We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Cut Emissions? Congress Itself Keeps Burning a Dirtier Fuel

10th August 2013

Read it.

As part of the climate change agenda he unveiled this year, President Obama made a commitment to significantly reduce the federal government’s dependence on fossil fuels. The government, he said in a speech in June at Georgetown University, “must lead by example.”

But just two miles from the White House stands the Capitol Power Plant, the largest single source of carbon emissions in the nation’s capital and a concrete example of the government’s inability to green its own turf.

Obama lied? Obama says one thing and does another? Obama can’t carry through on his promises? None of that is news.

But it’s all the Republicans’ fault, of course….

2 Responses to “Cut Emissions? Congress Itself Keeps Burning a Dirtier Fuel”

  1. Dennis Nagle Says:

    I was unaware that the POTUS, among his other duties, was also managing the D.C. power grid. What a multi-tasker! Who knew?

  2. Tim of Angle Says:

    If he isn’t, he ought not to talk as if he is. Either way, he’s an idle boaster who spends too much time breathing his own exhaust.