We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Taking Christ out of Christianity

5th May 2008

Read it.

It is not a pretty sight.

There is a Bible on a pedestal in Gretta Vosper’s West Hill United Church in Toronto. She would prefer it did not have a special place, she said, because it is just a book among other books. In a similar way, the cross that is high above the altar has no special meaning, but there are a few older congregants for whom the Bible and the cross are still nice symbols so there they remain.

And these people are nominally Christian. Makes you wonder why they even bother. (“United Church”? United with what? Kind of like “Amalgamated Industries” — the name disguises rather than reveals what they do.)

How would a Muslim react to a nominal Muslim saying, “Well, that Mohammed guy wasn’t all that important, anyway.”

Violently, I suspect.

But that’s me.

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