We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The Demise of Google Reader: Stability as a Service

22nd March 2013

Read it.

Om Malik’s brief post on the demise of Google Reader raises a good point: If we can’t trust Google to keep successful applications around, why should we bother trying to use their new applications, such as Google Keep?

Given the timing, the name is ironic. I’d definitely like an application similar to Evernote, but with search that actually worked well; I trust Google on search. But why should I use Keep if the chances are that Google is going to drop it a year or two from now?

Google obviously didn’t think this through — or it’s worse than anybody thought. A lot of people structure their online lives around Google products; if they’re going to jerk the rug out from under dedicated users like this, who’s going to trust them in the future?

Apparently ‘Don’t Be Evil’ operates under a different definition of ‘Evil’ than that used by the average person.

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