We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Archive for November, 2009

Jihad Barbie

22nd November 2009

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No mention of whether it comes with a dynamite belt among its fashion accessories.

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Polar bears fall from the sky due to global warming

22nd November 2009

Read it. And watch the video.

People do strange things in service to their religion. Some of these things look very odd to outsiders. Not that there’s anything wrong with that….

Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | 1 Comment »

‘Mastermind’ of Mumbai attack preaches at mosque in Lahore

22nd November 2009

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Hafiz Mohammed Saeed is neither in hiding nor in jail. The founder of Lashkar-e-Taiba is instead delivering a sermon to thousands of devoteees at the Jamia al-Qadsia mosque — one of the biggest in the city.

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The Italian Job – for life

22nd November 2009

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A Rome bank has what it thinks is the solution: to make the jobs hereditary. Under a deal signed with unions this week, 76 employees of Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Roma (BCC di Roma) must take early retirement but they will get a choice: either take a payoff or leave your job to your son or daughter (or indeed any relative “up to the third degree”, which would allow the post to be left even to great-nieces and nephews).

Everything old is new again.

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Terror Masters, Dope Dealers, and Foreign Aid Scammers

22nd November 2009

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Several years ago, while researching the extensive and confusing data on radical Islam in Pakistan, I read a number of articles by B. Raman and other experts on Indian national security. The wealth of information they presented about Pakistan’s devious maneuvers made me realize that Pakistan is one of the three epicenters of the Great Jihad, with the other two being Iran and Saudi Arabia.

In the heat of events during the fall of 2001 — when President Bush lauded Pervez Musharraf’s Pakistan as a “friend of the United States” — it was easy to forget that the Taliban had been the creation of Pakistan’s security services, and were their preferred means of controlling Afghanistan.

Just another wonderful day in the neighborhood….

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Rare earth: The New Great Game

22nd November 2009

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It is a complicated story, involving a whole chunk of the Periodic Table, high secrecy, patent battles and conspiracy theory.

But it boils down to this – 97% of the specialist metals that are crucial to green technology are currently mined in China.

China is already limiting exports and has plans to limit them some more. As a result much of the hi-tech metals industry is also moving to China.

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How 16 ships create as much pollution as all the cars in the world

22nd November 2009

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I’ll bet you didn’t know that. I’m pretty sure that no one in the government does.

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Tricks of the Trade

22nd November 2009

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I recently asked readers for their “tricks of the trade,” and was amazed by the response. It seems every profession is rich with clever little occupational secrets.

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Weird breeds of cat at The Supreme Cat Show in Birmingham

21st November 2009

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As if there were cats that weren’t weird.

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Not In It For The Attention, Mind You…

21st November 2009

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And lately it seems to work both ways. If you think carbon is dangerous (more on this later) but there’s no cause for concern over giving Kalid Shiekh Mohammed a civilian trial, you must possess some keen insight, perhaps some X-ray vision, that gives you wisdom beyond the three dimensions and the earthly domain.

If, on the other hand, you just call things as they are — taxes hurt the economy, if you execute the bad guy he won’t kill any more little kids, cities with magnanimous social programs have teeming masses of homeless because if I was homeless I’d head down there too, maybe kids have attention deficit problems because they aren’t getting their asses whipped anymore — then you’re more mundane. You have demonstrated no irony, therefore you haven’t demonstrated this keen extra-dimensional insight. Therefore you must not have it, therefore you must be something of a dimwit. And far more horrifyingly still, you’re a little bit on the boring side.

It’s not a drive toward left-wing politics; if it was, it would be far less dangerous because it would capture the fascination only of those who are enamored of left-wing politics. This phenomenon has a deep impact on people who don’t give a rat’s ass about politics. It’s a mistaken realization of what intellectual wherewithal really is. It is an excessive fascination with where above-average intelligence might take a thought, with an inadequate understanding of how exactly that works.

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When Lutherans split

21st November 2009

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The Episcopal Church has less than half the membership of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. But the former gets much more media coverage than the ELCA. But both are experiencing division under similar circumstances. Both churches have lost significant numbers of members in recent years, with congregations occasionally deciding to leave as a unit. And the problems in both churches deal with how the denomination interprets Scripture. The big fissures have been sparked by dramatic changes in church doctrine on sexuality.

This is why Real Christian Churches, where doctrine doesn’t change over time, have the advantage.

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New Yorkers: Notice what we say, not what we do

21st November 2009

Steve Sailer is never afraid to dig where others fear to tread.

I’ve pointed out before that New York’s liberal media elite don’t want the public to discuss IQ, but they almost all get their four-year-olds’ IQs tested so they can win admission to fashionable private preschools. Now the New York toddler IQ testing madness has spread to New York public schools.

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Alcohol ‘protects men’s hearts’

21st November 2009

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Drinking alcohol every day cuts the risk of heart disease in men by more than a third, a major study suggests.

Well. There it is.

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VTOL gyro-copter flying car mates with killer robot

21st November 2009

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A flying-car company which has struggled for 15 years to win acceptance for its radical gyrocopter/aeroplane technology may have finally broken through into the mainstream. It was announced this week that Carter Aviation technologies – aspiring designer of the CarterCopter Personal Air Vehicle – has partnered with successful military robot maker AAI.

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Galileo’s missing fingers found

20th November 2009

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Two fingers and a tooth removed from Galileo Galilei’s corpse in a Florentine basilica in the 18th century have been found again.

I’m sure that comes as a relief as much to you as it does to me.

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Sci Fi Sausage, Beaker Bacon, Vat-Grown Veal, and Test Tube Tuna

20th November 2009

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Not quite the flying car or jet pack we were promised, yet aspects of the future keep arriving.

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Vampires Suck

20th November 2009

Salon does a debunking. No, really.

Yet, like many people who acquire mega-celebrity, the vampire has developed an eating disorder. Read the books. Watch the movies. You’ll see vampires who manage nightclubs, build computer databases, work as private investigators, go to prep school, lobby Congress, chat with humans, live near humans, have sex with humans, and pine over humans, but the one thing you won’t see them do is suck the blood of humans.

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Is it a ladle? Is it a spatula? No, it’s a scrudle

20th November 2009

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We have the technology.

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Trespasser sues railroad

20th November 2009

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Of course she does.

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In Going Free, London Evening Standard Doubles Circulation While Slashing Costs

20th November 2009

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In October, we wrote about how, just as Rupert Murdoch and crew look to put up paywalls for online content, the operators of the London Evening Standard were going in the other direction and making their physical paper free. So, how’s that been working out? mowgs alerts us to the news that the paper has doubled its circulation in just a month. Not bad. But what’s more interesting is that it’s also slashed its distribution costs massively. It used to cost about 30p, and now it’s just 4p per paper.

Those media outlets who figure out the new business model will be with us yet, those that don’t are in the dumpster. It’s just that simple.

The most amusing aspect is that those media outlets that cling most tightly to espousing socialism in their editorial positions — and, increasingly, in their news sections — are the ones most desperately trying to find ways to charge their readers for stuff that their readers are just not willing to pay for. Perhaps in historical terms it will be a sad thing to see the New York Times and the Washington Post go the way of the New York Herald and the Washington Star, but I for one won’t be crying.

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To Believe the Truth

20th November 2009

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To believe the truth is not the same thing as having a correct opinion – indeed the two have almost nothing to do with one another. And this is a great difficulty – for most of the things that we think of ourselves as believing – we in fact only hold as opinions. What a man believes, in the way the word is used in the New Testament, is not seen or heard in the syllogisms he is willing to confess, but rather in how he lives his life.

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Downfall writer praises Hitler rant net meme

20th November 2009

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It does seem to bring out the creativity in people.

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US monster-truck roboguns to blast enemies autonomously

20th November 2009

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Military boffins in the US are now equipping a small fleet of armoured lorries with automatic defensive weapons which can detect incoming antitank rockets and shoot them down in mid-air before they strike, meanwhile retaliating upon the enemy gunmen with devastating firepower – all without human input.

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Forget the leftovers, if you are flying

19th November 2009

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Another reason why I don’t fly. Do not allow yourselves to be subject to the forces of fascism.

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Tandem Writing Assignment

19th November 2009

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You know that book “Men are from Mars, Women from Venus”? Well, here’s a prime example of that.

Now that’s comedy.

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Kids These Days

19th November 2009

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The rot deepens…. I am prepared to defend the notion that just because one or even a hundred famous writers use a demonstrably incorrect construction doesn’t make it correct.

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You people actually eat this stuff?

19th November 2009

Check it out.

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Brain-eating tribe could help find treatment for mad cow disease

19th November 2009

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Just in case you were wondering. I know I was.

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Jamaica vs. Singapore

19th November 2009

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In 1965 the two nations were equal in wealth. Four decades later, their standing was dramatically different. What accounts for the difference?

An interesting comparison.

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If Jesse Jackson is right … then Artur Davis is white

19th November 2009

The Other McCain is having fun.

Congratulations to this overnight Caucasian! He is now a man who can join the Klan. Send the word to Senator Bob Byrd.

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How poor people live

19th November 2009

Link is just for attribution; complete item is reproduced below–it’s short.

One day, the father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to the country with the express purpose of showing him how poor people live.

They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of what would be considered a very poor family.

On their return from their trip, the father asked his son, “How was the trip?”

“It was great, Dad.”

“Did you see how poor people live?” the father asked.

“Oh yeah,” said the son.

“So, tell me, what did you learn from the trip?” asked the father.

The son answered: “I saw that we have one dog and they had four. We have a pool that reaches to the middle of our garden and they have a creek that has no end. We have imported lanterns in our garden and they have the stars at night. Our patio reaches to the front yard and they have the whole horizon.

“We have a small piece of land to live on and they have fields that go beyond our sight.

“We have servants who serve us, but they serve others. We buy our food, but they grow theirs.

“We have walls around our property to protect us, they have friends to protect them.”

Then his son added, “Thanks Dad for showing me how poor we are.”

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Phys Ed: Why Exercise Makes You Less Anxious

19th November 2009

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I suspect that being tired means you have less energy to worry. But that’s just me.

Bear in mind that this is the New York Times so you really need to confirm this with another source.

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Graham goes jackass hunting, finds Holder, flogging ensues

18th November 2009

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Pretty bad when so useless a legislator as Lindsey Grahamnesty can eat your lunch.

Obama ought to have known better than to depend on a Clinton administration retread like Holder.

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Quick, NPR needs a ‘conservative’ douchebag to badmouth Sarah Palin!

18th November 2009

The Other McCain doesn’t much like Rod Dreher.

I have to confess that I don’t have a lot of use for him, either. I put him in the same class as David Frum, Conor Friedersdorf, Andrew Sullivan, David Brooks, and Malcolm Gladwell.

“To you, you’re a conservative; and to the media, you’re a conservative; but to a conservative are you a conservative?”

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Coraline author Neil Gaiman received ‘hate mail’ for liking Rudyard Kipling

18th November 2009

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“People would tell me, ‘How could a writer like you – that we like – like a fascist, an imperialist dog?’ ”

Gaiman, who started his career as a graphic novelist steeped in fantasy and science-fiction, commented: “They usually had not read any Kipling, and had been told not to like him by legions of right-minded people.”

If you stray an inch from the Party Line, they will throw you off the cliff, no matter who you are.

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The Gospel According to Dave Ramsey

18th November 2009

Megan McArdle takes a look at the personal finance evangelist.

On a fine summer day at the end of August, I paid $220 for front-row seats on the floor of a minor-league hockey rink in Detroit, just to hear Ramsey talk for five hours. The ostensible topic: getting your financial life in order. Afterward, my fiancé, who grew up in the Bible Belt, called me to ask what I’d thought.

“I think I just attended my first prayer meeting,” I told him.

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Clever Sillies – Why the high IQ lack common sense

18th November 2009

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General intelligence is not just a cognitive ability; it is also a cognitive disposition. So, the greater cognitive abilities of higher IQ tend also to be accompanied by a distinctive high IQ personality type including the trait of ‘Openness to experience’, ‘enlightened’ or progressive left-wing political values, and atheism.

You can have a genius IQ and still be an idiot, in the original Greek sense of the term.

Preferential use of abstract analysis is often useful when dealing with the many evolutionary novelties to be found in modernizing societies; but is not usually useful for dealing with social and psychological problems for which humans have evolved ‘domain-specific’ adaptive behaviours. And since evolved common sense usually produces the right answers in the social domain; this implies that, when it comes to solving social problems, the most intelligent people are more likely than those of average intelligence to have novel but silly ideas, and therefore to believe and behave maladaptively.

Michael Savage may be right that liberalism is a mental disorder.

The cognitively-stratified context of communicating almost-exclusively with others of similar intelligence, generates opinions and behaviours among the highest IQ people which are not just lacking in common sense but perversely wrong.

That certainly matches what you see in the newspapers.

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Progressives for Breast Cancer: A Preview of the Medical Gulag

18th November 2009

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Just consider that detected early, the five year survival rate for breast cancer victims is in the neighborhood of 98%. Detected late, that rate falls to about 26% a decrease in survival of 72%. And that doesn’t begin to cover the additional suffering from the treatments and dislocation of families when diagnosis is delayed.

My first wife died of breast cancer, which she discovered through self-examination. She was 43 at the time. Under these guidelines, it would have been discovered too late for her to have even the slight chance that she did have. I am not a supporter of these guidelines.

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Bush Continues His Uncanny Imitation of Herbert Hoover

18th November 2009

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… I noted some of the uncanny parallels between George W. Bush and Herbert Hoover: Both were president during a time of economic crisis; both presided over vast expansions of government that helped cause the crisis or at least make it worse than it might have been otherwise; finally both were (inaccurately) portrayed by their political opponents as dogmatic free market advocates, when in fact both were highly statist. After leaving the presidency, Bush is unconsciously imitating Hoover in yet another way — by rhetorically supporting free markets and criticizing the even more interventionist policies of his Democratic successor (which in both cases built on the expansions of government initiated by the Republicans who preceded them).

The only good things I can say about George W Bush is that he wasn’t as bad as his dad and he was better than the alternative. Damning with faint praise? I’m good with that.

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Universal standards

18th November 2009

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There are advantage to universal standards. The most important is economies of scale–once you learn the standard, it applies everywhere. But the disadvantages are subtle and usually much greater than the advantages.

I don’t want standard of health care, one standard of what’s “best.” Everyone is different and what is best for me may not be best for you. More importantly, what is best is unknowable to a committee of experts. Not hard to know. Not difficult to discover. Unknowable. What age should a women have a mammogram is not a question that has an answer. There are many answers. One reason is that women are different. A more important reason is that our knowledge evolves. What is thought to be “best” (wait until 40) may turn out to be different (wait till 50). But even more importantly, when power is centralized, the very idea of “best” no longer applies. The incentives aren’t there. When there is one standard set by the political process, the experts’ incentives on whatever committee determines the universal standard are inevitably going to be politicized. So give me “inefficient” competition among standards. Let different standards vie for attention.

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Thanksgiving Exposed

18th November 2009

This is just a spontaneous observation in response to the apparent rampant historical ignorance about the holiday of Thanksgiving. There seems to be a general belief that Thanksgiving was a once-in-a-century lucky thought on the part of the Pilgrims that arose from their unique conditions.


Thanksgiving was a celebration of the traditional harvest festival, Martinmas, that had been going on in England since it became Christian. Being Dissenters, the Pilgrims wouldn’t have use such a ‘Popish’ term as the traditional one, but they would celebrate the feast nevertheless, just as modern atheists will wish you ‘Happy Holidays’ rather than the more offensive ‘Merry Christmas’ but they’ll still say something. Remember that this took place in 1621, prior to the adoption of the Gregorian calendar by the English over a century later, and what they would consider November 11 (Martinmas) we would consider November 21, which is right around the current politically-determined date for Thanksgiving.

Just in case you were wondering.

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Chindogu, making the simple complicated

18th November 2009

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There’s a government program for that….

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Al Gore, Ignoramus

18th November 2009

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Al Gore has made an enormous amount of money by pretending to know something about science. He is by no means the first such charlatan, but he must be one of the most successful.

It is a remarkable fact that Al Gore has had a significant influence on public policy relating to science when he is, in fact, utterly uneducated in scientific matters and is of very limited intelligence.

On the other hand, he’s gotten rich, so I guess the joke is on us.

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US fury as Israel approves 900 new housing units in Gilo settlement

18th November 2009

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You’d almost think that the U.S. were an Arab country. (Hm. Well, sometimes it acts like one….)

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Computer Class as Soulcraft

17th November 2009

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Man killed wife with remote control

17th November 2009

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We have the technology.

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Boomer Economy Stunting Growth in Northern California

17th November 2009

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These northern California counties–which include Sonoma, Napa, Solano and Marin–have become beacons for middle- and upper-class residents from the Bay Area. These generally liberal people came in part to enjoy the lifestyle of this mild, bucolic region, and many have little interest in changing it.

“The yuppies have insulated themselves here for the long term,” notes Robert Eyler, a director at the Center for Regional Economic Analysis at Sonoma State University. “The boomers have blocked everyone else different in age and skill from rising up and making their place.”

Only in America could such people be characterized as ‘liberal’ rather than ‘conservative’, or even ‘reactionary’.

California’s high-tech greens may talk a liberal streak in terms of diversity and social justice, but their prescriptions offer little for those who would like to build a career and raise a family in 21st century California. Their policies in terms of land use regulation and greenhouse gas emissions will make it even harder for existing factories, warehouses, homebuilders and other traditional employers of the middle- or working class. “In effect,” Eyler notes, “the progressives have become regressives.”

Well, some of us think that the correct term for all modern ‘progressives’ is ‘regressive’ – just look at the environmentalists, who won’t be happy until all white people move back to Europe, and maybe not even then.

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The ‘abominable mystery’ even Darwin couldn’t solve

17th November 2009

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Flowering plants are more interesting than you might realize.

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Belle de Jour’s father: I’m broken-hearted after discovering her past

17th November 2009

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Well, duh. And I’m quite sure that she didn’t give two seconds’ thought to how her choices would affect anybody else but her. We live in the ME World, of which Twitter and Facebook are the iconic reflections.

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Indus Valley’s Bronze Age civilisation ‘had first sophisticated financial exchange system’

17th November 2009

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And the place hasn’t changed all that much from then to now.

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