We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Why Portland Sucks

11th September 2012

Read it.

A Latte town consists of mostly white, educated baby boomers and young single people. The inhabitants of the town are usually newcomers who have priced out all the original inhabitants. These towns are usually expensive, pretentious, abound in natural fibers and are laid back on the surface.

Latte towns like Portland pride themselves on their most cherished concepts of diversity and inclusiveness. Most Portlanders accept this myth as Gospel but upon close examination Portland’s dirty little secret is revealed.

Portland is an overwhelmingly white, non-ethnic city. It is as vanilla as it gets so it makes one wonder what all the celebrating of diversity is all about.

In SWPL terms, it is enough to celebrate diversity without, you know, doing anything about it. That way you can feel good about yourselves and yet not risk having to consort with people whose children you would avoid at all costs sending your children to the same school as.

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