We have seen the future, and it sucks.

German Author Thilo Sarrazin ‘Is Fuelling Fear of Muslims’

31st August 2018

Read it.

They say that like it was a bad thing.

Critics say a new book by the controversial German writer and politician Thilo Sarrazin could further embolden the far right and fuel an upsurge in neo-Nazi violence.

Called Hostile Takeover: How Islam Obstructs Progress and Threatens Society, it warns that Muslims will be the majority group in Germany within two or three generations and calls for an immediate end to immigration. The birth rates among Muslim immigrants are “demographic dynamite”, Mr Sarrazin writes.

A former member of the Berlin city government and of the Bundesbank’s board, Mr Sarrazin said at the book launch in Berlin that Islam was not a religion of peace “but a violent ideology cloaked as a religion”.

This is one of those Voice of the Crust specials that works to pre-emptively discredit a book of Inconvenient Truth and justify burying it out of sight of the buying public. ‘Nothing to see here, move along, move along’ is the cry, as passersby are encouraged to avert their eyes to the ThoughtCrime in process.

The fact that anybody who reads the newspapers or listens to the news on radio or TV knows perfectly well that Islam is not a religion of peace but a violent ideology cloaked as a religion is apparently too outré a thought to be allowed out in public.

2 Responses to “German Author Thilo Sarrazin ‘Is Fuelling Fear of Muslims’”

  1. RealRick Says:

    It makes me wonder if someone could make the case that Muslims are fueling “fear of Muslims” and are thus subject to arrest or deportation.

  2. Tim of Angle Says:

    I am of opinion that Muslims are ipso facto members of a terrorist organization and hence ought to be subject to arrest and deportation.

    But that’s me.