We have seen the future, and it sucks.

We Need a ‘Conservative’ Party

23rd August 2012

Thomas Friedman is a comedian but just doesn’t know it.

This is like Stalin writing an article on Jeffersonian democracy.

True conservatives know that both Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush used both tax revenue and spending cuts to fix budget shortfalls.

Actually, true conservatives know that Reagan accepted increased taxes as the price he had to pay to get Democrats to agree to spending cuts that then never happened — in effect, he was rolled by Tip O’Neill & co. And George H.W. Bush isn’t a model that any true conservative would want to emulate. But Friedman, a classic Beltway liberal, has a definition of ‘true conservative’ that only another Beltway liberal would recognize. I’m sure he things of Andrew Sullivan and David Brooks as ‘true conservatives’.

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