We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

26th December 2019

Boston Globe: ‘Lincoln Project’ Eyes Trump, GOP Takedowns

Trump Has Turned His Back on the Working Class  Newsweek. Another transparent attempt to alienate Trump from his base.

Pelosi’s best move might be to keep impeachment in her pocket and not send it to the Senate  More #Shampeachment.

CBC removes Donald Trump’s scene from ‘Home Alone 2’ broadcast: report

Vox Admits Trump’s Judicial Appointments More Qualified Than Obama’s

‘Morning Joe’: Evangelical Leaders Have ‘Turned Their Back On Basic Core Beliefs’ For Trump

GOP Senators Predict Bipartisan Acquittal In Trump Impeachment

Warren Suggests Trump Admin’s ‘Cruel Treatment’ Of Migrant Child Led To Death, Despite Investigation  Lie-awatha at it again.

Pelosi’s Impeachment Gamble Is Unconstitutional

MSNBC’s Jackson Offers Trump-Hating 2019 Recap While CBS Reminds Viewers of No Collusion

WaPo Columnist Rips Rachel Maddow For Hyping Steele Dossier  Uh-oh. Trouble in paradise.

Angry Trump-Hater Scarborough Claims to Embrace ‘Love Thy Neighbor’ Politics


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