We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

29th May 2018

Vox’s Ezra Klein Compares Trump to Novelist Philip Roth’s Fictional Fascist President  Of course he does.

Leftist Pols, Activists, Media Use 2014 Detention Photos to Attack Trump on Immigration  ‘Fake bur accurate’.

Trump lashes out as Obama-era photos of immigrant children in steel cages linked to current administration  Whatever happens, it’s Trump’s fault.

Schumer: ‘The President And His Associates Have … Lied’  Like being called ugly by a frog.

April Ryan Tweets Bizarre Article About Trump — The Fallout Continues

Mitt Romney Takes Shot At Trump: ‘Not A Role Model For My Grandkids’  Being a ‘role model’ is not his job. If his grandkids need a loser as a role model, they’ve always got their grandad.

Starbucks CEO Blames Trump For ‘Racist Behavior’ Before Closing Stores For Racial Bias Training  Sounds as if Starbucks has  been more racist that Trump. Wonder how they square that circle.

History will never let Donald Trump escape the shame of separating parents and children at the border  Which, of course, he has not done.

Warren Says Trump Invented ‘Spygate’ Because He’s Afraid Of Mueller  Much like Warren invented her skraeling descent?

Joy Behar: Trump ‘Can’t Really Take Credit’ For The Economy, It Was Obama [VIDEO]  Uh-huh. I guess that’s why it didn’t take off until after Obama left office and AFTER the Trump tax cut. Sure, that makes perfect sense.

Martin Short: ‘History Books’ Will Focus on ‘Shame of Trump Supporters’  Actually, they’re more likely to focus on the delusions and dithering of his critics.

On NPR, Harvard Professor Touts ‘White Fear Being Weaponized’ Under Trump  Well, pounding on white people all the time will do that. Be careful what you wish for.

University President Laments Trump’s ‘Degradation Of Our Culture’  Actually, that degradation is well under way in our universities. He maybe ought to look in a mirror.

Donald Trump and the art of the conspiracy theory  Actually, reading the news reveals that it’s not just a theory.

Axios Tells Readers Not To Blame Trump For High Gas Prices — Promptly Blames Trump For High Gas Prices  ‘They don’t get to do that to our pledges — only we get to do that to our pledges!’

2 Responses to “Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome”

  1. bluebird of bitterness Says:

    The big winner in all this is George W. Bush. For the eight years that the Chicago charlatan was president, everything bad that happened anywhere in the world was Bush’s fault. Now everything bad is Trump’s fault.

  2. Tim of Angle Says:

    Every cloud has a silver lining.