We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The Speaker Unchecked

5th May 2008

Robert Novak points out that House Republicans are being their traditional supine selves.

There has been little public Republican protest over the seizure of the appropriating process by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her clique. For the second year, no appropriations bill other than defense is scheduled for passage. Instead, spending details are crafted in the speaker’s office, negating President Bush’s veto strategy. In a little-noticed maneuver on April 23, Pelosi won passage of a bill preventing billions from being saved through Bush administration Medicaid regulations. Despite the GOP leadership’s nominal opposition, House Republicans voted 2 to 1 for higher spending.

No wonder Republican ratings are low.  If people have a choice between a Democrat and a RINO, what incentive do they have to vote for the RINO?

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