We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

21st December 2019

Trump’s rage at Christianity Today gives away his scam  Washington Post

Kunstler: Pelosi Has Engineered A Hanging-Chad Impeachment

Former AG Mike Mukasey: Adam Schiff Broke the Law in Subpeonaeing Phone Records from Verizon and AT&T

Eyeroll: ABC Touts Christian Magazine Notorious for Opposing Trump

Christianity Today Editor on NPR: Trump’s Like a Physically Abusive Spouse

Samantha Bee Horrified That Hong Kong Protesters Like Trump, Republicans

MSNBC’s Jansing: Unlike Senate GOP, Kamala Harris Knows What a Fair Trial Is

Dignified DeNiro? I’d Like to See President Trump Hit With ‘a Bag of S–t, Right In His Face’

Maxine Waters Says Trump Is ‘Putin’s Puppet’ Despite Previously Admitting She Can’t Prove Russia Collusion Hoax  ‘Orange Man Bad’ covers all sins.

The Ruling Class Media and the Battle for 2020

De Niro Fantasizes About Forcing Trump To Huff ‘Bag Of Sh*t’


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