Crapitalists Love Barry
25th October 2012
A new Center for Responsive Politics analysis out this week shows that despite President Obama slipping in the polls, he still has the love of many employees of the biggest players in Washington, D.C.: Google, Microsoft, Lawyers and Lobbying Firms.
Google, which has maintained a long, close relationship with the President and his team is, together with Microsoft, one of the top three employers of donors to his re-election campaign.
Unfortunately, there’s a major difference between smart and wise.
Another notable source of donations to Obama: Lawyers and employees of lobbying firms.
My, what a surprise! Aren’t you surprised? I’m sure surprised.
Despite Obama’s ban on taking donations from registered federal lobbyists, he still raked in $59,252 last month from those employed by lobbying firms and state-level lobbyists– setting a new record for monthly donations from the lobbying sector to the President’s re-election campaign.
Yet another Obama promise broken. No news here.