We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Are You Missing Out by Not Having Kids? Your DNA Sure Is…

4th March 2013

Read it.

Now, it’s my belief that if you’re someone who knows that you don’t want children, then you probably shouldn’t have them. People are encumbered by parenthood enough such that it’s something that should be undertaken only by people who have the desire. Whatever floats your boat and sinks your chromosomes.

But the key problem with advocating this is that this will dissuade procreation among those the most easily dissuaded: high-IQ, driven types; that is, the type of people we need to reproduce the most if we want to sustain our advanced civilization.

In my comment there, I decided to clue Dr. Walker in on a few things. One, while she may not be missing out on much, her DNA sure will be. I wonder, do voluntarily child-free people think that their genes will magically propagate themselves? Or course, I’d imagine that for most such people, heredity is not even being factored into the equation.

Not having kids is the surest way to guarantee that the future world will not look like you.

If that prospect bothers you, well, the solution is in your pants.

Many people who curb their fertility (typically high-IQ, capable types, often on the Left of the political spectrum) actually believe by so doing, they personally are doing the planet a favor (well, some of them are). Of course, in reality, the inescapable consequence of this thinking is that this leaves the future with more people less concerned about overburdening the world and fewer people with the ability to provide for these individuals.

On the other hand, I am perfectly comfortable with high-IQ people often on the Left of the political spectrum not passing their defective genes down to future generations. In this respect, the system works. If I could somehow persuade the Kennedys, Clintons, Gores, and Carters (and Obamas) of this world not to reproduce, I would certainly do so.

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