We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Archive for May, 2017

Who Sold Black African Slaves to White Slave Traders?

13th May 2017

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In the following interview, a writer named Tidiane Ndiaye talks about the African slave trade, and the central role played by African Muslims in taking and selling slaves.

What doubleplus ungood words! Surely that makes Mr. Ndiaye a WAYCIST…? No, wait; he’s not white, so he can’t be! Aieeeee! (head explodes).

I have to laugh whenever I hear of a ‘black Muslim’. That’s like being a Nazi Jew.

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Middlebury Becomes Muddlebury

13th May 2017

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Now comes word out of Middlebury College about the punishment to be meted out to the students who violently assaulted Charles Murray and sent Middlebury professor Alison Stanger to the hospital with whiplash and a concussion.  According to John Leo at Minding the Campus, the offending student are . . . going to have a letter of reprimand placed in their file. A temporary letter at that, as the letter will be removed if the student commits no further infractions before the end of the school year. No wonder Middlebury tried to keep the details of their “punishment” secret.

One of the chief facilitators of the Nazi rise to power in Germany during the 1930s was the reluctance on the part of authorities to punish lawbreakers with whose political opinions they had sympathy.

If you’re looking for the New Hitlers, look to the ‘woke’ fringe; that’s where you’ll find them.

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Flow of Refugees Slows to a Trickle

13th May 2017

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News reports indicate that illegal immigration has dropped sharply since President Trump’s inauguration, even though no progress has been made in building the wall. Similarly, it appears that the flow of refugees has declined, even though the president’s travel orders, including his reduced ceiling on refugee admissions, has been tied up in the courts by partisan judges.

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How a Basket on Wheels Revolutionized Grocery Shopping

13th May 2017

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Few inventions have so profoundly shaped consumer habits. With the exception of the automobile, the shopping cart is the most commonly used “vehicle” in the world: some 25 million grace grocery stores across the U.S. alone. It has played a major role in enriching the forces of capitalism, increasing our buying output, and transforming the nature of the supermarket — and for its role, it has been dubbed the “greatest development in the history of merchandising.”

Shopping carts, without which modern civilization would crumble.

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Is Trump the New Nixon?

13th May 2017

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That certainly is how Democrats try to portray him. Trump firing Comey = Nixon firing Cox. Right? Wrong. But here is another one: With ‘tapes’ tweet, Trump evokes Nixon’s White House.

Trump is so busy jerking the chain of the DemLegHump Media that his arm must be really tired.

Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | 4 Comments »

Demonic Feminist Rants at Movement’s Male Allies: ‘Know Your Place!’

13th May 2017

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The First Rule of Feminism is SHUT UP!

A Woman of Color, of course, so no doubt it was a sweet moment.


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How to Build a Medieval Crossbow

12th May 2017

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Just in case you were wondering. I know I was.

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Michelle Obama Launches Scathing Attack on Trump Policy: ‘Why Is Someone OK With Your Kids Eating Crap?’

12th May 2017

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Uh, Michelle, the kids are taking your ‘nutritious meals’ and throwing them in the trash, then going out for burgers and fries. They seem to think that your stuff is the ‘crap’.

Trump is in favor of kids (and their parents) making their own choices, rather than being dictated to by some Cloud Person soccer mom who hasn’t had to cook her own meals since she married the Magic Negro.

Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | 3 Comments »

NBC Slams Trump’s ‘Bungling Attempt’ to Explain Comey Firing, ‘Zero Credibility’

12th May 2017

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‘Zero credibility’ with whom? Trump already has zero credibility with the DemLegHump Media; they’ve been calling him a liar since before Barack Obama was a Negro.

Trump has plenty of credibility with his supporters, who aren’t about to listen to a left-wing shill like Nicolle Wallace tell them who has ‘credibility’.

Sure sounds like wishful thinking on somebody’s part.

Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | 1 Comment »

Source: The Trumps Have Selected Barron’s New School

12th May 2017

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Nope, the Trumps aren’t going with St. Albans or Sidwell Friends.

So he won’t have to write an essay apologizing for his White Privilege, as Chelsea Clinton is reported to have done.

They could always homeschool him; I’m sure they could get somebody at the White House for that.

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NY Times: Steel Industry Is on the Rebound Under Trump

12th May 2017

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“If you could design a perfect administration from the perspective of the steel industry, this would be it,” Thomas Gibson, president of the American Iron and Steel Institute, told the NY Times. President Trump campaigned on the promise to bring back American jobs to industries that have been decimated by foreign competition, like steel.

Cue analogies to good times for steel under Hitler’s Germany. Even if they have to make it up.

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Media Derangement Syndrome: Daily Show’s Minhaj: Republicans Are the ‘Death Eaters,’ Trump Is ‘Lord Voldemort’

12th May 2017

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None of these people ever really made it out of High School, psychologically. (Or whatever is the High School equivalent wherever this guy comes from.)

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15 Sharks Spotted by OC Sheriff’s Helicopter Near Beachgoers

12th May 2017

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A video shot from an Orange County Sheriff’s Department helicopter gives an overhead view of great white sharks hanging around near shore in Capistrano Beach as officers warn paddleboarders and swimmers near the surfline.

“You are paddleboarding next to approximately 15 great white sharks,” Deputy Brian Stockbridge said in the video shot at 1:53 p.m. Wednesday, May 10, above the Dana Point beach. “They are advising you exit the water in a calm manner. The sharks are as close as the surfline.”

Easy for them to say.

Perhaps the sharks heard about all the furor about White Privilege in California and decided to come and get some.

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Media Derrangement Syndrome: Bob Schieffer Sees ‘Parallels’ to Kennedy Assassination in Comey Firing

12th May 2017

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Really, you can’t make this shit up. They actually pay people for this.

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Police Investigate a Cult Killing; It Turns Out to Be a Rock Video

12th May 2017

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Tell the truth: These days, who could tell the difference? I certainly couldn’t.

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Things Aren’t Looking Good for the Four Americans Detained In North Korea

12th May 2017

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Anyone stupid enough to go voluntarily to North Korea deserves whatever happens.

Think of it as evolution in action.

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Wag the Dog

12th May 2017

Rush Limbaugh has a new theory, that whereas the DemLegHump Media were until recently the willing accomplices and lackeys of the Democrat party, now the situation is reversed — the DLH Media are calling the shots, and the Democrats are trailing along as spear-carriers.

He bases this on the fact that the Democrats have been losing non-Presidential elections so badly and so widely during Obama’s tenure to the point where they have no actual power outside of their political machines in the major metropolitan behavioral sinks.

Hence any power that the Left has these days is as a result of the control of public information at the hands of — wait for it — the DemLegHump Media. They are the people leading the ‘resistance’ to Trump and his program (if you can call it that), they are the ones constructing the ‘memes’ (which they hope will ‘go viral’), they are the ones composing the ‘talking points’ and determining what spin gets put on the stories that they deem worthy of reporting. In this view, Rachel Madow has more power than Chuck Schumer or Nancy Pelosi.

It’s an attractive premise.

This gives added weight to Rush’s famous montages, where he will put together a series of short bites from TV news reports where the presenters each use nearly the exact same phrase over and over again on a certain day to pound home what they hope will be the public impression of something happening in Washington.

Keep an ear out for it.

Posted in Think about it. | 2 Comments »

Mini Therapy Horses: The Latest Way to De-stress Airport Travellers

12th May 2017

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I am not making this up.

If you need a mini-therpy horse in order to fly, you really need to stay home.

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Maximum-Wage Legislation

12th May 2017

Don Boudreaux, a Real Economist, looks at wages.

Why is it that purported market imperfections are almost always the sort that allegedly justify government intervention against the perceived interests of employers or sellers?  If markets are imperfect, those imperfections should not be overwhelmingly biased against employees or consumers.  Sometimes – often, indeed – the imperfections should work in favor of employees and consumers.

Consider, for example, allegations of asymmetric information or other ‘imperfections’ that are said to create monopsony power in labor market.  These ‘imperfections’ are used by some economists to justify minimum-wage legislation, on the grounds that these ‘imperfections’ cause market-determined wages to be too low (that is, below the value of workers’ marginal products).

But if market imperfections exist with such regularity and certainty to justify government intervention, why  are these imperfections presumed always to work against workers?  Why don’t imperfections often lead to wages that are too high (that is, above the value of workers’ marginal products)?  I can think of no reasons why market imperfections are always or even usually biased against workers rather than in workers’ favor – especially today when unemployed workers are entitled to government handouts while most bankrupted employers (say, the restaurants that went belly-up because they paid their waiters and dishwashers too much) get no government relief.  And why presume that employers of low-skilled workers can monitor with sufficient clarity the performance of workers to ensure that workers are not shirking so chronically that employers are not overpaying their workers?  Perhaps – because of ‘asymmetric information’ – many employers can’t monitor workers so clearly.  Or perhaps employers are more poorly informed than are workers about pay and employment conditions elsewhere, thereby giving workers a bargaining advantage over employers.

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The Golden Haggadah Now Online

12th May 2017

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The Golden Haggadah, created in Catalonia around the year 1320, is among several hundred items that have recently been digitised by the British Library as part of the Hebrew Manuscripts Digitisation Project.

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“The Census and Right-Wing Hysteria”

12th May 2017

Steve Sailer fisks yet another anti-white New York Times screed.

Since 1969, the government and the culture hand out affirmative action money and prizes to people who claim to be Diverse, so self-interested persons of mixed descent tend to push hard on claims to the most rewarded identities.

Not surprisingly, groups that were officially classified as white have been demanding to have the government count them as nonwhite. South Asians got themselves moved from Caucasian to Oriental/Asian in 1982 to make them eligible for minority business development privileges from the government. Arabs have been trying to get themselves declared nonwhite for the 2020 Census. No blue-blooded Conquistador-American group has ever offered to give up their legal minority status just because they take pride in their whiteness.

What goes around comes around.

Politically, things are a little more complicated, however. The basic Democratic strategy is to use immigration to inflate the Coalition of the Fringes and keep them united by focusing hate toward Evil CisHet White Males. The Republicans will be stuck being the White Party in an age when the media demonizes whites (e.g., with constant reporting of hate hoaxes as genuine hate crimes).

But, there is some possibility that blacks will still manage to drive off some Asians and Hispanics from the Democratic Party via bad behavior, megalomania, and feelings of entitlement. The Democrats paid the price in 2016 as blacks couldn’t be bothered to come out in large numbers to vote for a nonblack.

The problem with Identity Politics is that you have to have the identity before you profit from the politics. Would crazy bag lady Maxine Waters even have a job if she weren’t so vociferously black? I think not.

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2017’s Top Crossbows

11th May 2017

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You know you want one.

The Ravin R15 is really awesome.

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Corrine Brown Found Guilty on 18 of 22 Charges

11th May 2017

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Former Democratic Rep. Corrine Brown of Florida was found guilty Thursday of 18 of the 22 charges brought against her in a corruption case.

The charges include conspiring to commit mail and wire fraud, lying on financial disclosure forms, obstructing the IRS, taking money from a charity that claimed to be providing scholarships to underprivileged students and falsifying information on tax returns.

Democrats — party of corruption since before the Civil War.

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Gloria Steinem: Patriarchal Forced Childbirth Is ‘Fundamental Cause of Climate Change’

11th May 2017

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Fortunately she does not appear to have reproduced, and so her defective genes will be eliminated from the gene pool.

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Democrats Bring the H8: NBC, CBS Justify Leftist Students Shouting Down ‘Controversial’ DeVos

11th May 2017

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The brownshirts of the Left are on the march. Yet Trump is supposedly the New Hitler.

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Mothers Against Wind Turbines

11th May 2017

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Apparently wind turbines are a Dispicable Plot to Harm Children and Other Living Things.

Who knew? Trump is no doubt to blame.

Posted in Dystopia Watch, Whose turn is it to be the victim? | 2 Comments »

Hawaiians Warned Not to Travel to Texas Because of Controversial Immigration Law

11th May 2017

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Hawaiians have been told by civil righs campaigners not to travel to Texas because of a controversial immigration law

More Persecution Derangement Syndrome from the Left.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) said the new law unfairly targets undocumented Mexican immigrants in the state.

‘Undocumented’ is the Newspeak euphemism for ‘illegal’. How is ‘targeting’ illegal migrants unfair? Not explained. It Just Is.

Lorella Praeli, ACLU director of immigration policy and campaigns, said the concern for Hawaiians was that many of them “fit the racial profile that the police in Texas will use to enforce Trump’s draconian deportation force”.

What ‘racial profile’? The one the ACLU assumes that will be applied. What evidence do they have that a ‘racial profile’ will be applied? None. It Just Is. (Remind me, when did ‘Mexican’ become a race? I must have missed it.)

“Hawai?i residents traveling to Texas need to be prepared for illegal harassment,” said Mateo Caballero, legal director of ACLU Hawaii, in a statement.

Don’t they mean ‘undocumented’ harassment? And if it’s according to a law, how is it ‘illegal’? Not explained. It Just Is.

And where are they getting this ‘racial profile’?

What ‘racial profile’ do Hawai’i residents like Mark Zuckerberg or Larry Ellison that doesn’t fit Greg Abbott, the Governor?

Are they talking about the many people of Japanese, Chinese, and Korean descent who reside in Hawi’i? Got news for you — THEY DON’T LOOK LIKE MEXICANS.

Are they talking about Native Hawai’ians? Well, (a) there are very few Native Hawai’ians left, and (b) such people have no reason to come to Texas. (Tell the truth – if you could afford to live in Hawai’i, would you come to Texas? The question answers itself.)

And what happens when these ‘non-white’ people from Hawai’i get asked for documentation? Are they afraid of being deported back to Hawai’i?

The absurdity of this whole schtick is obvious on its face.

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Labour Candidate Who Suffers From ‘Sleeping Beauty Syndrome’ Pledges to Fight for Other People With Rare Illnesses

11th May 2017

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Fight who? About what?

Unless we can anticipate her entering the ring with a bunch of bacteria, ]the conclusion is inescapable that she ought to fight the socialist government-provided health care system, but as a Labour candidate I predict that she decide to ‘fight’ anything but that.

That ought to be the first questions asked about these tedious twonks who are always pledging to ‘fight for’ whichever Fashionable Victim Group they’re trying to hoodwink: Fight who? About what?

Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | 1 Comment »

Gluten-free Foods Could Increase Risk of Obesity, Says Researchers

11th May 2017

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Oh noes!

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Democrats Bring the H8: Vandals Chop Down Trees at Trump-Run Golf Course

11th May 2017

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This is why we can’t eve have nice things.

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Aetna Ditches Obamacare Entirely

11th May 2017

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Aetna announced Wednesday that it will stop offering Obamacare exchange plans in 2018, making it the latest major health insurance provider to completely opt out of former President Barack Obama’s landmark health care legislation.

The company cites massive losses among exchange participants and projects the problems to increase over the short term. Aetna will also cease to sell individual plans in Nebraska and Delaware, Bloomberg reports.

“Our individual commercial products lost nearly $700 million between 2014 and 2016, and are projected to lose more than $200 million in 2017 despite a significant reduction in membership,” an Aetna spokesman said in an email.

Aetna is not the only insurance company leaving Obamacare exchanges. Humana announced in February that it will pull out of the exchanges entirely in 2018. It was the first major insurance provider to opt out of Obamacare under President Donald Trump.

The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.

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The Firing of James Comey: An Insider’s View

11th May 2017

Paul Rahe passes on what a former student told him.

I did not hear about the firing of James Comey until I read an email this morning — sent by a former student who, having worked for years at the Department of Justice, is now retired. Here is what he told me:

Based on a career spent working with the FBI as a Justice Dep’t lawyer, and on the reasons that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein gave in this memo, I believe firing James Comey as FBI Director was the right thing to do. A lot of folks would’ve cheered if DAG Sally Yates and President Barack Obama had done this last July or October – as perhaps they should’ve.


Comey’s firing is just the latest shift in the balance between DOJ and the FBI. Just as our gov’t rests on civilian control of the military, our law enforcement agencies are subject to the prosecution decisions of local, state, and federal gov’t lawyers. All are in turn subject to the courts. And it is long-standing, written DOJ policy that the FBI does not decide who is (or is not) to be prosecuted. Nor is the Bureau to speak to the press about DOJ’s exercise of its prosecutorial discretion, unless authorized by DOJ. Comey repeatedly broke those rules, and has repeatedly refused to admit his mistakes.

Exactly so.

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Naval Air Station Oceana Sailor Accused of Stabbing Her Wife

10th May 2017

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I am not making this up.

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Gay Activists Leave Venezuela Because People Are Too Starving to Care About LGBTQ Activism

10th May 2017

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Funny how descending into Third World status reveals how much of a First World problem trendy sexual confusion activism is.

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RINO McCain Kicks the Ball Into His Own Team’s Goal

10th May 2017

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The Senate could not muster the votes Wednesday to overturn an Obama-era regulation on methane emissions from oil and gas drilling operations on federal lands.

The Senate voted 51 to 49 in favor of the Interior Department rule, with Arizona Republican John McCain surprisingly casting the deciding vote to support the Obama administration regulation.

Somebody needs to remind John McCain which party he’s in.

Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | 2 Comments »

I Have a Question

10th May 2017

How many people will die because of Comey Firing Derangement Syndrome?

Will this qualify as a Pre-Existing Condition under the Obamacare-replacement bill?

Inquiring minds want to know….

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Graphene’s Sleeping Superconductivity Awakens

10th May 2017

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Researchers have found a way to trigger the innate, but previously hidden, ability of graphene to act as a superconductor – meaning that it can be made to carry an electrical current with zero resistance.

The finding, reported in Nature Communications, further enhances the potential of graphene, which is already widely seen as a material that could revolutionise industries such as healthcare and electronics. Graphene is a two-dimensional sheet of carbon atoms and combines several remarkable properties; for example, it is very strong, but also light and flexible, and highly conductive.

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Just When You Thought That Democrats Had Reached the Edge: Vermont Sen. Angus King Wants to Hire Former FBI Director Jim Comey to Lead an Independent Investigation Into Any Ties Between Trump Advisers and the Russian Government.

10th May 2017

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Well, he’s not doing anything right now and would probably appreciate a job offer.

Maybe we could hire Mike Flynn to investigate his ties to the Russians. Yeah, that’s the ticket….

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The Comey Divide

10th May 2017

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I had an interesting conversation last night with a fellow critic of President Trump’s. He was irritated that I had insisted that those watching the Comey situation remain “skeptical but not hysterical.” Now, he said, is “the time to be hysterical.” I’ve been trying to understand why he was so vexed, and I think I’ve worked it out: He has assumed — and built into his thinking — that there is a huge Russia scandal in the background of all this. And I haven’t. I certainly think it’s possible that this goes deeper, and I remain as mistrustful toward this administration as I ever was. But I’m not going to credit theories about Watergate-level conspiracies without evidence, and my friend is. That’s the line that divides us.

The problem is that the anti-Trumpers have their entire souls invested in the notion that Trump Is So Bad There Must Be A Skeleton Somewhere, so even though there is no evidence of anything that just means that they have to look harder. Because it’s got to be there, and what do you mean there’s no evidence? Are you incompetent or something? We know there’s something there, because it’s got to be there, it’s just got to, so get off your lazy white ass and find it!

The major difference between ‘progressives’ and Real People is that Real People believe it when they see it, and ‘progressives see it when they believe it. It’s ‘another Watergate’ because it has to be. Trump is the New Nixon because he has to be (just as he has to be the New Hitler). This is a Constitutional Crisis because it has to be. Trump is on his way to a dictatorship because he has to be. I keep waiting for some MSNBC report on how there are secret concentration camps going up inside Mar a Lago, you just can’t see them because Trump Is That Sneaky.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt; it’s the lifeblood of the looney Left. I’m running out of popcorn….

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Colbert Shocked By Audience’s Reaction to Comey Firing [VIDEO]

10th May 2017

Check it out.

This amusing video illustrates a number of interesting wrinkles in re the DemLegHump media:

  1. Colbert is surprised that his audience isn’t as up to date with the Democrat Narrative as he is; apparently the audience didn’t Get The Memo that Comey has instantly gone from Hillary Oppressor to Trump Victim. These Party Line changes can be hard to keep up with; I’m sure Stalin feels his pain.
  2. Colbert’s automatic assumption that everybody who cheered is a Donald Trump fan, as if any actual Donald Trump fans waste their time watching Colbert.

I wonder whether any of the audience got sent for Re-Education. Wouldn’t surprise me.

UPDATE: Colbert isn’t the only looney out there — Olbermann Calls For Firing Comey, Then Wants To Impeach Trump When He Does

UPDATE: Rush Limbaugh is hurting himself laughing about this, and points out that ‘progressive’ talking heads are so disconnected from their audience that something like this was inevitable.

It’s tough being a ‘progressive’ — you don’t know whom to hate without a score card.

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Bernie Sanders Is Touring the UK

10th May 2017

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Guess they don’t have enough angry old white male socialists in Britain; they have to import them.

Well, if he can run for the Democrat Presidential nomination while an independent, maybe he can run for a Labour seat in Parliament as an American. After all, Britain has been Feeling the Bern since 1945.

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Panicky ABC, CBS Declare Trump New Nixon After Comey’s ‘Watergate’ Firing

10th May 2017

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ABC and CBS on Wednesday went into full panic mode on Wednesday, seeing Donald Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey as a crisis comparable to Richard Nixon during the darkest days of Watergate. With dramatic music, Good Morning America co-host George Stephanopoulos parroted, “Now calls for a special prosecutor to take over the Russia investigation. Democrats compare this to Watergate.”

Democrats compare everything to Watergate. They also believe in ‘global warming’ and other fantasies.

Apparently Trump is not only the New Hitler but also the New Nixon. I wish they’d make up their minds.

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NY Dem Charged With Soliciting Foreign Donation for Cuomo Campaign

10th May 2017

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Steven Pigeon previously headed up New York’s Erie County Democratic Committee. He now faces charges that carry a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a $250,000 fine, according to a statement from acting U.S. Attorney James P. Kennedy, Jr. of the Western District of New York.

I guess he figured that if the Clintons can get away with it then Cuomo ought to be able to get away with it.

“If somebody’s going to claim that that contribution was illegal, I think there’s a real question about that. Why aren’t all the other participants, direct participants being charged?” Cambria asked.

A very good question.

Democrats, party of corruption since before the Civil War.

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Mexico’s 2016 Murder Tally Second Only to War-Torn Syria

10th May 2017

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Sure, we want more of those people in this country! What’s the worst that could happen?

And the suits just keep on talkin’….

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This Is What It’s Really Like to Be an NHS GP Right Now

10th May 2017

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Apparently socialized medicine is hell for the ‘care providers’ as well as for the patients.

You’d think that someone could have predicted that … oh, wait, somebody did.

How about that great government-provided health care? Don’t you wish America had a system like that?

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California’s Legal Assault on NIMBYs Begins

9th May 2017

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Property rights? In California? Hahahahaha….

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How Homeownership Became the Engine of American Inequality

9th May 2017

New York Times, of course.

BLUF: America sucks, it’s all the fault of Republicans and Rich People (but not Democrat Rich People, who are all ‘woke’ and among the saints, and especially not Democrat elected officials, oh no!), women and minorities hardest hit, etc.

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Muscle Enzyme Explains Weight Gain in Middle Age

9th May 2017

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An NIH-led team recently discovered that the normal process of aging causes levels of an enzyme called DNA-PK to rise in animals as they approach middle age. While the enzyme is known for its role in DNA repair, their studies show it also slows down metabolism, making it more difficult to burn fat. To see if reducing DNA-PK levels might rev up the metabolism, the researchers turned to middle-aged mice. They found that a drug-like compound that blocked DNA-PK activity cut weight gain in the mice by a whopping 40 percent!

Where is FDR when you really need him? A few months in a Democrat internment camp will get rid of that spare tire.

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The Blinders are Still in Place

9th May 2017

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Publishing, not politics. Feel free to skip.

Now, I don’t know about you, but I have a line in the proverbial sand when it comes to how much I will pay for an e-book. It’s a line that I will very rarely cross. I’ll admit I will rarely even get close to the line. That price, for me, is $9.99. It used to be lower but I had to change that when Baen finally got into Amazon. I groused, like a lot of others, because that move meant Baen now charged more. However, there are several Baen authors I will pay that much for instead of waiting for the price to come down. But paying $15 for an e-book when the publisher won’t even admit I own the book? Nope, not gonna happen. I will wait for the price to come down or, if it doesn’t, I will borrow it from the library.

The problem is that doesn’t really hurt the publisher but it does hurt the author. I hate that part but there isn’t much more I can do to voice my displeasure — not that the Big 5 listen.

My local public library charges $2.50 for interlibrary loan, so that’s pretty much my limit on e-books.

I have about 3,0o0 PDFs on my 2TB library drive. Yeah, it’s not as convenient as Kindle, but my Kindle library has 1,141 books in it, so I’m good.

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White Cop Who Discovered He Is ‘Part Black’ Sues Department Because Colleagues Won’t Stop Calling Him ‘Kunte’

9th May 2017

Read it.

Hastings Police Sergeant Cleon Brown filed a federal civil rights lawsuit saying his colleagues cracked jokes about his race after an Ancestry.com test revealed he is 18 % black, Detroit CBS Local reported Tuesday.

On the other hand, think of all the Black Privilege this qualifies him for.

Be careful what you wish for….

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