We have seen the future, and it sucks.

African Diplomat Used Slave on U.S. Soil for Years

30th June 2013

Read it.

The diplomat had reportedly been operating at high levels of government. Alan Mzengi was found to be liable for a $1 million civil judgement for forcing a young woman to live and work against her will as a domestic servant on U.S. soil. The judgement came in 2008 after the woman escaped from four years of slavery. She had been kept against her will by the diplomat and forced to be a domestic servant for no pay.

The diplomat fled back to Tanzania in order to avoid consequences for forcibly enslaving the African woman. The Tanzanian president then allowed the slave “owner” to function as an advisor and suffer no legal consequence at home, according to the Washington Post.

Which won’t affect the next fulmination by the Congressional Black Caucus concerning all those Southern Racists Who Would Have Slavery Back In A Second If They Could.

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