We have seen the future, and it sucks.

David Brooks and the Shape of Things to Come

14th June 2013

Paul Mirengoff fisks the Other Left Coast’s favorite ‘conservative’.

Brooks provides no evidence that illegal immigrants fit this definition to an appreciable degree. Nor would such a claim be justified. The former illegal immigrants who took advantage of the last amnesty overwhelmingly support the Party of big government.

Their successor illegal immigrants would almost certainly follow suit. This low skilled, poorly educated cohort perceives little interest in limiting the government’s ability to intervene on its behalf.

Brooks concedes that “immigrant areas” sometimes “go bad.” But he blames this on “America” for having “infected [immigrants] with bad values already present.”

I suppose, then, that if we toured Mexico City or San Salvador we would find no bad areas.

The only people who could possibly believe that David Brooks was a conservative would be the New York Times (because, of course, compared to them, he is).

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