Good help and good philosophy are hard to find
4th April 2008
Read it.
The problem is that we aren’t likely to get either from the Democrat party in general and Hillary Clinton in particular. I don’t see her or any of hers going into plumbing; what I do see is her and her fat-cat friends castigating successful plumbers as ‘the rich’ and trying to tax them back into the poorhouse.
The problem is that the Democrat base is chock full 0′ people on welfare who’ve never done an honest day’s work in their lives and have no plans to do so. In order to preserve that base they have to confiscate as much money from working people as they can get away with in order to buy the votes of the slackers. That’s just the way it is. The Democrats are no longer the party of the working man trying to get a fair shake; they’re the party of the parasite trying to leech off the body politic, and have been ever since Lyndon Johnson. I don’t see that changing any time soon, and I therefore substantially discount (into negative numbers) any pronouncements by Democrat politicians on the subject.
Talk is cheap, Hillary. You want to walk the walk, come out for some significant tax cuts.