We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Let’s Talk about Ghastly Dishwashers

21st December 2019

Read it.

“Why is Trump talking about dishwashers?” asks Slate. “It’s part of Trump’s core campaign message: nostalgia for a fictitious era in American history where everything was better, simpler.”

Maybe. But there’s also this reality: he is 100% correct about this whole topic. It’s a big and important one too.

American dishwashers used to work. They were wonderful labor-saving devices. They kept our kitchens cleaner. They sanitized the dishes, helping to stop cross-contamination and generally improving health over the iffy process of handwashing. Also, as with all household appliances, they made life better, reducing one more chore that was widely seen as women’s work.

Then one day they just stopped doing the work.

What happened?

Hint: Government.

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