We have seen the future, and it sucks.

UK: Sexually Mutilated by Her Mum: Girl’s Horror Story Exposes the Attacks in Britain in the Name of Culture

14th April 2013

Read it.

It was the searing pain between her legs that jolted the 14-year-old Somali schoolgirl from her sleep.

Terrified, Asha Hassan opened her eyes expecting to see an intruder. But, in the dim light of the early morning, she could see the person standing over her was her mother. And she was smiling. Asha ­soon realised why.

In her right hand her mother was ­holding a pipette that was dripping sulphuric acid… acid which she had just emptied into her daughter’s vagina.

What peaceful, friendly people! Wouldn’t you just love to have some for neighbors?
That’s some fine Religion o’ Peace™ you got there, Mohammed.
Of course, as we all know, the real problem is Islamophobia.

One Response to “UK: Sexually Mutilated by Her Mum: Girl’s Horror Story Exposes the Attacks in Britain in the Name of Culture”

  1. Tim of Angle Says:

    Thank you!