We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Archive for December, 2019

Blue State Blues: Aloha’ Increasingly Means Goodbye Thanks to High Taxes

28th December 2019

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That’s what happens when your state is run by Democrats.

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‘They’ve turned their backs on us’: California’s Homeless Crisis Grows in Numbers and Violence

28th December 2019

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As homelessness surged to crisis levels in California in 2019, so did the violent attacks on people living in tents and on sidewalks and the political and law enforcement efforts to keep homeless encampments off the streets.

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Two British Companies Confident of Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough

28th December 2019

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The failure of sustained attempts to develop fusion power since the 1950s has left the undertaking tainted by claims it is a fool’s errand. But this has not put off investors from backing scientists working on quite different approaches at two private laboratories in Oxfordshire: Tokamak Energy and First Light Fusion.

Both have set the ambitious goal of delivering a working reactor ready for commercialisation by 2030, 10 years earlier than the nearby UK Atomic Energy Authority which runs the state-funded fusion programme.

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Thought for the Day

28th December 2019

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Why Bureaucracy, Not Your Doctor, Is Making All Your Medical Decisions

27th December 2019

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Your doctor does not express your diagnosis in words such as arthritis, asthma, or heart failure. If a physician or hospital wants to be paid, they must use a letter-number diagnosis listed in the International Classification of Disease (ICD-10) code book, which turns 1,400 human ailments into more than 68,000 codes. Examples of these “diagnoses” include: W55.21 (bitten by a cow); W61.33 (pecked by a chicken); V00.01 (pedestrian on foot injured in collision with roller blader); Z63.1 (problem with in-laws); and my personal favorite, Y92.146 (injured at a swimming pool within a prison).

Once a diagnostic code is established, you expect the doctor to recommend the correct treatment by the most experienced operator in the best facility at the optimal time given your medical condition. In reality, you will receive whatever the insurance carrier allows, whenever the carrier allows it, at a contracted facility, by a specialist on the insurance carrier’s panel. All those medical choices are made by nameless, faceless bureaucrats, not your personal medical caregiver.

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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

27th December 2019

US Has Plans to Punish Russia For 2020 Meddling, MSNBC Still Condemns Trump

Al Sharpton: Trump’s ‘Bragging About The Economy’ And Democrats Aren’t Paying Attention  Democrats are good at not paying attention.

Michael Moore: Pro-Trump White People ‘Are Not Good People,’ ‘Be Afraid of Them’

Fiction, Not Fact: WashPost Pretends Trump ‘Reality’ Is a Totalitarian Nightmare

Biden: Trump Administration ‘Morally Bankrupt’  Like being called ugly by a frog.


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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

27th December 2019

The Nation: Warming Is Reason to Question Private Homeownership  As if they ever needed a reason.

Experts Warn Global Outrage Levels May Reach Point Of No Return In 2020  Babylon Bee.

Another year, and still no increase in severe U.S. tornadoes


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The New York Times Discovers a New Crisis: Men Don’t Want to See New “Little Women” Movie, and That’s Not Okay

27th December 2019

Ace of Spades has the scoop.

The New York Times is full of people who think that they ought to be able to do your thinking for you.

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The Greatest Hate Crime Hoaxes of 2019

27th December 2019

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Just keepin’ track….

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Farm to Table? More Like Ghost Kitchen to Sofa

27th December 2019

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The means is a type of business called a ghost kitchen. These are food establishments, usually fast-casual, that make meals that can be purchased exclusively with a delivery app like Seamless, Grubhub, DoorDash or Uber Eats. Ghost kitchens can house extensions of existing restaurants or new brands.

But customers cannot order takeout, and they cannot eat in a restaurant attached to the kitchen.

The moneymaking part is in the bundling: Several ghost kitchens can exist within the same physical kitchen, sharing ingredients and equipment and cooking staff used to supply multiple restaurant brands. (In practice, this means that a customer can order Indian food, burgers or falafel, all from different restaurants, but the food is all coming from the same address.)

The  advantage huge urban areas like New York has, and the reason why a lot of people like living in places like New York (even with all of its disadvantages) is that it is a HUBE market that can support even the tiniest slivers of a niche interest — no matter how bizarre your wants and tastes may be, there are probably enough similar people in NYC to support a business catering to people like you.

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American School District to Give Students the Day Off Lessons for Protests

27th December 2019

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In what is believed to be a first, a school district in Virginia is to allow students a day off from their classes in order to attend protests.

Fairfax County will permit students in seventh through 12th grades, aged 11-18, one excused absence each school year for loosely defined “civic engagement activities”.

This is what happens when your school district is run by Democrats.

Your tax dollars at work.

Do not send your kid to a government school. You won’t like the result.

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Scientists Likely Found Way to Grow New Teeth for Patients

27th December 2019

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Something we’ve all been waiting for.

Except maybe dentists.

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No More Weirdos

27th December 2019

ZMan looks at some disturbing trends.

The use of costumes as a form of self-ghettoization is not exclusive to the super-orthodox Jews. Black American cults have used the uniform as a form of separation from the main. The Black Panthers are the most obvious example. The Nation of Islam and their bow ties are another. The Black Hebrew Israelites, who have been in the news of late, dress in white robes and white head dresses. The point of these outfits is both recognition and separation. They are not us.

Now, the article itself is reasonable about the harassment of these super-orthodox Jews in Brooklyn. The media likes to say it is due to white nationalism or the rise of the KKK or something, but that’s insane nonsense. The real issue, one the writer alludes to in his piece, is the local blacks and now the imported Muslims. Blacks have never liked Jews in general and they really don’t like the ones in funny outfits. They see these people as just another gang, one they can easily push around.

Then there are the imported Muslims. Since 9/11, the United States has responded to the threat of Islamic terrorism by scouring the earth for Muslims of every sort to import into the country. The theory is that by importing tens of millions of Muslims from places the American military has bombed for decades, the miasma that is causing Muslims to commit terrorism will dissipate. It’s lunacy, but the result is places like New York City suddenly have a new class of weird foreigner.

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WORST OF THE DECADE: Celebrity Freak-Outs!

27th December 2019

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All this week, NewsBusters is recounting the most obnoxious liberal bias of the decade. On Monday, we presented the most outrageous examples of journalists fawning over liberal or left-wing icons; on Tuesday, we showcased some of this year’s nastiest attacks on conservatives; Wednesday, we highlighted the media’s Trump Derangement Syndrome; and yesterday reviewed the most over-the-top adulation of Barack Obama.

Today, we look at some of the most outrageous celebrity quotes of the decade.

Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen.

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AOC Isn’t Talking About Billionaire Tom Steyer Donating to Her Campaign

27th December 2019

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Some rich people are more equal than others.

UPDATE: Ocasio-Cortez Says Refusing To Be Funded By Billionaires Is ‘Having Standards’ — She Took The Max From Steyer In 2018


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Airplane Poop Is Dangerous

27th December 2019

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Scientists tested airplane sewage from five different German airports and discovered it contained a significantly higher abundance and diversity of antibiotic-resistant microbes, compared to sewage tested at a nearby wastewater plant and even nearby hospitals, according to research published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology.

Slow news week.

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Thought for the Day

27th December 2019

Ship Without Manual  - Dilbert by Scott Adams

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ISLAMOCOPIA FRIDAY: What’s New in the Religion of Peace

27th December 2019

Shoved in Front of a Train in Nuremberg

Jew-Hatred in Scandinavia

Life of slavery – the perpetuation of bonded labor in Pakistan

Jihadists on motorbikes kill 35 civilians in Burkina Faso raid

35 Civilians, 80 Jihadists Killed in Attack in Burkina Faso

Merkel’s Guest Comes to Budapest to Collect the Jizya by Fist

Muslim Police Officer, Hired To Promote Diversity, Ends Up Being Part Of Grooming Gang

Hamas Sends Delegation to Islamist Summit in Malaysia

Palestinian Islamic Jihad Elements Trying to Outflank Hamas

Sweden: The New Tribalism

Knife Jihad on the Streets of Paris

A Swedish Boy Feels Himself Subdued

Six killed as India endures bloodiest day of protests since ‘anti-Muslim’ citizenship law implemented

Islam’s Hatred Problem

Turkey Can’t Handle New Refugee Explosion & Greece Will Be First To Feel Impact: Erdogan

ICC wants to open ‘war crimes’ investigation in West Bank and Gaza

Sweden: The Wages Of Self-Loathing Is Civil War

Egyptian Government Cracks Down on Radical Schools

Turkey warns refugee crisis could return with a vengeance in 2020 as Greece struggles with overcrowded camps

Germany rejects European Commission calls to accept 5,000 children from Greek migrant camps

Pedagogy, Lunacy, and Murder in Sweden

Syria begins shakedown of wealthiest businessmen as war debts spiral

Iran Again Blocks Internet & Mobile Service Ahead Of Protesters’ Funerals 

Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan says he will send troops to Libya as proxy war fears mount

Turkey’s block on Wikipedia violates rights, court rules


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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

26th December 2019

Boston Globe: ‘Lincoln Project’ Eyes Trump, GOP Takedowns

Trump Has Turned His Back on the Working Class  Newsweek. Another transparent attempt to alienate Trump from his base.

Pelosi’s best move might be to keep impeachment in her pocket and not send it to the Senate  More #Shampeachment.

CBC removes Donald Trump’s scene from ‘Home Alone 2’ broadcast: report

Vox Admits Trump’s Judicial Appointments More Qualified Than Obama’s

‘Morning Joe’: Evangelical Leaders Have ‘Turned Their Back On Basic Core Beliefs’ For Trump

GOP Senators Predict Bipartisan Acquittal In Trump Impeachment

Warren Suggests Trump Admin’s ‘Cruel Treatment’ Of Migrant Child Led To Death, Despite Investigation  Lie-awatha at it again.

Pelosi’s Impeachment Gamble Is Unconstitutional

MSNBC’s Jackson Offers Trump-Hating 2019 Recap While CBS Reminds Viewers of No Collusion

WaPo Columnist Rips Rachel Maddow For Hyping Steele Dossier  Uh-oh. Trouble in paradise.

Angry Trump-Hater Scarborough Claims to Embrace ‘Love Thy Neighbor’ Politics


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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

26th December 2019

Petition: Stop Target Plastic Bags From ‘Choking the Earth’

Former Archbishop of Canterbury warns climate change is the ‘largest challenge’ ever faced by humanity  I guess Hitler, Stalin, and Mao don’t count.

Wet Years, Dry Years

Democrats Seek To Outlaw Suburban, Single-Family House Zoning, Calling It Racist And Bad For The Environment

A vet’s hellish diary of climate change


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[Pretend] Republican Senator ‘Disturbed’ by Her Own Party’s Handling of Donald Trump Impeachment

26th December 2019

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Murkowski does the RINO dance for Christmas.

The chief difference between Democrats and Republicans is that Democrats never lose sight of which side they’re on.

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Media-Democrat Ruling Class Continues Pushing Disproven Russia Conspiracy Theories To Explain Away Everything They Don’t Like, Including… People Who Don’t Like Disney Star Wars

26th December 2019

Ace of Spades travels into some odd corners of the zeitgeist.

Blue ticks are shocked that Christians aren’t sobbing and rending garments in their churches over liberal magazine Christianity Today (the Christianity Today?) calling for Trump’s removal from office.

Also evidence of the Cognitive Elite’s cerebral supremacy: John Harwood, selected by the media as an impartial questioner for a Republican debate (and who secretly solicited questions from the Democrat National Committee to ask Trump), says that the media is too biased in favor of Republicans….

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There’s No Requirement — or Need — for an Actual Trial in the Senate

26th December 2019

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In my opinion, a trial is unnecessary. The House articles, on their face, are defective. Both fail to meet the constitutional threshold of “high crimes and misdemeanors.” This would negate a trial but does not give the president any formal “acquittal,” after a trial on the merits of the articles, which would prove the president’s innocence. While this would be true in a traditional criminal judicial proceeding, it is not the case in a political trial. No matter how the Senate deals with the articles of impeachment, Democrats and Republicans will put their own political spin on the outcome. Since the House articles of impeachment were voted strictly on party lines, and the country is so divided on the whole impeachment process, in my opinion, a trial is less important.

Bradley A. Blakeman was a deputy assistant to President George W. Bush from 2001 to 2004. A principal of the 1600 Group, a strategic communications firm, he is an adjunct professor of public policy and international affairs at Georgetown University and a contributor to Fox News and Fox Business.

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Is 2019 Destined to Be Known as the Year Everything Became ‘Fascist’?

26th December 2019

The Other McCain ponders the troglodyte mind.

Amanda is Patient Zero in the Trump Derangement Syndrome epidemic.

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Pro-Open Borders CNN Piece Refers to All Illegal Immigrants as Just ‘Latinos’

26th December 2019

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Apparently CNN’s stance is that illegal immigration is good, and that the correct way to refer to illegal immigrants is, “Latinos.” That’s according to a report about ICE raids that ran on Monday’s CNN Newsroom during the 9:00 a.m. ET hour, in which the network failed to use the term “undocumented” even a single time.

Another entry in the annals of ‘news’ organization partisan bias.

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The Voter Purge Myth

26th December 2019

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Maggie Haberman, the esteemed New York Times reporter, recently tweeted out a Mother Jones article to 1.2 million followers. It was titled: “GOP-Led Voter Purges in Wisconsin and Georgia Could Tip 2020 Elections.”

The chilling piece warns readers that “hundreds of thousands of voters are set to be purged in two key swing states,” which “potentially” gives Republicans “a crucial advantage by shrinking the electorate” in those states.

None of this, of course, is true. Cynical pieces of this genre, an election-time tradition at this point, only allow Democrats to warn of widespread disenfranchisement and preemptively give aggrieved Democrats such as Stacey Abrams a baked-in excuse for losing elections and smearing Republicans.

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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

25th December 2019

What, you think Trump gets off for Christmas?

Former GOP Rep. Dave Trott: Trump ‘Unfit for Office’

Bloomberg Outs His Own Reporters as Political Operatives

WORST OF THE DECADE: Trump Derangement Syndrome


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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

25th December 2019

3 degrees C?

Were the predictions we made about climate change 20 years ago accurate? Here’s a look USA Today.


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Thought for the Day

25th December 2019

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The Atlantic Magazine Pronounces ‘Latinx’ a Linguistic Flop

25th December 2019

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And about time, too.

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The Campus Social Justice Warrior’s Guide to Celebrating Christmas

25th December 2019

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Ahh, it’s that time again: reportedly the most wonderful time of the year. You’re back home, no longer in your drafty dorm room eating lukewarm ramen out of a microwaved Tupperware bowl. You’re with your family. You’re surrounded by sleigh bells, carolers, a warm and glowing Christmas tree, gifts on Christmas day.

Well, forget about all that. That’s all a bunch of cultural hegemony and male patrio-fascism. Christmas is not a good thing. Christmas is not Woke. It must be cancelled and forever banished to the dust-bin of history, along with other hegemonic colonial hatefests such as Thanksgiving and Valentine’s Day.

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Professors Tell New York Times to Correct the Many Errors in Its 1619 Project

25th December 2019

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Good luck with that.

The correction request was signed by Victoria Bynum of Texas State University, James McPherson and Sean Wilentz of Princeton University, James Oakes of the City University of New York and Gordon Wood of Brown University, reports The Washington Post.

Their letter was published shortly after The Wall Street Journal reported on several of those professors’ concerns about the project that had been circulating on social media.

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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

24th December 2019

House Judiciary Floats Possibly Impeaching Trump Once More Over McGahn Testimony  This time for sure!

NYT/CNBC “Journalist” John Harwood: The Media Is Too Biased In Favor of Trump and Republicans  Coulda fooled me.

‘Reliable Sources’? Russian Says Trump’s America ‘Echoes’ USSR, Cupp Adds Hitler  Surely we could throw Genghis Khan in there somewhere?

2019, the year Trump completed his takeover of the GOP

Merry Smears: MSNBC Claims Racism Got Conservative Christians Involved in Politics

The Great Cover Up

Dershowitz: Pelosi Sitting On Impeachment Is ‘Abuse Of Power’  Seems like.

‘Go Ahead And Fight Over Wine Caves’: MSNBC Reporter Says Trump Campaign Is Laughing At Democrats, Raking In Cash

Christian Post Editor Resigns Over ‘Team Trump’ Editorial

N.Y. Gov. Cuomo blocks some federal judges from officiating at weddings — because they might be Trump nominees

Democrats Debate Whether Trump Has Been Impeached  Alan Dershowitz.


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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

24th December 2019

Australian PM Responds To Greta Thunberg: “We’ll Do What We Think Is Right For Australia”

The scramble for sand is destroying the Mekong

Eco-builders are clutching at straws

Urban Transit Is an Energy Hog

How the U.S. betrayed the Marshall Islands, kindling the next nuclear disaster

Climate Nags are Trying to Ruin Christmas


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Netanyahu: Will Convince Trump to Recognize Israeli Sovereignty

24th December 2019

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Facing his first serious challenge from within his party in more than a decade, Netanyahu said in a video, “The same way I got Trump to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, the U.S. recognition of Israeli sovereignty in the Golan Heights and the American statement that the settlements doesn’t contradict international law… I am going to bring U.S. recognition in our sovereignty in the Jordan Valley and in all the settlements – this is the next stage – and only I can get this,”

I’m not sure that Trump could do that unilaterally.

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Ten Points of Evolutionary Irony

24th December 2019

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From the vantage point of Positive Evolutionary Psychology, many problems of society today result from a large-scale lack of understanding of evolutionary principles and how they relate to all facets of the human experience. Obesity in the modern world is the result of the food industry not seeing how mismatched modern processed foods are from the ancestral foods that our ancestors evolved to eat, for example (see Cordain et al., 2005; Wolf, 2010).

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These Gene-Edited Tomatoes Grow in Cute Little Bouquets Suited to Urban Farming

24th December 2019

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If, of course, that’s what you want to do.

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National Economic Council Is Success Story of Trump White House

24th December 2019

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Trump has noticed the difference. He’s shrinking the size of the National Security Council staff by encouraging “detailees” — employees of the CIA, the Defense Department, the State Department, or other agencies who are temporarily assigned to the White House — to leave the National Security Council and return to their home departments.

On issues that have both economic and national security components — say, China trade, or Iran’s oil — the National Economic Council is increasingly taking the lead, even though it is a much smaller operation.

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Half of France’s National Train System “Grinds to a Halt” as Labor Unions Strike on Christmas Week

24th December 2019

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Mass transit is sure more convenient than automobiles, isn’t it, especially for public transit unions. Riders … well, not so much.

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Fear of a White Planet

24th December 2019

Steve Sailer.

From the New York Times news section, an article that appears to have been generated from a Mad Libs template on how to write an anti-white male diversity news story….

Apparently there’s something about having dark skin and two X chromosomes that makes you a better scientist.

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Thought for the Day

24th December 2019

Speed Bump Comic Strip for December 15, 2019

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Will a White Supremacist Please Step Forward?

23rd December 2019

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The demand for white supremacists vastly exceeds the supply, which is why we see absurdities like the controversy over military academy students supposedly flashing “white power” signs at the Army-Navy football game. Now, apparently, the age-old “OK” sign means you are a white nationalist, notwithstanding that there are pictures of pretty much everyone in public life giving the sign, like Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and nearly everyone else.

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Baltimore City on Brink of Worst-Ever Year for Homicides

23rd December 2019

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Well, that’s what happens when Democrats run your city.

But hey!Those strict gun-control laws really work, don’t they?

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Making a Fortune: 19 Million Public Employees Across America Cost Taxpayers Nearly $1 Trillion

23rd December 2019

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For the first time in history, 19 million public employee salaries at every level of government across America have been mapped and posted online.

The work of our auditors at OpenTheBooks.com tells a compelling story: Public service is supposed to be about serving the people. However, the good intentions of America’s 19 million public employees come at a very high price for the people – nearly $1 trillion. In many cases, taxpayers generously fund these employee salaries.

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Salon’s Marcotte: ‘Merry Christmas!’ Is Conservative Code for ‘F**k You!’

23rd December 2019

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Democrats: Party of Fear — Party of Hate — Party of Death.

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San Francisco Blows $94 Million This Year in Failed War on Human Excrement

23rd December 2019

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espite spending over $94 million – or around $257k per day this year, San Francisco is still a needle-infested, poo-covered, failed experiment in tolerance that continues to scare major conferences and their tourist dollars away from the city’s $9 billion-a-year industry.

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6-Year-Old Discovers Plea From Chinese Prisoners in Christmas Card

23rd December 2019

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As Scott Adams is fond of saying, the Holocaust is occurring right now, right in front of our eyes.

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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

23rd December 2019

How Trump has betrayed the working class  Apparently he isn’t socialist enough for Britain’s socialist newspaper.

Ted Cruz: Pelosi Sitting On Impeachment Is ‘An Admission Of Failure’

Cuomo Asks Christian Radio Host Why Back Trump, Who ‘Makes a Mockery of Your Faith’?

Sound Familiar? USA Today’s Sports ‘Impeachment’ Targets Players It Doesn’t Like

Fake News: Headlines Paint False Picture Of Ukraine Aid Freeze

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Accuses Trump Of Being Afraid ‘Of Latino Women’  They certainly scare the shit out of me.

Al Sharpton: Trump-Backing Evangelicals ‘Would Sell Jesus Out’ for ‘Shameless Con Man’  Like Al Sharpton.

New York Times Sad: Trump Has Ruined Washington DC’s Christmas Party Networking Circuit

Bloomberg Created A Secret Tech Company Chock-Full Of Former Facebook Execs To Take On Trump

NY Times Puffs Bloomberg 2020, Decried Trump as ‘Brink of Fascism’ in 2015

Telemundo Pushes ‘The Three Comadres of Impeachment’

Merry Impeachmas: BBC Commissions Choir to Sing ‘12 Days of Impeachment’

John Bolton Criticizes Trump, Media Suddenly Like Him

New York Times Puffs Thriller Writer: Trump Reality Scarier Than Any Fiction

Justin Amash Might Be On His Way Out, as Cook Political Report Moves His Seat From “Toss Up” to “Lean Republican”


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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

23rd December 2019

In “Historic” Ruling, Dutch Supreme Court Says Government Must Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions By 25%

Norway Names Controversial Climate Change Skeptic As New Oil Minister

Your Christmas tree is lit, but how hard does it hit the environment?  Popular ‘Science’.

“I don’t want to die!” Climate Exploitation of Children  Never take seriously anybody whose hair has been dyed an unnatural color. Narcissistic personality disorder is the least of their problems.

Why I Am So Critical of Climate ‘Science’?

Democrats Seek To Outlaw Suburban, Single-Family House Zoning, Calling It Racist And Bad For The Environment


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Hunter Biden Accused of $156M Ukraine Money Laundering Scheme in Court Filing

23rd December 2019

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A new filing in an Arkansas lawsuit against Hunter Biden claims that the former Vice President’s son “is the subject of more than one (1) criminal investigation involving fraud, money laundering and a counterfeiting scheme.”

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