We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The Gospel According to Dave Ramsey

18th November 2009

Megan McArdle takes a look at the personal finance evangelist.

On a fine summer day at the end of August, I paid $220 for front-row seats on the floor of a minor-league hockey rink in Detroit, just to hear Ramsey talk for five hours. The ostensible topic: getting your financial life in order. Afterward, my fiancé, who grew up in the Bible Belt, called me to ask what I’d thought.

“I think I just attended my first prayer meeting,” I told him.

2 Responses to “The Gospel According to Dave Ramsey”

  1. Jeff Says:

    I love the anecdote, but i want to know more. So, why do we pay a guy $200 bucks to tell us things like… how to save $200 bucks? I wonder if I can get people to pay me $200 bucks to tell ’em not to go see Dave Ramsey. I mean, I love what the guy has to say, but I’m already paying for TV programming, Internet service, and radio is still free, so I just tune him in accordingly and use the $200 bucks I saved not going to a town hall forum to pay down debt… or buy hockey tickets. 😉

  2. Tim of Angle Says:

    I suppose part of his message is “don’t do stuff for free”. After all, you have to have income before you can save.