We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

23rd December 2019

How Trump has betrayed the working class  Apparently he isn’t socialist enough for Britain’s socialist newspaper.

Ted Cruz: Pelosi Sitting On Impeachment Is ‘An Admission Of Failure’

Cuomo Asks Christian Radio Host Why Back Trump, Who ‘Makes a Mockery of Your Faith’?

Sound Familiar? USA Today’s Sports ‘Impeachment’ Targets Players It Doesn’t Like

Fake News: Headlines Paint False Picture Of Ukraine Aid Freeze

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Accuses Trump Of Being Afraid ‘Of Latino Women’  They certainly scare the shit out of me.

Al Sharpton: Trump-Backing Evangelicals ‘Would Sell Jesus Out’ for ‘Shameless Con Man’  Like Al Sharpton.

New York Times Sad: Trump Has Ruined Washington DC’s Christmas Party Networking Circuit

Bloomberg Created A Secret Tech Company Chock-Full Of Former Facebook Execs To Take On Trump

NY Times Puffs Bloomberg 2020, Decried Trump as ‘Brink of Fascism’ in 2015

Telemundo Pushes ‘The Three Comadres of Impeachment’

Merry Impeachmas: BBC Commissions Choir to Sing ‘12 Days of Impeachment’

John Bolton Criticizes Trump, Media Suddenly Like Him

New York Times Puffs Thriller Writer: Trump Reality Scarier Than Any Fiction

Justin Amash Might Be On His Way Out, as Cook Political Report Moves His Seat From “Toss Up” to “Lean Republican”


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