We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Michigan School Settles Student’s Lawsuit Over Emotional-Support Guinea Pig

17th March 2013

Read it.

Grand Valley State University, a large public school in western Michigan, has been justly renowned as an NCAA Division II football powerhouse. Now, though, Grand Valley State will also be known as the school that settled for $40,000 after a student sued because she was banned from carrying around a pet guinea pig.

The student, 28-year-old Kendra Velzen, suffers from chronic depression and has a pacemaker, as MLive.com reports. According to her lawyer, the guinea pig supplies “emotional support and attachment (reducing symptoms of depression), and physiological and psychological benefits.”

If teachers and administrators at public schools seem to have their heads up their asses these days, dealing with crap like this might just be one of the reasons.

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