We have seen the future, and it sucks.

NYT: “Wikipedia’s Sexism Toward Female Novelists”

25th April 2013

Steve Sailer is tracking the Thought Police so you don’t have to.

… It appears that gradually, over time, editors have begun the process of moving women, one by one, alphabetically, from the “American Novelists” category to the “American Women Novelists” subcategory. So far, female authors whose last names begin with A or B have been most affected, although many others have, too.I would presume the motivation for this would be for the convenience of English / Womyn’s Studies majors and the like. (I could look it up on the Talk page, if I were interested enough.) It sounds like a bad idea, but one that my sources at Sexism Central tell me was not on their radar for implementation in the 2013 Protocols of the Elders of Patriarchy.

And thank God for that….

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