We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Freeberg Cuts to the Chase

26th October 2012

Read it.

I was going through a litany of favorite left-wing issues, categorizing them according to how they meshed up with what I perceived to be three primary base human impulses. Those three impulses being: Resentment, desire for a centrally controlled and micro-managed nanny-state, and belief in a godless universe. Abortion is godless, not only in the act, but in the beliefs upon which it is based. The baby is “tissue.” To those who then ask, if the baby is nothing more than a clump of cells and the rest of us labor under no moral obligation to preserve it, then how are any of the rest of us more worthy of protection than that “tissue”? And the honest answer is: We’re not! Boys, girls, gays, straights, babies, old people, every year in between we’re all just randomly growing and regenerating carbon-based stuff. Stuck here on a tiny rock in space by unplanned cosmic forces. Nothing glorious about us at all. Certainly no reason for being here, no mission, no purpose. Just sit around and be happy. Play a video game and chow down a Happy Meal. Do whatever pleases you.

3 Responses to “Freeberg Cuts to the Chase”

  1. Dennis Nagle Says:

    “Just sit around and be happy. Play a video game and chow down a Happy Meal. Do whatever pleases you.”
    Sounds right to me.

  2. Tim of Angle Says:

    Which is what makes you part of the problem rather than part of the solution.

  3. Dennis Nagle Says:

    I’ll be haapy to let you solve it for me, whatever it is…