We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The Colorado Recalls Explained

11th September 2013

Read it.

It’s one thing for a deliberately polarizing legislator like Morse to lose a close race in a swing district. It’s quite another for Giron to lose by 12 points in a district that is 47% Democratic and 23% Republican. One reason is that in blue collar districts like Pueblo, there are plenty of Democrats who cling to their Second Amendment rights. As the Denver Post noted, 20% of the voters who signed the Giron recall petitions were Democrats.

The Colorado Senate is now 18-17 Democratic, and 19-16 pro-Second Amendment. On gun issues, and on many others, the balance of power is now held by moderate Democrats, rather than by the hard left faction formerly led by Morse.

6 Responses to “The Colorado Recalls Explained”

  1. Dennis Nagle Says:

    It’s simple: folks need a 100-round magazines to hunt deer. Anything less is inadequate.

  2. Whitehawk Says:

    “It’s simple: folks need a 100-round magazines to hunt deer. Anything less is inadequate.”

    If you repeat the lie frequently enough people will believe it. The second amendment was authored to make certain the Founding Fathers could hunt adequately.

    Got it.

  3. Tim of Angle Says:

    Maybe in Michigan. Although I doubt that you have ever been hunting in your life, except perhaps for a beer in the fridge.

    The purpose of the second amendment was to guarantee that people had arms to resist government oppression. Hunting has nothing to do with it.

  4. Dennis Nagle Says:

    The second amendment was to guarantee that people had arms to resist Indian raids, not government oppression.
    And I fail to see how one can better resist “government oppression” with a 30-round magazine vs. a 15-round magazine; both are laughable in the face of an M50 machine gun, which is what the government will be using if it ever decides to “oppress” you.

  5. Tim of Angle Says:

    Sure, they were really worried that the government was going to try to make them defenseless against Indian raids. Even for you, that doesn’t pass the laugh test.

  6. Whitehawk Says:

    **to hunt deer.**

    **The second amendment was to guarantee that people had arms to resist Indian raids**

    Was gonna let you have one more guess Dennis about why the Founders penned the Second Amendment but Tim laid it out for you.

    **And I fail to see how one can better resist “government oppression” with a 30-round magazine vs. a 15-round magazine; both are laughable in the face of an M50 machine gun** You are only making the case that M50’s should be sold over the counter.

    “[T]o preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them.” Richard Henry Lee, Signer of the Declaration, A Framer of the Second Amendment in the First Congress- (From Wall Builders’ web site)