NY Times: Steel Industry Is on the Rebound Under Trump
12th May 2017
“If you could design a perfect administration from the perspective of the steel industry, this would be it,” Thomas Gibson, president of the American Iron and Steel Institute, told the NY Times. President Trump campaigned on the promise to bring back American jobs to industries that have been decimated by foreign competition, like steel.
Cue analogies to good times for steel under Hitler’s Germany. Even if they have to make it up.
May 13th, 2017 at 11:15
Let’s go back to Smoot-Hawley. There’s a real protectionist policy for you, even if the conservatives seemed to move toward favoring “free trade” in the intervening years.
Just be prepared to pay much more for stuff. Protectionism always has its price. And the consumer always pays it.
May 14th, 2017 at 13:58
Conservatives favor free trade because we learned under Roosevelt that a Washington-directed economy always descends into cronyism, as the current bankruptcies of heavily subsidized ‘solar energy’ firms demonstrates.
Republicans are always prepared to pay more for stuff, especially stuff made by Unions and originating in sky-high minimum wage Blue states.