We have seen the future, and it sucks.

‘Why I hate being a black man’

21st January 2014

Read it.

Every time I sit on a crowded street car, bus, or subway train in Toronto, I know I will have an empty seat next to me. It’s like a broken record. Sometimes I don’t mind having the extra space, but other times I feel awkward, uncomfortable, and annoyed.

I know I have good hygiene, I dress appropriately, and I mind my own business. However, recently, I finally became cognizant of why people might fear being around me or in close proximity to me: I am a black male. Although Canadian society presents the façade of multiculturalism the truth is Canada has a serious problem with the issue of race.

Not a mention of the way the black ‘brand’ is being devalued by assholes. If people don’t know you, they play the odds — and the odds are that a black male is not somebody you’d want to sit next to.

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