We have seen the future, and it sucks.

University of North Carolina Bans Term ‘Freshman’ For Sexism

23rd October 2012

Read it.

My, what a surprise! Aren’t you surprised? I’m sure surprised.

I prefer the traditional term FNG.

Undoubtedly, the school will now call for the city name to be changed, since Chapel Hill sounds too Christian.

No doubt that’s the next step.

One Response to “University of North Carolina Bans Term ‘Freshman’ For Sexism”

  1. *enchante* Says:

    WOW—it is getting closer and closer–eventually the superliberals will OK polygamy. Since lesbians are getting together and want kids, what is really going to stop them? This may have happened 1,000s of years ago, to bring about polygamy. In the bible, the women wanted nothing more than to have little ones, but there werent enough men around to support them, so they ‘doubled up’ with rich guys like Solomon and his 999 extra women.
    Maybe they are right, since there are more WOMEN in college than men-most want to MARRY UP