We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Remembering JFK

20th November 2013

Tom Smith has the right of it.

The 50th of JFK’s assassination is coming up, so we have to expect coverage like this.  But it’s still worth remembering that JFK was a bad President and a bad man.  It pains me to say that.  My mother worshipped him and how could she not?  He was an Irish Catholic and a handsome one at that.  When he was elected, St. John’s and St. Joseph’s in Boise, Idaho, and thousands of other parishes and schools around the country became less ghettos and more part of the mainstream.  He didn’t just get Catholics accepted; he showed they could be glamorous.  But that was all on the surface.  Underneath the surface, and not way underneath either, but just a little, there was a cess pool of personal immorality, addiction and abuse.  I mean, honestly, the whole family was corrupt from Joseph, to Jack, to Teddy, to their children.

If we’re going to remember, we need to remember the truth.

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