We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Escaping America’s Youf

7th January 2014

Read it.

American has a “youth” problem or, as sometimes put, a problem with “youfs” or “teens” or even “thugs.” Most people correctly understand this as underclass black teenagers (of both sexes) waging a violent war on whites. In some instances the targets are individuals—the knockout game and polar bear hunting—while other victims are innocent whites caught in black-on-black chaotic “flash mob” brawls at shopping malls, movie theaters, and just about anywhere else young blacks congregate.

Leaving aside the possibility of an impending race war, this violence is consequential for its destructive impact on public space, which in turn undermines civilized life. Further add killing off brick-and-mortar businesses and all the associated jobs. Why visit the mall if you are unlucky enough to arrive the day when the newest Air Jordans go on sale? Better to stay home, order online, and avoid human contact altogether. Youf attacks resemble neutron bombs—the people vanish, but the now empty buildings remain untouched.

It is their randomness that makes these attacks so terrifying. Normal prudence is no defense. A purse-snatcher will ignore a little old lady who wisely left her handbag home; not so for a knockout artist—a victim can be anybody who is handy, provided that they are white. Even surveillance cameras cannot deter—perpetrators love the publicity and happily post their exploits on YouTube.

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