Jamaica vs. Singapore
19th November 2009
In 1965 the two nations were equal in wealth. Four decades later, their standing was dramatically different. What accounts for the difference?
An interesting comparison.
19th November 2009
In 1965 the two nations were equal in wealth. Four decades later, their standing was dramatically different. What accounts for the difference?
An interesting comparison.
November 23rd, 2009 at 17:07
At the macro-social level cognitive competence is more important than economic liberty for the economic growth of nations (Rindermann, 2008a) and it is more important than wealth for the democratic development of countries (Rindermann, 2008b). And intelligence seems to be a sensible measure of development up to indicating failing societies.
Rindermann, H. (2008a). Relevance of education and intelligence at the national level for the economic welfare of people. Intelligence, 36, 127-142.
Rindermann, H. (2008b). Relevance of education and intelligence for the political development of nations: Democracy, rule of law and political liberty. Intelligence, 36, 306-322.