We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Obama Admin Wins Ruling to Deport German Homeschooling Family

17th May 2013

Read it.

The Romeikes fled Germany in 2008 when they were subjected to criminal prosecution for homeschooling, which is largely illegal in their country. In 2010, however, the family was granted asylum by Immigration Judge Lawrence O. Burman, whose decision was overturned by the Board of Immigration Appeals in 2012. A three-judge panel of the Sixth Circuit heard the Romeikes’ appeal on April 23rd and issued a unanimous decision against the family.

In its decision, the court said that the Romeikes had not made a sufficient case and that the United States has not opened its doors to every victim of unfair treatment.

Too bad they weren’t Muslim jihadists. Not only would they have been granted asylum, but citizenship and welfare benefits, like the Boston bombers.

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