment as ‘Great Day’ for ‘Democracy’: Trump ‘Deserved It’  Bias? What bias?

Nancy Pelosi Invokes Elijah Cummings’ Memory To Justify Impeachment  ‘We do this stupid thing in memory of one of the stupidest and most partisan Congressmen in history.’

Nancy Pelosi Shoots Glare At Democrats Who Clap As Impeachment Passes  Cat escapes from bag….

Rally Crowd Chants ‘Four More Years’ As Trump Reacts To Being Impeached

Chuck Todd Whines About Unmoving Impeach Polls, ‘Bizarre’ Trump Gets Cheered

Report: Ilhan Omar Yells ‘Stop It’ On House Floor When McCarthy Cites Tlaib’s ‘Impeach The Mother F**Ker’ Comment

‘Merry Impeachmas’ — Washington Post Reporters Appear To Celebrate Impeachment

Media Celebrates After House Votes To Impeach Trump

Party Time! WashPost Reporters Wish Everyone a ‘Merry Impeachmas’

MSNBC’s O’Donnell Whines the Senate Is Un-Democratic, ‘Represents Land, Not People’  Yup, and deliberately so. Guess he was asleep during high school civics class.

Here’s How Trump Is Using Impeachment To His Political Advantage

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Notorious RacistTrump Signs ‘Groundbreaking’ Legislation Supporting Historically Black Colleges And Universities

19th December 2019

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He may think that lets him off the hook but he’s wrong.

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Another Chinese National Arrested Trying To Sneak Into Mar-A-Lago, Taking Weird Pics

19th December 2019

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The Florida resort notified law enforcement to report 56-year-old Jing Lu, according to the arrest report. She entered through the main gate, walked to Mar-a-Lago’s service driveway and entered the property, authorities said. She was captured taking photos of the property.

I’m curious as to what is going on here.

Lu appeared in court Thursday morning and denied knowing the significance of Mar-a-Lago. The incident happened days before Trump is scheduled to visit the location for the Christmas holiday. She is not the first person to gain entry of Mar-a-Largo.

Sounds like part of a bad spy movie.

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UK: Mother Died of Cardiac Arrest After Waiting for Ambulance for 6 Hours in the Street, Say Family

19th December 2019

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How about that GREAT government-provided health care? Don’t you wish we had a system like that in the U.S.?

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3 Victims & 3 Shooters Dead After “Terrorist” Attack on FSB HQ in Moscow

19th December 2019

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Russians react badly to this sort of thing.

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Thought for the Day

19th December 2019

Technical Difficulties - Dilbert by Scott Adams

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