39% of Chicago Teachers Send Their Kids to Private Schools
11th September 2012
Where the kids don’t have to worry about, oh, strikes by greedy teachers.
Sort of like the Congresscritters who send their kids to private schools (like Sidwell Friends, recipient of Chelsea Clinton and the two Obama girls) rather than the D.C. public schools, then vote to kill the voucher program for said D.C. schools that was providing poor black kids with at least a chance to go to good private schools.
September 11th, 2012 at 05:28
“strikes by greedy teachers”
Isn’t it curious that those who sneer at Altruism use the same breath to belabor teachers for not accepting whatever scraps they’re given ‘For The Sake Of The Children’?
September 11th, 2012 at 10:12
They turned down a 16% raise during a time when unemployment is staggering. The word “greedy” applies very nicely.
September 11th, 2012 at 10:43
Ah, but greed is a virtue, according to Libertarians. So I’m sure he must have meant it as a compliment.
September 11th, 2012 at 12:14
Greed isn’t a virtue, according to libertarians. It is a reality. You deal with those things that are real, not the things that are not. (Greed as opposed to global warming, for instance.) I reckon the greedy don’t count as ‘diversifiers’, eh what? Maybe they should all come with green skins?
September 11th, 2012 at 12:53
You haven’t read your Ayn Rand, apparently.
September 11th, 2012 at 16:07
MY Ayn Rand? YOUR Ayn Rand, perhaps.
September 11th, 2012 at 17:22
Must’ve been talking to me.
I try not to belabor the obvious, but what are we missing here? That’s right, context. Just as another deadly sin, sloth that is, works well with socialism, so is greed beneficial in capitalism. Greed serves the many whereas sloth serves an individual in their respective systems. So when libertarians, or anyone for that matter, calls greed ‘good’ …
September 12th, 2012 at 00:03
Comrades, what are we getting worked up about here? This is all just who and whom. Are the Chicago teachers union part of our who or part of our whom? That’s all that matters here. Of COURSE they send their own kids to private schools. They know how much their incredibly expensive schools suck. Their schools suck primarily because of their students, and yes, it is largely a racial thing. Lily white schools close to the Canada border get far better results for much less money per pupil. The Chicago teachers are up in arms because they’re the scapegoat in this matter, because respectable people in the public square who aren’t anonymous can’t talk about things like racial differences in IQ, conscientiousness, or even more taboo things like tendencies towards violent antisocial behavior.