We have seen the future, and it sucks.

What Happens When a Teen is “Bullied to Death” by School Administrators?

10th October 2013

Read it.

Very little, I suspect, of real substance. A lot of handwaving, a lot of bloviating, a lot of finger-pointing, all paid for by taxpayers.

One Response to “What Happens When a Teen is “Bullied to Death” by School Administrators?”

  1. RealRick Says:

    I was working with a guy from Philadelphia back when the Waco/David Koresh thing went down. I mentioned to him that it reminded me a lot of the time when Philly PD went after some commune (over parking tickets, as it turned out) and when the group holed up, they dropped a bomb on the roof, ultimately killing a bunch of people and burning down 10 city blocks. My coworker remembered the situation well. I asked whatever happened after all the hearings and such. He laughed and said, “The same thing that will happen with Waco! All the government officials will hold meeting after meeting until they all agree that it was entirely the dead people’s fault!” That is, of course, exactly what happened.

    This “bullying” case will turn out exactly the same way. The kid offed himself, and that certainly makes him responsible for the final act. But we see these public school officials all over the country enforcing rules to a degree that one would expect from Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union. The quote, “…minor crime can be a major ordeal” is an understatement when considering kids being prosecuted for chewing a Pop Tart in the shape of a pistol or pointing a finger “like a gun”. The recent case of a kid being prosecuted for playing with airsoft guns in his front yard and the school determining that the front yard was under their jurisdiction because there was a school bus stop adjacent to it probably takes this to a degree that should scare the hell out of all of us.

    For streaking a ball game? Not so long ago, that might have brought a few days of detention or a (shudder!) paddling. “Eye for an eye..”, “let the punishment fit the crime”, has become, “Ignore the Rule of the State and Prepare to be Crushed!”

    Selectively. Because The Crust gets to decide what rules are to be ruthlessly enforced and which ones are to be ignored. Immigration laws, voter intimidation, voter fraud – these laws can all be ignored because breaking them furthers a “greater” cause; the socialist control of the people by the Crust. Same holds true with ignoring the First, Second, Fourth, and Fifth Amendment rights.

    TLDR; We’re all screwed.