We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Kid Suspended From School After Mom Packs Kombucha in His Lunchbox

13th October 2012

Read it.

 Kombucha is a home brew favorite with the seitan-and-seaweed set, thanks to the a host of (unverified) health benefits some believe confers.

You’d think that the multi-culti bureaucrats in California would be down with that. But you’d be wrong.

The California kid originally got fingered for the container his mom packed the tea in: a glass bottle protected by a foam sleeve. (Aficionados say the acidic tea shouldn’t be packed in plastic or metal.)

Yeah, God forbid that a California child should use a recyclable glass container rather than plastic that started out in some Arab oil well. But wait, there’s more.

But when school officials found out what was inside the verboten receptacle, they freaked out. The kid spent the whole day in the school office. At one point they called in a police officer. The vice principal suggested that the kid may be required to transfer schools and tried to enroll him in alcohol abuse counseling course aimed at teens. Then the infraction was reported to the school district and the kid was suspended for 5 days.

Babies, don’t let your mom pack your lunch on the Left Coast.

The kid’s mom got wind of what was going on and wound up getting the suspension revoked, but it’s on his record and the school district may yet choose to take action.

For lo, the sins of the parents descend to the children even unto the fourth generation.

Welcome to Progressive America, kid, where personal freedom is a vague memory and you get punished for who you are rather than what you do.

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